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Using the Calendar

Your calendar is like a calendar on the wall, but with a lot of extra features. When you add an appointment to your calendar, you can customize it in many ways, for example, adding attachments, filling in as many details as you want, setting a reminder, or making it a repeating appointment so it's automatically added to your calendar on a regular basis.

In addition to creating appointments, you can set up meetings. A meeting is just like an appointment, except you send an invitation to other people. Each person you invite gets an e-mail message with the details of the meeting. Depending on their e-mail service, they may be able to use the message they receive to add the meeting to their own calendar.

How to open the calendar?

To open your calendar in Outlook Web App, clickCalendarin theNavigation Pane. While you're viewing your calendar, you can double-click a meeting or appointment to open it. After you open an item, you can view details or make changes. If you double-click a repeating item, for example, a weekly meeting, you can choose to open the occurrence (the meeting only on the day you selected) or the whole series (every meeting). For more information about how to work with repeating items, seeRepeating Items.

To display dates that aren't sequential:

In the Day view, locate the first day in the date selector, and then click it.

Press CTRL, and then click up to six additional days from any month or year.

Appointments and Meetings

How do I create an appointment?

InCalendar, on the toolbar, clickNew.

In theSubjectbox, type a brief description of the appointment.

In theLocationbox, type the location where the appointment occurs.

In theStart timeandEnd timelists, select the appropriate dates and times.

In theShow time aslist, select how you want your schedule to appear for the duration of the appointment. Your selection (Busy,Free,Tentative, orOut of Office) is what others will see when they view your schedule.

If the default time interval for reminders isn't satisfactory, set it to the interval that you want.

If you want to prevent other people from viewing the details of the appointment, clickPrivate.

In the message body, type any additional information, for example, a list of materials to bring with you to the appointment.

ClickSave and Closeor press CTRL+S before closing the appointment form browser window.

How do I modify an existing appointment?

Double-click the item you want to open.
If you're modifying a repeating item, when you're prompted, selectThe Seriesto modify every item in the series or to change the repetition pattern. If you selectThis Occurrence, your changes affect only that occurrence.

To change the subject or location of the appointment, enter new text in the appropriate boxes.

To change the date and time of the appointment, in theStart timeandEnd timelists, change the start and end time of the new entries.

Make any other changes you want, for example, the appointment's categories or how time is shown.

ClickSave and Closeor press CTRL+S before closing the appointment form browser window.

How do I delete an appointment?

You can delete an appointment by clicking it in the Calendar view and then clickingDeleteon the toolbar or by pressing the DELETE key on your keyboard. You can also delete an appointment by opening it and clickingDeleteon the message toolbar.

How to save an appointment?

After you create or modify an appointment, clickSave and Closeon the appointment toolbar or press CTRL+S before closing the appointment form browser window. If you want to close the appointment without saving your changes, clickCloseat the top of the appointment form browser window.

How do I set a reminder on an item?

Open the item on which you want to add or change the reminder.

Make sure theRemindercheck box is selected if you want reminders on this item. If you don't want a reminder for this item, make sure the check box is cleared.

Use the drop-down list to select how long before the appointment you want to get a reminder notice.

ClickSave and Closeor press CTRL+S before you close the appointment or meeting from the browser window.

How to open an appointment?

To open an appointment, find it in the calendar view and double-click it, or select it and press ENTER.

You can view most details of an appointment in the reading pane. You can turn the reading pane on or off by changing theArrange Items. If you don't use the reading pane, you need to open the item to view all details. You also need to open the item to make most edits.

How to close an appointment?

To close an appointment, your options are the following:

If you've made changes to the appointment and you want to save, clickSave and Closeon the toolbar or press CTRL+S before closing the appointment form browser window.

If you haven't made any changes or don't want to save your changes, clickCloseat the top of the appointment form browser window

How to share an appointment?

