Memorandum To: Faculty and Staff

From: Barry Poynter

Subject: Fiscal Year 2013-2014 EKU Financial Records Closing Schedule

Date: April 8, 2014

Please note the following 2013-2014 Closing Deadlines (Documents are due to the areas noted for each item. Exceptions to these dates must be approved by the appropriate office.):

April-June Departments should regularly review all outstanding encumbrances and notify Purchasing of all cancellations or correction – Purchasing

May 16 All on-line purchase requisitions for grants and contracts ending 06/30/14 – Purchasing

June 13 2013-2014 budget transfers – Budgeting

June 13 Grant and contract procurement card transactions – Accounting and Financial Services

Grant and contract expenditure reclassifications – Accounting and Financial Services

All other expenditure reclassifications – Accounting and Financial Services

Printing Services requests – Printing Services

June 13 Non-grant on-line purchase requisitions – Purchasing

Central Stores requisitions entered in Banner – Central Stores

June 20 Procurement card transactions – Purchasing

(Note: Merchants may not process credit card transactions daily which can affect the fiscal year charged)

June 27 Deposit all revenues by 1:00 p.m. – Student Accounting Services

July 3 In-state and out-of-state travel vouchers (travel must end by June 30) – Accounting and Financial Services

Inter-account bills – Accounting and Financial Services

Direct payment requests for invoices dated June 28 or earlier – Accounting and Financial Services

Procurement card transactions for the month of June must be allocated and approved via

VISA IntelliLink – Purchasing

Please note the following 2014-2015 dates:

May 12 First date to enter 2013-2014 on-line requisitions in Banner (Please check the fiscal year indicator in the FOAPAL portion of the requisition for each order. The order, transaction, and delivery dates must be changed to reflect the appropriate fiscal year – Purchasing

May 23 Personal Service Contracts (PSC) – PSCs with a starting work date of July 1, 2014 must be submitted to Purchasing no later than May 23, 2013.

July 1 First date to submit direct pay requests for invoices dated July 1 or later – Accounting and Financial Services