PRESENT: Honorable Mayor Cornell Harvey, Mayor Pro-Tem Julie Martin, Commissioner

John Cason III, Commissioner Felicia Harris and Commissioner Vincent Williams

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Cornell Harvey

INVOCATION: Pastor Rose Cameron

PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE: Recited by all in attendance



Commissioner Cason made a motion to add as item number eleven (11) on the consent agenda “Approval authorizing City Manager to advertise the position of Public Works Director; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.



·  Barbara Ouattara, resident, addressed the Commission regarding the paving of Cleburne Street, placing lines, speed bumps and having road paved correctly. She also stated drivers are still speeding.

Commission to follow up with City Manager and Chief of Police regarding Ms. Ouattara concerns.

·  Latisha Holmes, resident, addressed the Commission regarding speed bumps on Cleburne Street.


1.  Introduction of the New Director for Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission. (J. Cason)

Commissioner Cason introduced Steve Swan; the new Director for the above-referenced Commission.


2.  Variance Petition No. 14-01; from Stanley G. Hill, Agent, Requesting the Reduction of the Front Yard Setback Requirement for the Vacant Parcel located at 600 Gloucester Street. Parcel is owned by Rhangos Brothers, LLC. (A. Glaeser)

Arne Glaeser, Planning and Development Director, gave a presentation on the above-referenced petition. He reported staff recommends in favor of granting the requested front yard setback variance.

Mayor Harvey opened the floor to anyone wanting to speak in favor or opposition of the proposed petition.

The following people addressed the Commission:

1)  Bruce Whitehurst, Broker - (commented about parking) - In Favor

2)  Mr. Lopez; representative of the engineers for project In Favor

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin made a motion to deny the above-referenced petition; second by Commissioner Williams

Following discussion:

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin amended her motion to defer the above-referenced item until the April 16, 2014 Commission meeting; giving staff time to present further information; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.


3.  Update on Investigation into Complaint Regarding Liberty Roll-Off & Recycling. (A. Glaeser)

Arne Glaeser, Planning and Development Director, handed out site plans for the above-referenced company. He stated everything from what he could tell was in compliance with site plans approved by the Commission.


4.  Approval of March 19, 2014 Work Session and Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. (subject to any necessary changes.) (N. Atkinson)

Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the above-referenced minutes with the correction to item number eight (8) of the regular scheduled minutes; regarding who made motions; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

5.  Approval of Equipment Use, Vehicle Use, and Drug Free Workplace Standards of Practice. (B. Roberts)

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin made a motion to approve the Standard of Practice referenced above; second by Commissioner Harris. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

6.  Adoption of a Resolution Creating a Finance Committee. (W. Weeks)

Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the above-referenced resolution with revisions; second by Commissioner Harris. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

7.  Adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Roosevelt Harris Senior Center. (W. Weeks)

Commissioner Cason made a motion to approve the above-referenced Memorandum of Understanding with corrections discussed and have City Manager forward same to County; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

8.  Approval of Request by Glynn County to Pave a Section of “H” Street between Reynolds and Newcastle Streets. (W. Weeks)

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin made a motion to have an assessment of streets done before making a decision on the above-referenced request; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

City Manager Weeks to place item on the April 16, 2014 meeting.

9.  Approval to Increase the Municipal Court Bonds. (T. Green)

Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the increased in Municipal Court Bonds (fines and court cost), effective May 1, 2014; second by Commissioner Cason.

Following discussion;

Commissioner Williams amended his motion to approve the increased in Municipal Court Bonds, (fines and court cost), effective June 1, 2014; second by Commissioner Cason. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

10.  Approval of Georgia Department of Transportation Offer to Install Pedestrian Crossing Improvements on Bay Street. (A. Glaeser)

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin made a motion to approve the above-referenced installation of pedestrian crossing improvements by Department of Transportation subject to written notice from Department of Transportation that there is no cost to the City regarding the installation; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

11.  Approval Authorizing City Manager to Advertise the Position of Public Works Director.

Commissioner Cason made a motion to rescind motion made at the March 19, 2014 to defer making a decision regarding Public Works Director; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

Following discussion:

Commissioner Williams made motion to have the City Manager advertise for the position of Public Works Director both internally and outside simultaneously; second by Commissioner Harris. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.


12.  Approval of Financial Reports as of February 28, 2014. (K. Mills)

Mayor Pro-Tem Martin made a motion to approve the above-referenced reports as submitted; second by Commissioner Williams. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.


Commissioner Williams made a motion to hold an executive session to discuss personnel; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.

Following the executive session Mayor Harvey announced no action was taken.

Commissioner Williams made a motion to adjourn; second by Mayor Pro-Tem Martin. Motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5 to 0.


/s/Cornell L. Harvey Cornell L. Harvey, Mayor

Attest: /s/ Naomi D. Atkinson _

Naomi D. Atkinson, City Clerk