* B I O - D A T A *

1. NAME : Dr. Muley Dipak Vishwanathrao

2. BIRTH DATE : 20/12/1957

3. DESIGNATION : Professor

4. ADDRESS : Department of Zoology

: Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004

Phone : 0231- 2609248 (O)

91 + 09421918134 (M)

E-mail :

5. ORGANISATION : Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


Degree / Class / Institution/ University / Year of Passing
B. Sc. / IInd / Nagpur University, Nagpur / 1978
M. Sc. / Ist / Marathwada University, Aurangabad / 1981
Ph. D. / By Thesis / Marathwada University, Aurangabad / 1985

7. EXPERIENCE : Teaching Experience: 21 years (Dec.1987–Mar. 2008)

Deptt. of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Administrative Experience: 5½ years

·  Registrar- 2 years (25th March 2008 to 24th March 2010) Dr. BAM University, Aurangabad.

·  Registrar- 3½ years (15th June 2010 to till date) Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

·  I/c Head, Deptt. of Zoology, S. U. K.

2nd July 2011 to 31st Dec. 2011.

4th Nov. 2013 to till date.


Subject : Fisheries Science

Research : Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Biology

Title of Ph.D. thesis : ‘Effect of Pollutants on Freshwater Molluscs from Godavari River at Paithan’.






a)  Nagoya Agriculture University, Nagoya, JAPAN.

b)  University of Hoenheim, Stuttgart, F.R.G.

c)  Institute of Tropical Medicine, Tubingen, F.R.G.

d)  Zoologisches Institute, University of Heidlberg, F.R.G.


Paper Published in Journals / 76
Paper Published in Proceedings / 14
Total Publications / 90
H-index / 5
I10 index / 3
Research gate score / 5.73


1.  Mane, U.H., Muley, D.V. and S.R. Akarte (1983): Toxicity of Endosulfan 35 EC to freshwater and estuarine bivalves- Acute toxicity and oxygen consumption. Indian J. Comp. Anim. Physiol. 2: 1-9.

2.  Mane, U.H., Akarte, S.R. and D.V. Muley (1984): Effect of cyathion-malathion on respiration in three freshwater bivalve molluscs from Godavari river near Paithan. J. Environ. Biol. 5(2): 77 - 80.

3.  Mane, U.H. and D.V. Muley (1984): Acute toxicity of Endosulfan 35 EC to two freshwater bivalve molluscs from Godavari River at Paithan, Maharashtra State. Toxicology Letters. 23: 147-155.

4.  Kulkarni, D.A., Rao, K.R. D.V. Muley and U.H. Mane (1986): Biochemical reserves of mantle and adductor muscles of three freshwater lamellibranch molluscs. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 6(1): 134-141.

5.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1986): Endosulfan toxicosis to the hepatopancreas of lamellibranch moluscs. Utter Pradesh Journal of Zoology 6(2): 194-200.

6.  Mane, U.H. and D.V. Muley (1987): Seasonal variation in the toxicity of cythion-malathion to two freshwater bivalve molluscs. J. Comparative Physiology and Ecology 12(1): 25-31.

7.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1987): Malathion induced changes in Oxygen consumption in two species of freshwater lamellibrach molluscs from Godavari river, Maharashtra State. J. Environmental Biology. 8(3): 267-275.

8.  Muley, D.V. and U. H. Mane (1987): Acute toxicity of Metasystox to a wedge clam. Donax cuneatus from West Coast. Fishery Technology, 24(1): 27-30.

9.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1987): Pesticide induced alterations in the rate of oxygen uptake of freshwater gastropod Viviparus bengalensis (Lam.) J. Animal Physiology and morphology 34(1 &2): 171-176.

10.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1987): Cythion-malathion induced histo-pathological changes in the gonads of lamellibranch molluscs. J. Environment and Ecology, 5(4): 756-759.

11.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1987): Endosulfan induced changes in oxygen consumption in two species of freshwater lamellibranch mollusks. Indian J. Comparative Animal Physiol, 5(1): 28-33.

12.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1987): Sublethal effect of mercuric chloride on the tissue composition of a bivalve molluscs, Lamellidens marginalis. Biol. Bulletin of India, 9(1): 31-40.

13.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1988): Seasonal variations in the toxicity of Folithion and Lebeycid to a freshwater gastropod, Viviparus bengalensis (Lamarck) from Godavari river, Maharashtra State, India. Advances in Biosciences, 7(1): 37-46.

14.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1988): Endosulfan induced alterations in the gonad of two freshwater mussels in different seasons. Uttar Pradesh J. Zoology, 8(1): 18-26.

15.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1988): Survival and behaviour of the freshwater gastropod, Viviparus bengalensis (Lamarck) after exposure to mercurial salts in different seasons. Tropical Ecology, 29(19): 71-78.

16.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1989): Endosulfan induced changes in the biochemical composition of the freshwater Lamellibranch molluscs, Lamellidens marginalis (Lamk.) from Godavari river at Paithan. Advances in Biosciences, 8(1): 13-23.

17.  Mane, U.H. and Muley, D.V. (1989): Endosulfan induced toxicity to Lamellidens marginalis by temperature changes. Comp. Physiol. Ecol., 14(3): 171-175.

