What is a computer

Computer is defined as a fast electronic calculating machine that accepts digitalized input information [0,1] process it according to a list of internally stored instruction and produces the resultant output information.

what are the characteristics of computer


The Accuracy of a computer is consistently high. Error can occur,but these are almost always due to human error rather than technological weaknesses.


Unlike human beings,a computer does not suffer from limitations associated with living beings like tiredness and lack of concentration and hence can work for hours at a stretch without error arising from the above(non-existent) faults.


Computer are capable of performing any task. Multi-processing features of computer makes it quiet versatile in nature.


The computers have a lot of a storage devices which can store a tremendous amount of data.


Flexibility would involve the number of things you can do with a computer. While some are best used for simple business tasks, and simple categorizing and filing sort of tasks,.


The term reliability refers to the ability of a computer-related hardware or software component to consistently perform according to its specifications.

what are the advantages of computer

1. It is the fastest medium of communication rendering postal and telegraphic communication almost worthless.

2. Through computer your message or anything written or photograph can reach any part of the world using internet facilities.

3. You can download any amount of material through computer.

4. All your arithmetical problemscan be easily sorted out through computer,

5. Through video conferencing you can not only see each otherbut alsotalk with any body living in any part of the world.

Explain briefly the functional units of a computer

A computer consist of 5 functional units

A. Input unit

B. Output unit

C. Memory unit

D. Arithmetic logic unit

E. Control unit

A. Input unit: Computer accepts coded information through the input unitex: keyboard, mouse, joystick etc

B. Memory unit: The function of the memory is to store the program or data.

C.Arithmetic logic unit: This performs all the arithmetic and logic operations.The arithmetic operations like add, subtract, multiply, divide etc Ex: logic operations OR, AND, NOT etc

D. Output unit: This unit gives the result to the outside world.

E. Control unit: This unit controls all the functions of the unit in the computer.

Explain hardware and software briefly with example.

Hard ware: All the physical electronic components of a computer system including peripherals and other components which are visible to naked eyes is called hardware. Hardware can be seen, touched and felt.Example: printer, mouse, monitors, keyboard, etc

Software:It is a collection of program which can be executed on the computer. It provide services to the users of the system.Example: application software, system language, utilities software, etc

Classification of software

Application software:It satisfies user. All the software’s designed to work in the system is called as application software. It is also a program/ group of programs designed for end users

Example: word processor(word pad, ms office word etc). Database program (ms access, excel) visual basic, java programs software etc

System software:It is a collection of programs designed to operate ,control, and extend processing capabilities

Example: OS, Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler etc

Features of application software and system software

Application s/w System s/w

Close to user / Close to system
Easy to design / Difficult to design
Easily understandable / Difficult to understand
Can manipulate and use / Difficult to manipulate
More interactive / Less interactive
Slow in speed / Fast in speed
High level language / Low level language
Large storage space / Small storage space

What is program

Set of instructions to solve problem

Define operating system with example.

It is a software that manages the computer hardware and software resources, provides services for computer programs. It is also called as resource manager. Its important and first software that runs in the system by the boot program and remains in the memory at all the time. Ex: windows7/8, redhat, MS Dos etc

Functions of OS

3 functions

Manages the computer resources(CPU, Memory, Diskdrives, Printers)

Establishes user interfaces

Executes and provides services for application software

What is windows

The rectangular portion of your screen that displays an open program or the contents of disk. We can open multiple windows at same time

Define the following:

1. WORD: a most powerful windows word processor.

2. EXCEL: a powerful and easy to use spread sheet application.

3. ACCESS: a true ROBMS[relation data base management system] for windows platforms.

4. POWER POINT: it is used for presentation. A presentation that allows anyone to create shows.

5. I.E.L: the latest of the popular internet browser.

6. OFFICE ART: a line drawing an art manipulation program.

7. CHART: a charting program.

8. CLIP GALLERY: program that helps you to organize all the clip art and other media objects such as audio and video clip.

9. SCROLL BARS: to move the display.

10. STATUS BARS: to keep your information of a operations progress on the current and the document.

11. COMMAND BAR: at both top and bottom of the screen the command bars are available to access all the program features.

12. MENU BAR: organizes the features into categories like file, edit, help etc

13. TOOL BAR: draws the graphical buttons located below the menu bar that is immediately at the bottom of the document window.

14. OFFICE ASSISTANT: it is the Microsoft of “social help interplax” of office 2000.

Types of computer

Desktop/Personal computer(PC)





Wearable computers



What is booting

It’s the initial step as we turn on the system. It is a process or set of operations that loads and starts the OS

What is booting sequence

The booting process/ loading process which is done in sequence/ step by step/ one after the other is called as booting sequence

What is security

A protection given to files, data, resources etc. Only authorized users can gain access to these data.