If you want to share an appointment with other people in your organization so that it appears on their calendars in addition to your own, you canRequest a Meeting. A meeting is an appointment you share with another person. When you request a meeting, in addition to setting a time and subject, you'll add a list of attendees to invite. You can also add resources, such as a conference room or projector. If the recipients are in the shared address book, you'll be able to see their free/busy time. Most recipients will be able to respond to the meeting request by accepting, tentatively accepting, or declining your invitation. Like appointments, meeting requests can be for a single meeting or can be scheduled as repeating meetings.

How do I use the Scheduling Assistant?

Create a new appointment or meeting request, and then click theScheduling Assistanttab.

UnderSelect Attendees, type the names or aliases of the people you want to attend your meeting. The names you enter will be automatically resolved, if possible. If a unique match can't be found for a name, the name is underlined. Right-click the name to view a list of possible matches. Click the name that matches to add it to the list of attendees. You can also clickSelect Attendeesto open the Address Bookwindow.

To set an attendee asRequired ,Optional, orResource, click the icon next to the name. Every time you click the icon, it changes to the next setting. The meeting organizercan't be changed.

The availability chart automatically displays all your attendees' schedules on the day of your meeting with the time of your meeting highlighted. A blue bar in the schedule window next to a name means that person is busy at that time.

To change the meeting date, click theStartorEndbox, and then select a new meeting date.

To move the meeting time, click the center of the highlighted bar that represents the meeting time, and then drag the meeting to a different time.

After you verify availability, click theAppointmenttab to finish filling out your meeting request.

How do I create a meeting request

InCalendar, on the toolbar, click the arrow next toNew, and then clickMeeting Request.

In theToandOptionaltext boxes, enter the names of the people who you want to receive this meeting request. You can specify a conference room or special equipment, such as an overhead projector, in theResourcesbox. For more information about how to manage attendees, seeAdd or Remove Attendees.

In theStart timeandEnd timelists, select the appropriate dates and times. If you want the meeting to occur regularly, clickRepeat. For more information about repeating items, seeSet a Repeating Item.

In theShow time aslist, select how you want your schedule to appear for the duration of the meeting. Your selection (Busy,Free,Tentative, orAway) is what other people see when they view your schedule and the schedules of all attendees.

Select theRemindercheck box to be reminded about this meeting. This also reminds all recipients of the meeting request if they have reminders enabled on their calendars.

Type a message to accompany your meeting request in the message text area, and then clickSendor press ALT+S. A meeting request is sent to each attendee, and the new meeting is added to your schedule. Each person who receives your meeting request can accept, decline, or accept it tentatively.

How do I modify a meeting request?

In Calendar, double-click the meeting you want to modify.

In the meeting request form, make changes to the meeting, such as adding attendees, changing date or time, or adding information.

If one or more attendees have a schedule conflict, click theScheduling Assistanttab to view everyone's schedule. This will help you find a more convenient time. For more information about how to schedule meetings, seeThe Scheduling Assistant.

On the toolbar, clickSend Updateor ALT+S.

How do I cancel a meeting I scheduled?

In Calendar, select the meeting you scheduled.

On the toolbar, clickDelete.
You can also open the meeting and then clickCancel Meetingon the meeting request form toolbar.

If it's a repeating meeting, choose whether to cancel this occurrence, all occurrences after a specified date, or all occurrences of the meeting, and then clickOK.

ClickSendor ALT+S to send the cancellation notice to attendees.
If you want to include a message with the cancellation notice, for example, the reason you're canceling the meeting, type your message in the body of the cancellation form before you send it.

How do I add or remove meeting attendees?

To add an attendee to your meeting request, type the name of the attendee on theTo,Optional, or Resourcesline, or clickTo,Optional, orResourcesto open the shared address book. When you've finished adding names to the meeting request from the address book, clickOK.

To delete a name from the address lines, right-click the name, and then clickRemove, or select the name, and then press DELETE. You can also delete a resolved name by positioning the cursor at the end of the name and pressing the BACKSPACE key.

How do I add a room to a meeting request?

To add a room to a meeting request, do one of the following:

On theAppointmenttab, enter the meeting room name underResources.

ClickResourcesto open theAddress Finder, and then clickAll Roomsto limit the finder to meeting rooms.

ClickScheduling Assistantand useSelect Roomsto enter or find a meeting room.

