The Lloyd W. Smith Archives at the

Morristown NHP

Adams Family Papers Project

Morristown NHP Summer 2006

Document #: 1

Date: 10 March 1797

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 508-513

LWS #: 3360

To: Cotton Tufts esq.

From: Abigail Adams

Location: London

Number of Pages: 5

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-Abigail looks to visit Tufts soon, as Mr. Adams is too engaged in public affairs to be concerned with accounts due, etc. therefore she takes care of them

-Will take care of Mr. Eanttany’s bill immediately

-Has confidence in the system of the country

-Signed “loving niece”

Document #: 2

Date: 3 December 1816

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 514-515

LWS #: 4370

To: Henry Ward

From: Asher Adams

Location: Boston

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-most is too light to read

-mention of a bill of 100$ to Jacob Manning

Document #: 3

Date: 19 March 1884

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 516-519

LWS #: 2

To: Mr. Mason

From: Charles Adams Jr.

Location: North Brookfield

Number of Pages: 4

Type of Manuscript: handwritten

Content: [Document # 3 cont.]

-conflict in the birth and marriage of Daniel Shays.

-Daniel’s parents were married in 1744, Daniel’s birth was 1740, making him 4 years old before his parents were married

-Adams has recorded that no birth date could be found

-Lincoln’s History and Drake’s Dictionary of American Biography gives birth as 1767 and death in 29 September 1825

-Drake says he died September of 1825 at age 84, therefore would have been born in 1741

-If Drake’s time is accurate, Daniel is the child of his father and 1st wife

-Requests the name of his 1st wife along with the date of marriage

Document #: 4

Date: 5 February 1854

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #:

LWS #:

To: Mr. John J. French

From: Charles F. Adams

Location: Boston

Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-sending an autograph as French requested

Document #: 5

Date: 1 January 1858

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 521-523

LWS #: 3347

To: F. H Underwood

From: Charles F. Adams

Location: 54 West Benon Street

Number of Pages: 3

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-wants to help editors/publishers of the Atlantic Monthly

-does not want to write the book proposed by Underwood

-can attest to the difference between Hamilton and Adams

-will attest to his statements until he is proven wrong

Document #: 6

Date: 2 June 1870

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 524-525

LWS #:

To: L. C. Randall, esq.

From: Charles F. Adams

Location: London

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-Bound in Edward Waldo Emerson, The Early Years of the Saturday Club, 1885-1870 – Vol. II

[Document # 6 cont.]

-Did not have Randall’s address to respond sooner

-Comments traveling in a foreign country puts you at the mercy of someone else’s directions, recommends Murray’s guide book for historical sights

-Mentions House of Parliament is a common locations for US visitors

-experience abroad taught him a great deal

-Liked the public gardens/grounds, galleries, art, ancient Cathedral’s

Document #: 7

Date: 12 April 1800

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 526- 527

LWS #: 2113


From: Francis Adams


Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


- Payment of debt, $192.64 from W. James Aderson

Document #: 8

Date: 3 December 1900

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 528-531

LWS #: 4987

To: Mr. James H. Manning

From: George M. Adams


Number of Pages: 4

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-received favor, requests notification when Emay’s Biblical Museum is published – (revised edition)

-McCarthy visited the publication house to see if it would be complete by the Spring, not sure if there are any other plans for a publication

-has index for 4th Volume (Chronicles to Proverbs) for the publication and manuscripts for final volume (Ecclesiastes to Malachai)

Document #: 9

Date: 7 June 1902

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 532-533

LWS #: 4987

To: Mr. James H. Manning

From: George M. Adams


Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-J. T. Jay asked Adams to help complete “Biblical Museum” – work is continuing

-Because of delay, Adams assumed it was not being completed

[Document # 9 cont.]

-Adams wrote receiving a reply they were not ready

-Has manuscripts for final volume and would be happy to see them completed

Document #: 10

Date: 24 August 1771

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 535-536

LWS #:

To: G. Haly esq.

From: John Adams

Location: Boston

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-autograph inserted

-Bound in Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, Volume IV

-Writing in regard to the favor of 25 May

-Clarifies misunderstanding of last letter, where Haly thought Adams said the shipment was of less value, more to the letter which had been lost

-Created power of attorney for Haly to prepare for Captain Freeman, asks Haley to have certified by Justice of the Peace and the bank

-advises getting the document recognized before the mayor

Document #: 11

Date: 22 August 1780

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 536-537

LWS #: 3328

To: Mr. Laurae

From: John Adams

Location: Amsterdam

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-states England is filling Europe with ideas of destroying the Americans

-people of Philadelphia/Boston are trying to secure Art of Peace, and laying foundations for future improvement in Science and Literature – first attempt at “tranquility of mind,” in the middle of the war

-asks Laurae if the available proceedings should be published

-new Constitution of Massachusetts Bay is available for translation/publication

-copy of publication of Proceedings of the Maps for the Academy of Arts and Sciences is available, requests the copies back, as Adams has only one copy

Document #: 12

Date: 26 May 1789

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 539-541

LWS #:

To: Benjamin Lincoln esq.

