In attendance were President Don Naser, Vice President Jack Hansen, members Tom Hales, Clint Johnson, and John Johnson, as were Superintendent Brent Thorne, Assistant Superintendent Myron Mickelsen, Business Administrator Patrick D. Wilson, and Executive Secretary Patricia Sanchez. Mr. Hales arrived to the meeting at 3:11 p.m.

Also in attendance were Secretary Mavanee Loftus, Principal Teresa Robinson, Special Services Director Gail Albrecht, Ashman Elementary PTO President-Elect Elizabeth Steele, students Lacey Card, Joni Christensen, Marley Haupt, McKesha Nielsen, Charelle Thornton, Alex Street, Kyle Finlinson, Rhett Barton, and Ryan Ogden.

President Naser welcomed everyone to the meeting, offered the invocation, and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

ITEM #2.A. – REPORT – PRINCIPAL TERESA ROBINSON. Ashman Elementary Principal Robinson began by saying how the students are like little hungry sponges, waiting to be filled and soaking up all that they can. The school’s goal is to build a foundation in literacy and math on which every child’s future academic achievement depends, and also with accountability to parents and the community. The school is piloting the Northwest Education Association (NWEA) assessment program this year. If a student performs high in the fall, the more rigorous a teacher has to be so that student can reach their growth target. There have been 13 new teachers in the past six years. Seventy percent of teachers have a master’s degree, 52 percent with a reading endorsement, and 78 percent of the parent population serve in a volunteer role.

Principal Robinson introduced PTO President-Elect Elizabeth Steele. Ms. Steele provided the Ashman PTO budget for the 2008-09 school year. Some of the PTO’s activities include a storytelling festival, Red Ribbon Week, birthday table, dads-n-donuts, school improvement, field day, teacher appreciation, and an arts festival. She expressed appreciation to the parents and all they contribute to the school.

Principal Robinson shared the two-year plan of the School Community Council. She provided data analysis, which is measured through NWEA and TPRI. School interventions offer a three-hour literacy block and a 90-minute math block, after-school program, YPP in first and second grades, and kindergarten rotation on Fridays. There are currently 493 students enrolled at the school. Principal Robinson provided emergency preparedness information including a site map of the school and an incident command chart. She thanked the Board and Administration for their continued support.


ITEM #3. – CONSENT AGENDA. President Naser called for objections on the consent agenda. Since there were no objections, the consent agenda received Board approval.

ITEM #3.A. – APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Minutes of the September 9, 2008 Board Meeting and Executive Session were approved as written.

ITEM #3.B. – APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEES. The following individuals were approved for employment: Lori Dumas as a cook at North Sevier High; Arden DeMille as a part-time

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custodian at South Sevier High; Mindy Morrell as a bus assistant for the South Sevier attendance area; Sandra Stevens as the head custodian at Red Hills Middle; and Sharron Adams as a noon duty supervisor at Monroe Elementary.

ITEM #3.C.1. – REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL. The Welding and Machine Tool Technology departments at Snow College Richfield received official approval for approximately 25 high school students to participate in a field trip to Las Vegas, Nevada on October 6, 2008. A bus was chartered by Snow College and students traveled down and back the same day. All expenses were be paid by Snow College. Note: Board members were polled prior to the date of departure and were unanimous in granting tentative approval of this request.

ITEM #3.C.2. – REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL. Richfield High School baseball coach Luke Jorgenson and one assistant coach received approval to attend the Phoenix Baseball Group Coaches’ Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona on January 30 – February 1, 2009. Expenses will be paid from baseball fundraiser funds.

ITEM #3.D. – REVISION TO POLICY #2101, DEFINED MEDICAL BENEFIT – SECOND READING. Revisions to the policy received second reading approval.


ITEM #3.E. – FINANCIAL SUMMARY. The financial summary for the period ending September 30, 2008 was approved.

ITEM #4. – PATRON DIALOGUE. There was no patron dialogue.

ITEM #5.A. – DISCUSSION – ITEMS FROM THE BOARD. The following items were discussed:

• President Naser informed Board members of an invitation to the Education Forum on November 14 at 8:30 a.m. in the Salt Lake City Wells Fargo Building.

• USBA Convention attendance and lodging were discussed.

• NSBA Convention room reservations open on October 16. Board members were asked for several hotel choices as well as arrival and departure dates.

• The UHSAA survey for a proposal to reduce the number of athletic events was reviewed. After some discussion, the Board agreed to a “No” vote with the explanation being that they were in favor of the Region 12 resolution to reduce athletic contests. The survey is due by October 31.

ITEM #5.B. – DISCUSSION – ITEMS FROM ADMINISTRATION. The following items were discussed:

Items from Pat Wilson

• Re-appointment of Business Administrator: Mr. Wilson asked for the Board’s consideration to reappoint him for a two-year term (January 2009 to January 2011).

• Red Hills Middle School construction update: the bid opening is set for November 4 at 2:00 p.m. Rocky Mountain Power is requiring a new transformer and vault for the project, which would cost approximately $50,000 plus. Because of that requirement, the site plans have to be redone. The plans will be printed this weekend and available on Monday, October 20. Some

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contractors have already put deposits down on the plans. The base bid will be approximately 2.67 million, which encompasses all site work, the gym, stage, restrooms, and band room. Alternate #1 will include the renovation of the commons area, expanding the media center, adding two technology classrooms where the existing stage is, a smaller classroom, and media center expansion for a computer lab. Alternate #1A is a portion of the existing media center ceiling that may need to be redone. Alternate #2 is converting the existing band room into two smaller group classrooms for special needs teachers. Alternate #3 will be adding additional lockers to the school.