How do I respond to a meeting request?

Click the meeting request to view it in the Reading Pane.

Click one of the following options at the top of the meeting request.

Button / Name / Description
/ Accept / Accepts the meeting and adds it to your calendar. Other people looking at your schedule can see that you're busy during the meeting time.
/ Tentative / Accepts the meeting but indicates you may not attend it. The meeting is also added to your calendar. But other people looking at your schedule can see you have only a tentative engagement at that time.
/ Decline / Declines the meeting. Nothing is added to your calendar. This also deletes the meeting request from your Inbox.

ClickingAccept,Tentative, orDeclineopens a menu that lets you selectEdit the response before sending,Send the response now, orDon't send a response. Click the option you want to use.

If you have a conflict or an adjacent meeting, you'll see a banner in the heading of the meeting request. Click the banner to view the details of the conflicting or adjacent meeting.

If you selectEdit the response before sending, a message window that's addressed to the sender of the meeting request opens. To add more recipients to your meeting response, type their names on theToandCclines. Type a message in the text box. For example, you can explain why you may not attend the meeting.

When you're finished writing your response, clickSend.

How do I reply to a meeting request with a message?

You can reply to a meeting request without accepting or declining the invitation.

To send a message only to the meeting organizer, clickReplyin the meeting request.

To send a message to everyone who was invited, clickReply All.

In the message body, type your reply, and then clickSend.

How do I forward a meeting request?

You can forward a meeting request to someone who should attend the meeting but didn't receive the original invitation.

In the meeting request, clickForward.

On theToline, type the name or alias of the recipient, and then clickCheck Namesto resolve the name. If you don't know the recipient's name, clickToso you can open the Address Book and search for the recipient in your organization's shared address book or your Contacts folder.


How do I share my calendar?

In Outlook Web App, clickCalendarin the Navigation Pane.

ClickSharein the Calendar toolbar.

ClickShare This Calendar.

Enter the names of the people you want to share your calendar with on theToline, the way you would address a message.

UnderShare, click one of the following buttons to set how much information you want to share:

Free/busy informationShares only free/busy information.

Free/busy information including subject and locationShares free/busy information, as well as the subject and location of calendar items.

All informationLets the recipient see your free/busy information, subject, location, and other calendar details.

If you want to automatically request permission to view the recipient's Calendar folder, selectI want to request permission to view the recipient's Calendarfolder.

Add any information you want to the body of the request, as you would with any other message.

ClickSendto send your request.

How do I publish my calendar?

ClickCalendarin the Navigation Pane in Outlook Web App.

ClickShare, and then selectPublish This Calendar to Internet. If you've already published your calendar, clickChange Publishing Settings.

UnderPublishing Detail, select how much information you want to share:

Availability OnlyShares only free/busy information.

Limited DetailsShows the subject of meetings.

Full DetailsShows all information.

UnderPublish my calendar, select the length of time that you want to publish. Publishing will start on the current date.

UnderAccess level, select how much access you want people to have.

Restrictedprevents people from searching for your calendar on the Internet. Anyone who wants to see your calendar will have to obtain the URL from you or from someone you've given it to.

Publiclets people search for your calendar on the Internet, which means that anyone may be able to find it by doing an Internet search.

After you've selected the detail level, time frame, and access you want, clickStart Publishing. After you clickStart Publishing, you can copy the URLs for your calendar fromCalendar Links.

Calendar Linksare links that you can send to people so they can view your calendar.

People can useLink for subscribing to this calendarto add your calendar to any application that supports linking to published calendars.

Link for viewing calendar in a Web browserlets people go directly to your published calendar from a Web browser.

UseCopy links to the Clipboardto copy both links to the Clipboard on your computer. You can then paste the links into an e-mail message to send to people you want to view your calendar.

How do I stop publishing my calendar?

If you want to stop publishing your calendar, clickCalendarin the Navigation Pane in Outlook Web App.

ClickShare, and then selectChange Publishing Settings.

ClickStop Publishing, and then click eitherCancelto close the window or the close iconat the top of the window.

For Further Instructions:

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