From: John Adams

[Document # 12 cont.]

Location: New York

Number of Pages: 3

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-in response to Lincoln’s questions – Adams asks:

  • if the sovereignty of the nation rests in national/state government
  • Is there more than one sovereignty, if so there are 11, no general government with 11 sovereignties to 1
  • Asks if Constitution and Laws of US are Supreme in the land
  • Supreme Magistrate of US is the Supreme Magistrate of the land – therefore this info should answer Lincoln’s question

-States the clergy prays for all government officials

-governor of Pennsylvania has yielded to Senator, unless every governor yields to the president and vice president, Congress should go home

-it seems if governors rank with the president and vice president

-if people are ignorant and mistake one for the other, they will remain that way

-government has instituted 2 offices equal in rank, a head of Executive and head of Legislature, if a governor ranks with 1 then ranks with both

Document #: 13

Date: 2 March 1789

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 542-545

LWS #: 3327

To: Eliphalet Fitch esq.

From: John Adams

Location: Philadelphia

Number of Pages: 4

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-apologizes for late response to 24 May 1797 letter

-Fitch’s last letter, style, matter, handwriting, show good health

-was busy w/publication officers and does not have time to enjoy books, etc., onlytime for his family and farm

-calls Fitch lucky for tending his farm and making a fortune for his family

-Adams says he can not be in law w/o expressing loss

-calls Fitch“witty among his friends, changing their bigotry to candor”

-Says Thomas Paine and Will Goodwin have made their statement but made it dangerous for any followers

-Thanks Fitch for his presents of wine sent

Document #: 14

Date: 26 November 1812

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 546-552

LWS #: 3329

To: John Binns

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 7

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-received a letter signed “a friend” w/package of valuable seeds and political pamphlet attached – gave seeds to May’s Academy forBotanical Gardens

[Document # 14 cont.]

-pamphlet was the “address to the people of England” by William Cobbet

-Adams is sure it is from someone w/in the Pale of British Board of Commissions in Philadelphia

-Said foreigners such as this are not uncommon in England and Cobbet would be a fool to make himself known publicly for “most atrocious crimes”

-Questions if Cobbet thinks English would believe his publications

-Does not believe it to be a forgery of the French

-Comments the references in the book

-Book says ½ of colonists were Loyalists, Adams corrects it to be 1/3

-9th pg states Adams and George III were trying to bind America and England @ all costs – calls Cobbet an idiot for such a thing

-says comment of Cobbet about Secret Service and Jefferson is character of a corrupt Englishman

-Cobbet claims Congress was presided over with few oppositions, Adams states under he and Jefferson, the House and Senate were very divided

-Cobbet lists associates of Adams who states it would be up to those men to refute claims made against them

-Comments how Cobbet’s claim of being able to get along w/king is impossible to keep between the Americans/monarchy

-Cobbet calls Franklin “odious” – Adams says this is malicious/conceited b/c w/all Franklin’s faults, he is virtuous and talented

-Continues refuting Cobbet’s criticisms/attacks on Washington, Jefferson and Adams

-Adams never called for the alleged Council of Trenton Cobbet wrote about

-Author of pamphlet is irrelevant but Adams never had any connection with Cobbet

Document #: 15

Date: 7 September 1813

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 553-554

LWS #: Bound in Collection of H.G Spafford, 1813-1817

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-received letter and Gazetteer from Spafford

-compliments Spafford's research on State of New York

-war will aggrandize in New York and other states around Great Lakes

-Adams hopes himself to be disciplinarian enough to obey the president’s orders

-Calls Jefferson/Madison “respectable” in US history and their letters are worth preserving

-Wishes Spafford good health and well being

Document #: 16

Date: 10 October 1813

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 555-556

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


[Document # 16 cont.]

-commends Spafford’s ambition to spread information

-safest conveyance of information to France is through US presidential Ambassadors

-mentions his correspondences w/his son were interrupted under British orders or French edicts, and have now stopped altogether

-uncertain if his son is in Europe, therefore does not have advice

-will send a copy of Spafford’s proposal w/letter to son, if it is to be presented to the Emperor, it should be secured tightly

Document #: 17

Date: 22 November 1813

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 557-558

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: Benjamin Lincoln esq.

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-read Gazetteer of NY designed for emperor and will send it with Mr. Ingraham to Russia, (knows the minister there)

-not sure if they should inform Europe of increasing strength/numbers of American States

-calls Europejealous of America, and would be more so

-showed Spafford’s book to neighbor Mr. Quincy, the Secretary of the AmericanAcademy of Arts and Science

-wishes Massachusetts had a Spafford to produce writing – people have forgotten principal of “know thyself”

-wished for letters of Canada as well

-says the title “Gazette” is too modest for work he is producing

Document #: 18

Date: 29 December 1813

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 559-560

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-has given 50 pg of Gazetteer and a volume for the Emperor of Russia to Josiah Quincy to give Ingraham to take to St. Petersburg

-is sending his own letters w/Spafford’s things; therefore they all have the same fate

-comments how quickly Spafford’s state is growing

Document #: 19

Date: 2 January 1814

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 561-562

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

[Document # 19 cont.]

