
The first semester

1.The Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theory Course

The social practice of Ideological and political theory course is a course face to whole students. It is an important link of Ideological and political theory course teaching. This course through the visit, social experience, teaching, research and other forms to carry out activities in the curriculum under the guidance of teachers. It can train students to use the important theoretical understanding, analysis and solve the process of social development in the theory and practical problems.

2.Intensive Reading of English I

College English has as its main components knowledge and practical skills of the English language, learning strategies and intercultural communication. Its objective is to develop students’ ability to use English in an all-round way, especially in listening and speaking, so that in their future work and social interactions they will be able to exchange information effectively through both spoken and written channels, and at the same time they will be able to enhance their ability to study independently and improve their cultural quality so as to meet the needs of China’s social development and international exchanges. The teaching requirements for Intensive Reading of English I are as follows: Students should acquire a total of 4,000 words, and further develop their basic listening, conversational, reading, writing, and translation strategies and techniques.

3.English Listening I

English Listening I is designed for the first term of accounting (CPA) majors. This course is to help students to acquire the ability of listening comprehension and at the same time to enlarge their vocabulary and knowledge scope. It also serves the purpose of promoting the comprehensive ability of speaking, reading & writing among students. It is an important course to cultivate English communicative ability and raise overall English level of the students and meanwhile lay a solid foundation for the study of English Listening II and Business English.

4.English Speaking I

The aim of this course is to develop and improve the students’ ability to communicate in English through a lot of speaking activities and practice, and help them know more about western cultures and customs. It focuses on the language, communication effectiveness and a cross-cultural awareness. After this course students are expected to be able to talk about their daily life and social activities fluently and express their ideas properly in English with correct pronunciation, tone and grammar.

5.Calculus I

Calculus (I) is a subject which studies mathematics thinking method. It is widely applied in the research of economy and management. The major content of Calculus(I) includes: Function, limit and continuous, derivative and differential, the mean value theorem and the application of derivatives (the mean value theorem, l’hospital rule, applications for derivatives in geometry, economy and management), indefinite integral ( basic concepts of integral, integration by substitution, integration by parts, integration by rational function). For International Economy and Trade (All English teaching), Accounting (All English teaching), this course may be adjusted.

6.Economic Law

Economic Law is to adjust the national coordination of economic operation occurred during the economic relations; to achieve national economic macro-control functions and management functions of the market order, and to achieve limited range of interventions to the national economy through legal means. In essence, the economic law is the country’s economic macro-control method (Plan, Price law, Industrial law, Finance law, Tax law, Economic law on supervision) and market management act (Antitrust act, Anti-unfair competition law, Consumer protection law, Product quality law.) However, considering the needs of teaching, teaching content also includes a number of relevant legal knowledge (such as Corporation law, Contract law, etc.).

7.Military Course

This is a public required course open to undergraduates. As the introductory course, this course introduces China’s national defense, military thoughts, international environment, military technology and information-based warfare. It provides the foundational knowledge needed to understand the importance of national defense and national security.

8.Military Training

This is a public required course open to undergraduates. It presents opportunities which covers formation drilling, small arms fire training, military tactics training, military boxing training and comprehensive training to practice and develop fundamental military skills. Students will engage in various practices, gaining patriotic enthusiasm and national spirit.

9.Basic Training

Sports basic course is mainly about physical exercise. It shows basic sports skills and theoretical knowledge to students by playing basketball, volleyball, track and field and other sports. It is a public compulsory undergraduate course, which can enhance physical fitness, improve health and enhance the quality of sports. It is also an important part of school PE curriculum system. Physical basic courses can also develop physical and mental, ideological and moral education, culture and science education, life skills and sport physical activity. It is an important way to implement the comprehensive development of quality education and training people.

10.Safety Education

This is a public required course open to undergraduates. It teaches essential skills for self defending. Complementing another two courses, Moral Cultivation and Fundamental of Laws, successfully, it guides students to learn the knowledge of public safety, to enhance legal consciousness, and to apply the law.

11.Career Planning

Course nature and objectives: This course makes college students realize the importance of establishing their own development goals and understanding the characteristics and basic concepts of career planning. It inspires students to focus on their career development and clarify the relations between college life and future career. Through learning the course, students will establish their career ideal and draw up a preliminary career development plan, so that they can determine their career different periods of life.

The second semester

1. Modern and Contemporary History of China

This course mainly introduces the modern and contemporary history of China, in which Chinese people have resisted the foreign invasion, strived for national independence, overthrew the reactionary rule, and finally fulfilled people’s liberation. It can help undergraduate students to understand our national history and national conditions, and the historical process and its inner law of Chinese social and revolutionary development in modern times. Moreover, it can help them to understand deeply and fully why and how Chinese people choose Marxism, Chinese communist party , socialist road and reform and opening-up.

2. Intensive Reading of English II

This course is designed for non-English majors. Its contents include intensive reading, grammar, listening, writing, etc. With the help of this course, college students are expected to arrive at CET-4 in terms of English proficiency level. This course is an integral part of higher education, which the Ministry of Education specifies as a compulsory course for undergraduate students. Its objective is to help students lay a solid foundation in the English language and develop students’ ability to use English in an all-round way, and at the same time to enhance their ability to study independently and improve their cultural quality so as to meet the needs of our country’s social development and international exchanges.

3. English Listening II

English Listening II is designed for the second term of accounting (CPA) majors. This course is to help students to acquire the ability of listening comprehension and at the same time to enlarge their vocabulary and knowledge scope. It also serves the purpose of promoting the comprehensive ability of speaking, reading & writing among students. It is an important course to cultivate English communicative ability and raise overall English level of the students.

