Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of The South Burnie Men’s Bowls Club held 19th April 2015 at 10:00am

Members in Attendance

Leon Allen, Dale Anderson, Gus Armstrong, Ed Angwin, Maurice Bakes, Tony Ball, Gary Barrett, Gary Binstadt, Rex Bramich,

John Burley(Secretary) Dennis Button, John Castles, Alan Carver, David Challis, Peter Collins, Terry Dealey, Sid Dick, Geoffrey Dyke, Ken Franks, Doug Gabbedy, Phillip Grice, Dale Hodgetts, Derrell Hodgetts, Bob Inglis, Noel Kingston, Alf LeGarde , Peter Lockhart, George Malley, Fred McDairmid, Gerrie Mevissen, Harry Page, Phillip Prouse , Kerry Radford, Basil Shephard, Dean Shephard, Geoff Short, Reg Singleton, Franc Speglic, Doug Stewart, Brian Streets (President) Chris Sturzaker, Peter Sturzaker, Barry Walker, John Whatley, Geoff Whitton, Ian Wright

Meeting was opened at 10.00 am By Brian Streets (President) who welcomed all in attendance

Apologies: Barry Thrower, Algie Little, Trevor Marshall, Neville Townsend, Bill Haarmann, Ken Viney, John Streets, Geoff Russell.

One minute silence: was observed for members who have died during the past 12 months: Les (Bluey) Garland, Max Anderson, (life members) and past member Russell Cornwall.

Minutes of AGM 2014

The Minutes of the 2014 Annual general Meeting were tabled

Moved: Reg Singleton, Seconded: Geoffrey Dyke, that these minutes are accepted as correct. Carried

Special General meeting Confirmation March 25th 2015

That selection of the Men’s teams for the season 2015/2016 be done by a panel of 5 selectors (preferably 1 from each division) and that all selectors have a say in the makeup of each team after a weekly meeting to be held on a day which will be decided by the elected selectors

Moved: John Castles Seconded: Doug Stewart that this motion was correct


Presidents Report:

President (Brian Streets) presented his report – attached to minutes.

Moved: Gary Barrett. Seconded: Doug Gabbedy that the Presidents report be accepted Carried

Election of Committee:

Committee positions were declared vacant and the new committee was elected as follows:

President: Brian Streets Nominations: Brian Streets and Geoffrey Dyke

Vice President: John Streets Nominations: Doug Stewart, John Streets, and Peter Johns

Secretary: John Burley Only nomination

Games Chair: Gary Barrett Only nomination

Committee: Geoff Dyke Nominations called from the floor Geoff Dyke, Peter Johns

Election of selectors

10 Nominations:

Gary Barrett, Dennis Button, John Castles, Terry Dealey, Geoffrey Dyke, Peter Johns, Alf LeGarde, Gerrie Mevissen, John Streets, Cameron Windram.

After votes were counted Cameron Windram, Gerrie Mevissen, John Streets and John Castles were elected with a four way tie for the 5th selector.

Another ballot sheet was drawn up and the position of the 5th selector was put to the ballot

Nominees were Gary Barrett, Dennis Button, Peter Johns, and Terry Dealey.

Dennis Button was elected.

A general discussion then took place about the constant changing of the selection process and criteria. Opinion from the floor was that it seemed that every year the selection committee had to select teams using different rules thereby creating confusion and frustration among pennant bowlers.

Moved: G. Dyke Seconded: G. Mevissen that the selection process stay the same for three years Carried

Notices of Motion for the NTWBA

There were 3 notices of motion from clubs for the next NWTBA meeting for discussion and direction for the club delegates to vote on these motions

1.  From Wynyard Bowls Club: That the pennant season for 2015-16 and others thereafter be reduced from current schedule of 21 games to 18

2.  From Devonport Bowls Club: If there is more than one team playing at the same venue and one game is called off due to inclement weather, the other game at the same venue is also called off due to inclement weather.

3.  From Penguin Bowls Club: Divisions 5 and below play 21ends vice 25 in pennant competition

After a general discussion about the motions they were put to the vote.

With the result being that club delegates were asked to vote NO to all motions at the next NWTBA meeting.

Classic Pairs and Triples:

The future of the Club Classic Pairs and Triples was discussed with varying opinions

expressed on the successful future or failure of these events. The timing of last year’s triples was one reason thought to be the reason for low entries.

It was generally felt that one tournament in January and the other in late February, early March, would be ideal.

Consensus that our events are more important than hosting other events (e.g. Penguin Pairs) thus reason for following recommendation.

Moved: T. Dealey Seconded: G. Mevissen that the Club retain both Classic Pairs and Triples, but apply for more suitable dates in the latter half of bowls season. CARRIED

General Business:

The cost to the Club to prepare two or three greens for play runs into many man hours (fortunately mostly volunteers) would be considerable.

Paid bar staff are required for many more hours than would be usually be the case – again a cost to the Club.

Profit from meals is reasonable, but again would be negligible without volunteers to do all the work.

The Club also supplies volunteers to act as Managers for the duration of the event.

Moved: D. Hodgetts Seconded: D. Stewart that this A.G.M. recommend to the Club A.G.M. in June, that Green Fees be levied on any event, other than Association or State run, staged at South Burnie.


The discussion on the development and strategies for future success for the club resulted in the following motion.

Moved: G Mevissen Seconded: J Castles that Alan Carver be appointed as club technical advisor overseeing training drills and bowling tactics for club pennant bowlers next season

There being no further business Brian closed the meeting at 12:00pm

John Burley