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-resigned as President of the Academy before Spafford’s nomination and has not attended a meeting since

-looks forward to seeing his son, but is not sure when that will be

-asks if Spafford saw Jefferson on his tour and inquires how he is doing

Document #: 20

Date: 23 August 1814

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 563-566

LWS #: 3359

To: John Tyler and Hazel Wood of Virginia

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 4

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-opens w/quote, “you are unable to discover in our form of government any resemblance of aristocracy”

-says any government with power vested in the Executive branch resembles aristocracy

-US government entrusts power in to very few; 34 Senators are the Representative Sovereignty of 7 or 8 million

-they oversee laws, treaties etc., have power of impeachment and over the judges

-Senators are appointed by Legislative who are elected by the population; therefore the Senate more than House of Representatives represents an aristocracy

-systems of checks and balances was put into place to help alleviate resemblance of aristocracy, not sure of the balance has been found yet

-Adams says that in his # 13 he will comment where Taylor/Wood’s mistake is

Document #: 21

Date: 4 June 1815

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 567

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-Adams says his son is most likely in England, but has no letter stating so, last heard from him 21 March when he was in Paris, in the center of a “curious revolution”

-Charles VII of Sweden had a confrontation with the Turks

-An officer complimented Charles on a recount he heard of a battle, Charles said the story was an exaggeration of the truth

-Adam’s states that George III has not fulfilled his promises to the US or to him as England’s representative

-Can not subscribe to Spafford’s publications any more

Document #: 22

Date: 24 December 1814

[Document # 22 cont.]

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 568

LWS #: Spafford Collection


From: John Adams


Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: printed


-Anecdote of His Present Majesty

-Said when Adams came to the court and gave his speech – he was thoroughly confused

-King said he was the last who consented to “dismemberment” of the Empire by US independence

Document #: 23

Date: 1815

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 568-571

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: sent to H.G. Spafford, printed in the “New York American”

From: John Adams


Number of Pages: 4

Type of Manuscript: printed


-letter from Adams (as ambassador of England) to Mr. Jay

-Adams refutes criticism of the claim that there is a repulsion between independence and good breeding

-told that the 1st time an ambassador comes to court they should do so w/compliments to the king

-when presented to the king, he wanted relations to be the best they can among US and Britain; wished the royal family well

-king says having a US ambassador to England will form an “epoch” in history

-says that exchanges between the king and Adams should remain private unless the king or his secretary decide to publish it

-king commented that French did not find Adams in the best of manners of what they are used to

Document #: 24

Date: 26 July

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 572-573

LWS #: Spafford Collection

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-looks forward to son’s return though not sure when it will be, says son will probably not know what to do with himself when he returns, as John Adams felt the same when he would return from long travels

-congratulates Spafford on being nominated into the AmericanAcademy

-says that no work of Spafford’s will disturb him

-he likes the style and humor of Spafford’s – therefore has adopted them both

[Document # 24 cont.]

-bottom has attached listing of remaining survivors who signed Declaration of Independence

Document #: 25

Date: 20 September 1816

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 574

LWS #: 3358


From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-received request from Dr. Mase for letters of recipient’s father for publication

-Adams has some but it is difficult to find letters from Philadelphia, NY, Holland, England, etc.

-Letters contain truths that were never communicated to his mother/brother/sisters, info will be valuable to history and traditions - won’t release them w/o recipient’s and recipient’s mother’s permission

-Also wants promise of the return of the letters, they are of “immeasurable” value

-Says the world is calm but Europe and Asia may be at war within a year, hopes the US does not “engage in a Crusade”

Document #: 26

Date: 31 January 1817

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 575

LWS #: H. G. Spafford

To: H. G. Spafford

From: John Adams

Location: Quincy

Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-thanks Spafford for magazines containing “useful matter”

-Spafford asks for Adams’s opinion regarding essays of Franklin. Spafford gave his displeased opinion; therefore Adams thinks his opinion won’t make a difference

-Says Spafford does not have a clear grasp of The Majesty of Religion and recommends some readings

-Tells him not to take anything “on trust” and separate the truth to find divinity of religion

Document #: 27

Date: 30 July 1780

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 577-578

LWS #: 3332

To: “My Dear Cooper”

From: John Quincy Adams

Location: Brussels

Number of Pages: 2

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


[Document # 27 cont.]

-account of journey from journal

-25 July – intended to set out for Holland

-those who traveled with him went to Franklin and the lieutenant for passports

-(next several lines are too light to read)

-signed the letter “Polydone”

Document #: 28

Date: 25 June 1797

Reel #: 1

Film Counter #: 579

LWS #: 4708

To: W. J. Luzac

From: John QuincyAdams

Location: The Hague

Number of Pages: 1

Type of Manuscript: handwritten


-received speech from president of the United States

-sending it to Luzac for Europe, hopes he sees it as a pledge for the US to keep the peace in their own country

-wanted to see Luzac one more time before he departed – Mr. Murray wanted to meet with Luzac

-said happily his words can assure Luzac how much he is revered by Adams