• Roof update: The product for re-roofing Richfield High and Pahvant Elementary has been delivered and scheduled to start on October 20.

• The classified employee analysis will begin on October 21, 2008. There are 10 employees participating on the steering committee and approximately 70 employees scheduled for the focus groups. The process will take three to four months to complete.

• Initial student counts showed an increase by .77 percent, but is much lower than was projected. The decrease in the South Sevier attendance appears to be due to an out-migration of students. Mr. Wilson explained that the students were there in May and are now gone. There will be some staff reductions come January staffing meetings.


• In-lieu of transportation currently pays 30 cents per mile and it was recommended to increase it to 35 cents per mile.

• Proposed date changes for November and December meetings:

From November 12 to November 19

From December 10 to December 17

• A Work Session for the audit report was scheduled for December 17 at 1:00 p.m.

• The Board Christmas Social was tentatively scheduled at Steve’s Steakhouse for Wednesday, December 17 at 6:00 p.m.

• All defined medical trust funds are to be transferred to Great American Accumulation the week of October 20.

Items from Myron Mickelsen

• Accountability and assessment: Approval for the NWEA pilot and to waive UPASS assessments was put on the special session of the Legislature and permission was obtained. The District has nearly completed the NWEA assessment in grades K-11 and it has been well received by the parents. The District did not administer the IOWA tests this year. The UBSCT will be given to the 11th and 12th grades. A meeting regarding the UBSCT is scheduled with the state associate superintendent the following week. The District will still need to obtain permission from the federal government to waive the end-of-level NCLB requirements. There will be no direct writing assessment or CRTs administered this year.

EPAS includes a test called EXPLORER for 8th graders. This gives the District another measure to compare with NWEA. The ultimate goal is to test less and use the data from one test to determine proficiency. The purpose is to get students ready for college. The ACT will be required this year and the state will pay for it. The My Access program is used as an instructional and assessment tool to help students with writing.


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• Professional development: On October 24 students do not attend school, which gives teachers a day to analyze data to help students in the areas they need most. Mr. Mickelsen provided an update on the math and reading classes for teachers.

Items from Superintendent Thorne

• Legislative update: Superintendent Thorne explained that things appear to be pretty bleak financially and that the District would most likely start at a three-percent cut the next school year. Unless the economy really rebounds, it could be a tough school year. The District will be making preliminary plans to reduce costs in some areas. We’re hoping they will remove the earmarks and give the District more flexibility.

• Secure Rural Schools fund (forestland money): Superintendent Thorne explained that the old formula was very discriminatory between states. Senator Harry Reid was able to get the formula changed and because of this, it fully funded PILT. Sevier’s allotment will go from $25,000 to over $500,000. The funds reduce ten-percent per year over a four-year period. The District will focus the funds on infrastructure issues. This is good news for the District.

• Tournaments update: a schedule of the five upcoming tournaments from October through December was provided.

• Wellness policy on vending machines: The State Board requires the District to have this policy and will have one prepared for first reading approval at the November meeting.

• NCLB federal waiver: If this waiver is not approved before the election, it may be necessary to travel to Washington, DC to request the waiver.

ITEM #6. – EXECUTIVE SESSION. A motion was made at 4:50 p.m. by Jack Hansen and seconded by Clint Johnson, to take a break and go into Executive Session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual(s) and litigation. Voting went as follows: yes – Don Naser, Jack Hansen, Tom Hales, Clint Johnson, and John Johnson. Motion passed.

In attendance were President Don Naser, Vice President Jack Hansen, members Tom Hales, Clint Johnson, and John Johnson, as were Superintendent Brent Thorne, Assistant Superintendent Myron Mickelsen, Business Administrator Patrick D. Wilson, and Executive Secretary Patricia Sanchez.

A motion was made at 5:42 p.m. by Tom Hales and seconded by Jack Hansen, to go out of Executive Session. Voting went as follows: yes – Don Naser, Jack Hansen, Tom Hales, Clint Johnson, and John Johnson. Motion passed.

Mr. Hansen expressed concerns about businesses advertising on school property. He asked that this issue be discussed with the principals.

Mr. Hansen expressed concern about the number of students that are being home schooled in the District. It was explained that there is a legal application that allows parents to take their children out of public school to home school them.

ITEM #7. – ACTION ITEMS. A motion was made by Jack Hansen and seconded by Tom Hales to reappoint Patrick D. Wilson as the Business Administrator for a two-year term. Motion passed unanimously.

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A motion was made by Tom Hales and seconded by Clint Johnson, to increase the in-lieu of transportation mileage rate from 30 cents per mile to 35 cents per mile. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Clint Johnson and seconded by John Johnson, to approve date changes for the following meetings: from November 12 to November 19, 2008 and from December 10 to December 17, 2008. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Jack Hansen and seconded by Clint Johnson, to vote “No” on the UHSAA survey in regards to reducing the number of contests and to explain that they are in support of the Region 12 resolution addressing this issue. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made at 5:54 p.m. by Jack Hansen and seconded by Tom Hales, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

I certify that upon motion duly made, seconded and passed, the Board of Education of the Sevier School District approved the foregoing minutes on 19th day of November 2008. I further certify that a quorum of the Board was present on both the day covered by these minutes and the day of approval.

Patrick Wilson, Business Administrator