4. English Speaking II

The aim of this course is to develop and improve the students’ ability to communicate in English through a lot of speaking activities and practice, and help them know more about western cultures and customs. It focuses on the language, communication effectiveness and a cross-cultural awareness. After this course students are expected to be able to talk about their daily life and social activities fluently and express their ideas properly in English with correct pronunciation, tone and grammar.

5. Computer Technology

Computer technology is the public elementary course for non-computer majors. The purpose of the course is to enable students to master knowledge of modern information technology and computer skills. The course enables students to understand and become familiar with computer software, hardware and network environment. Also proficiency in computer operating systems, office automation software and Internet applications and other software.

6. Physical Education I

Yoga: So that students master the basic techniques of Yoga movement combinations and more than four Yoga exercises to enable students to master a repetitive exercise in a fitness way and develop good fitness habits.

Dance Sport: Dance Sport is a sport highly integrated of art and sport, which combines sport, music and dance, with fitness, competition, and cultural entertainment.

Traditional sports: traditional sports health program is a course mainly regarding traditional culture as a guide and combining with modern scientific theory. The main idea of this course is conveyed through the combination of physical activities, breathing adjustment. With the purpose of preventing diseases, this course establishes a scientific lifestyle for people.

Badminton:To cultivate students’ interest in badminton, master the movement's basic skill, tactics and practice method, developing students' physical fitness.

Table tennis: table tennis courses are based on the syllabus, teaching students through a comprehensive and systematic grasp of table tennis basic theory, basic skills, basic skills, to improve students ' ability to use basic techniques and tactics of table tennis and special sports quality, focus on training students ' lifelong exercise habit and hard work, sportsmanship.

Aerobics: aerobics is an integrated, creative and diverse fitness program merging gymnastics, dance and music. The course is based on aerobic exercise with physical exercise as its course content. Coordinating with functional shaping exercise。

Orienteering: Orienteering is a very healthy and intelligent sport which involves both mental and physical abilities. This course is mainly about teaching students the basic knowledge and orienteering skills by physical exercises as the fundamental way. At the same time, measures are taken including basic theories, reading maps, painting as well as choosing routes and directing checkpoints practices.

Fitness and Beauty: Students master the basic theory of strong and handsome and fitness, technology, skills, based on further study developed muscles, enhance lines, enhance the physical theories of knowledge, the best training methods and techniques for the perfect body shape and lay a solid foundation .

Cheer leading: Organized cheerleading started in the US. It is a widely beloved sport of group participation that combines gymnastics; dance and body building. The cheerleading class will start from basic aerobic exercises and body training and focus on pop cheerleading dance with functional styling as supplement, so as to improve trainees’ coordination of body, sense of rhythm and overall physical fitness.

P.E (basketball): Basketball is a confrontational collective project, which contain running, jumping and throwing. Often engaged in basketball, you can effectively improve the comprehensive development of physical fitness, and it helps you to improve and enhance cardio respiratory function. By learning and sports practicing, you can experience brave, tenacious, competitive, working hard and enterprising spirit; also it can help people to form a good team style.

Roll Skating: Through the curriculum, students will master the basic technique and theory knowledge about roll skating, as well as, the skill and practice method to control their own body central of gravity and different kinds of skating skill. We try to develop the physical fitness and health level of students, and to train students with health concept and teamwork spirit, and, to help students to obtain roll skating hobby and forming the habit and ability of exercise.

Pilates: Pilates is based on the natural movement of the body in the state of the regimen, and its exact concentration of motor skills, it is possible to shape the waist, abdomen and hip muscles curves enhance the function of organs in the body while the body beautification, enhancement control, flexibility, and coordination.

Gas volleyball: This course is given priority to with gas volleyball teaching, pay attention to train the student to the gas volleyball hobbies and interests, develop their gas volleyball expertise, to master the use of certain technical and tactical methods, to develop good exercise habits.

Beach Volleyball: This course is given priority to with the beach volleyball teaching, pay attention to cultivate students' hobbies and interests of beach volleyball, beach volleyball expertise to develop the students to master the use of certain technical and tactical methods, to develop good exercise habits. Basic grasp the rules of beach volleyball and the referee method, through the game and practice, cultivate team spirit; Exercise the intrepid tenacity, good style of work to overcome the difficulty and mechanism, decisive, calm, calm the mental quality.

Physical Health Care: The physical health care course is designated for students who are physically weak or defect, has chronic diseases, or unable to take normal PE course due to injuries.

Tennis: By learning this course, students can master the basic knowledge, basic skills of tennis system tactics and organization competition and referees, enjoy the pleasure of the sport of tennis.

Swimming: Open swim for undergraduate students in primary, intermediate courses. Beginner course to help students master a basic swimming skills to breaststroke based, independent swim 200 meters; intermediate course on a certain basis, or students who attended the opening of the primary curriculum to help students improve their swimming skills based on learning freestyle technique and independent swim 200 meters above the distance.

Yoga form: Yoga course is divided into two parts, namely the yoga training and physical training. In fact, "yoga" and” Yoga form " is the combination of two different concepts. "Yoga form" is one of the modern people advocate with the help of yoga breathing method and basic posture as the means to keep fit, shape the body exercise. Because this kind of exercise can be accepted by people of different gender, age, its training method is not bound by time, the environment, is a home, office or gaps in a business trip, as long as there is a moment of time, can be done in standing, sitting, lying posture of fitness exercise method.

Football: Junior: (the first grade)A preliminary understanding of basic football tactics and competition rules, training students interested in football and the ability to watch the game, exercise their will, cultivate team spirit of students.