This document dated ______, 20___ (“Effective Date”) serves as a sponsorship agreement ("Agreement") between Gray Television Group, Inc. d/b/a MomsEveryday ("Company") and the person or entity named below ("Sponsor").

Name of Sponsor:

Sponsor's Commercial Category

(specific product/services/retail operations): ______

Proposed Air Dates: / Start Date: End Date:

Total Fee, including Production Services and Media: $______Payable within 30 days of Effective Date.

Company to Produce Interview? (Y/N) / If So, Topic and Length:

Company to Create Web Page (Y/N) Any Other Content?

In connection with all services to be provided by Sponsor pursuant to this Agreement (“Services”), Sponsor grants to Company, at no charge, the non-exclusive right to use, display, and publish Sponsor’s trademarks, logos, identifying marks, brochures, photos, images, video clips and any other material or information (“Sponsor Materials”) contained on Sponsor’s website, marketing materials or made available to Company by Sponsor. The Services and Sponsor Materials are described in Exhibit A attached hereto. Sponsor represents and warrants that Sponsor Company’s use of Sponsor Materials will not subject Company to the claim of any third-party for infringement, defamation, unauthorized use of publicity rights or any other cause of action. Sponsor acknowledges that Company will own the results and proceeds of the Services (the “Project”) and that Company may use Sponsor Materials and the Project to advertise, market and promote Company’s services in any media or market. Company may terminate airing of Project in case of default by Sponsor.

Authorized Sponsor Representative and Address
Telephone: / Email:

By signing below, Company and Sponsor agree that this Agreement, including Company’s Standard Terms and Conditions, available at http://gray.tv/terms.pdf, and as may be modified from time to time, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and the provisions hereof supersede, and may not be contradicted, modified or supplemented by, evidence of any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings relating to the same subject matter, whether written or oral. Company will provide Sponsor with final version of Project for Sponsor’s written approval as to content and use of Sponsor Materials. Time and dates of airing of Sponsor’s Project are subject to availability of individual Gray TV stations.

Agreed to in form and substance as of the Effective Date above:




Its: ______Its: ______


Description of Services / Responsibilities:

Sponsor shall render the following Services in connection with the Project: