TMC Subang Jaya MYF


Project Title – Give your project a title and make sure it’s descriptive (e.g. BREAK FREE 2010 – Church Youth Camp)

Proposed Date:State your proposed date here. If there are more options number them as 1) and 2)

Proposed Venue:State your proposed programme venue here (i.e. Church sanctuary, park or members house etc.). If there are more options number them as 1) and 2)

Pax:State the number of people expected to participate

Scope:State if the program is for members only or others (Who?)

Preamble & Objectives

Here explain very briefly what you intend to do and how it’s beneficial. Keep it short, important points can be presented in bullet point format. Do not take more than 1 para to explain.

Other Details & Approvals Needed

Here explain very briefly any other relevant details that the Pastors, Counsellors or church leaders should be aware of such as special speakers, use of special facilities etc.


Budget should be presented in the form of a table with include and expense. Below are some basic items to be mindful of. You can add more if required.

From MYF Funds / Travelling (long distance only)
Member’s Contributions / Ticket or entrance fees (for movies or outings etc.)
Donations & Fund-raising / Food
Ticket Sales OR Registration (if selling tickets) / Rentals
From Church Funds (if requesting form church) / Logistics (Chairs/Tables)
Love gifts (if inviting speakers)
Surplus / Deficit

Organising Team

Ask your friends to help you to form a team. Allocate tasks in a balance manner and according to each member’s capability and willingness. Below are some important tasks. Feel free to change as you see fit.

Lead Co-ordinator:Name here (similar to chairperson)

Assistants:Only if large scale major programme

Publicity:In charge of publicising event via pamphlets, posters, Facebook etc. For small scale events can be put in charge of tickets and registration as well.

Sales/Tickets/Registration:In charge of selling or coordinating sales or getting registration confirmed

Logistics:This takes requires several people and usually involves heavy work and transportation. In charge of preparing venue and other equipments required.

Transport:In charge of transporting materials or people. Should be in possession of a high speed vehicle with a valid driver’s licence and highly sharpen driver’s instincts and refined motor skills or dexterity. This role was made for Jullian or the other way around.

Food & Beverage:Duh! Person in charge of preparing/ordering food.Never should Aaron be allowed to do this. Still too soon.

Music & PA System:In charge of praise & worship and musical equipments/PA system

Usher & Security:Self explanatory. Find people who can smile and has a friendly disposition with the ability to use a stick if required.

Programme Planning:This person is in charge of planning the flow of the event or programme as well as acting as MC if required. Small scale events may not require MC but this person should co-ordinate the activities.

Action Plan & Deadlines

This is where you list all the actions/tasks to be carried out by whom and by when. Use a table.

No. / Tasks / Person in Charge / Deadline / Remarks
Obtain approvals from counsellors/pastor/church
Brief the team
Prepare poster/brochures
Publicise through Facebook
Get list of attendees
Scout the venue and get details
Plan programmes
And more

Prepared by:Name of proposer

Proposal Date:Date proposal was submitted