Examples of i/o devices

Input devices

A) Graphics Tablets

B) Cameras

C) Video Capture Hardware

D) Trackballs

E) Barcode reader

F) Digital camera

G) Gamepad

H) Joystick

I) Keyboard

J) Microphone

K) MIDI keyboard

L)Mouse (pointing device)

Output devices

1)Monitor (LED, LCD, CRT etc)

2)Printers (all types)



5)LCD Projection Panels

6)Computer Output Microfilm (COM)


8)Head Phone

Explain internal and external commands

External commands

MORE:-Using TYPE command we can see the content of any file. But if length of file is greater than 25 lines then remaining lines will scroll up. To overcome through this problem we uses MORE command. Using this command we can pause the display after each 25 lines.

MEM:-This command displays free and used amount of memory in the computer

SYS:-This command is used for copy system files to any disk. The disk having system files are known as Bootable Disk, which are used for booting the computer.

SYS:-This command is used for copy system files to any disk. The disk having system files are known as Bootable Disk, which are used for booting the computer.

XCOPY:-When we need to copy a directory instant of a file from one location to another the we uses xcopy command. This command is much faster than copy command.

MOVE:-Move command is used for moving one file or multiple files from one location to another location or from one disk to another disk.

FC:-(File Compare)This command is capable for comparing two set of files and display difference between two files.

CHKDSK:-(Check disk) -This command is used to check the status of a disk and show the report of result status.


CLS:- (Clear the screen) This command is used to clear the screen or wipe out every thing written on the screen.

DIR:-(Directory) Dir command is used for listing files and directories present in the current disk.

VER:-(Version)Version numbers indicates that which edition of DOS we are working on.

VOL:-(Volume) Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if it exist.

DATE:-Display the current Date

TIME:-Display current time

What is internet

Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet.

what do you mean by search engine

It enable users to search for documents on theWorld Wide Web. ex:Google, Bing and Yahoo!

What is browser

A browser is asoftware applicationused to locate, retrieve and display content on theWorld Wide Web, includingWeb pages, images, video and other files. It’s the interface between user and server.

What is memory and mention its types

The place where we store our data is memory. Ex: disks, files, folders, hard disk etc

Types of memory

Primary Memory / Volatile Memory:

Primary Memory also called as volatile memory because the memory can’t store the data permanently. Random Access Memory (RAM):The primary storage is referred to as random access memory (RAM) due to the random selection of memory locations. It performs both read and write operations on memory. If power failures happened in systems during memory access then you will lose your data permanently. So, RAM is volatile memory.

RAM categorized into following types.




Secondary Memory / Non Volatile Memory:

Secondary memory is external and permanent memory that is useful to store the external storage media such as floppy disk, magnetic disks, magnetic tapes and etc cache devices. Secondary memory deals with following types of components.

Read Only Memory (ROM) :

ROM is permanent memory location that offer huge types of standards to save data. But it work with read only operation. No data lose happen whenever power failure occur during the ROM memory work in computers.

ROM memory has several models such names are following.

1.PROM:Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)

2.EPROM :Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

3.EEPROM:Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only

4.Cache Memory:Main memory less than the access time of CPU(temporary storage area)

Basic physical components of computer

Monitor: which displays information

Mouse : pointing device, which places the cursor on the screen n points the data.

Keyboard: input is given from keyboard

Cpu: central processing unit, performs all functionalities and task of the system

What are the input and output devices

Printer - output.

Mouse - input.

Keyboard - input.

Monitor - output.

Web cam - input.

Scanner - input.

Graphics tablet - input or output (if there is a screen on it)

Joypad - input (output as well )

How to save a file

To save a copy of your file, do the following:

Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Save As, or press CTRL+S.

Important: If you don't see the Microsoft Office Button , click Save As on the File menu.

In the File name box, enter a new name for the file.

Click Save.

How to Create a folder

Type a name for the newfolder, and then press ENTER. To open My Documents, click Start, and then click My Documents. You can alsocreatea newfolderby right-clicking a blank area in afolderwindow or on the desktop, pointing to New, and then clickingFolder.

How many sheets in excel book

The default setting isthree sheets.

Excel 2010 does not have a specific maximum number of worksheets

what is e-mail?

Electronic mailis a method of exchanging digital messages between computer users

how many columns and rows in excel cell?

Max. Rows Columns
Excel 2010 / 1,048,576 / 16,384
Excel 2007 / 1,048,576 / 16,384
Excel 2003 / 65,536 / 256
Excel 2002 (XP) / 65,536 / 256
/ 16,384
Xz cdc / 16,384