18.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1989): Mercurial salts induced changes in respiration of the freshwater gastropod. Viviparus bengalensis (Lamk.) in different seasons. Poll. Res., 8(3): 141-144.

19.  Kulkarni, D.A., Rao, K.R., Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1989): Acute toxicity of endocel (Endosulfan) on estuarine edible lamellibranch molluscs, Paphia laterisulca from west coast of India. Comp. Physiol. Ecol., 14(4): 194-197.

20.  Mane, U.H. and D.V. Muley (1990): Changes in neuro-secretary cells of the central ganglia of the bivalves, Lamellidens corrianus and L. marginalis in different seasons on exposure to cythion-malathion. Environment and Ecology, 8(2): 705-712.

21.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1990): Histopathological changes in body parts of the freshwater gastropod, Viviparus bengalensis (Lam.) due to pesticides. J. Environ. Biol., 11(4): 413-425.

22.  Muley, D.V. and U.H. Mane (1995): Endosulfan toxicity to freshwater mussle, Lamellidens marginalis by pH induced changes- A biochemical approach. Ind. J. Comp. Anim. Physiol., 13(1): 21-26.

23.  Muley, D.V., Gaikwad, P.T. and G.B. Kamble (1996): Sodium fluoride induced toxicity to the freshwater fish Tilapia mossabica. J. Aqua. Biol., 11(1&2): 61-66.

24.  Kamble, G.B. Muley, D.V. and V.Y Deshpande (1999): Enzymatic changes due to pesticidal stress in a freshwater fish, Sarotherodon mossambicus. Indian J. Env. & Ecoplan., 2(1): 27-31.

25.  Deshpande, V.Y., Bhilave, M.P., Muley, D.V. and G. B. Kamble (1999): Pesticide induced alterations in alkaline and acid phosphatases in liver and intestine of Labeo rohita. J. Aqua Biol., 14(1 & 2): 71 -74.

26.  Kamble, G.B. and D.V. Muley (1999): Effect of acute exposure of endosulfan and chloropyriphos on the biochemical composition of the freshwater fish Sarotherodon mossambicus. Indian J. Environ. Sci., 4(1): 97-102.

27.  Muley, D.V., Kamble, G.B. and M.P. Bhilave (2000): Effect of heavy metals on nucleic acid content of Cyprinus carpio. J. Environ. Biol., 21(4): 367-370.

28.  Kamble, G.B., Muley, D.V. and D.D. Mankar (2001): Qualitative assessment of groundwater from Lote industrial area, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Acta Ecologica, 23 (2) : 47-54.

29.  Patil, S.B., Muley, D.V., Wagh, S.R. and G. P. Bhawane (2002): Effect of insecticides on the digestive enzymes of adult, Holotrichia Serrata Fab (Coleoptera : Scarabaedae). J. Shivaji Univ. (Science), 37, 87-91.

30.  Muley, D.V. and S.N. Kumbhar (2003): Metabolism in estuarine clams upon heavy metal stress. Ind. J. Invert. Zool. & Aquat. Biol., 1(1): 45-49.

31.  Bhilave, M.P., Muley, D.V. and V.Y. Deshpande (2004): Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in various organs of the fish Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio after acute exposure. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 19(2): 115-118.

32.  Maske, S.V., Kamble, S. P. and D.V. Muley (2004): Salinity tolerance and related biochemical changes in three estuarine clams from Ratnagiri coast of Maharashtra. J. Eco-physiol. Occup. Hlth., Vol. 4(3&4): 217-220.

33.  Kamble, G.B., Muley, D.V. and D.D. Mankar (2005): Analysis of heavy metals in ground water from Lote industrial area, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 21(2): 381-386.

34.  Muley, D.V. and I.M. Patil (2006): A study of water quality and fish diversity of Pauna river Maharashtra. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 21(1): 68 – 75.

35.  Muley, D.V., R. B. Patil., R. S. Dabhole and D.S. Redekar (2006): Effect of chronic exposure of cadmium on histology of Sarotherodon mossambicus. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 12 (2): 373- 377.

36.  Pailwan, I. F. and D. V. Muley (2006): Limnology and fishery status of a freshwater perennial tank at Kaneriwadi near Kolhapur (M.S.), India. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 21 (2): 72 – 76.

37.  Pailwan, I. F. and D. V. Muley (2006): Limnology and fishery status of a freshwater perennial tank at Kagal near Kolhapur (M.S.). Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 12 (3): 759 – 764.

38.  Muley, D.V., Karanjkar. M. and Maske S.V. (2007): Impact of industrial effluents on the biochemical composition of freshwater fish Labeo rohita. J. Env. Biol., Vol. 28 (2): 245 – 249.

39.  Deshpande, V. Y., D. V. Muleyand M. P. Bhilave (2007): Pyrethroid induced respiratory changes in Labeo rohita. Nature Environ. & Pollu. Tech., Vol. 6(3).

40.  Kamble, S. P. and D. V. Muley (2008): Study on some Physico-chemical Parameters of Kalbadevi estuary in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra state. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 23 (2): 61- 66.

41.  Waghmode, S.S., Vhanalakar, S.A., Kale, M.D. and D.V. Muley (2008): Concentration of selected heavy metals from the water and sediments of Dabhol creek, west coast, Maharashtra. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 23 (2): 159 - 162.

42.  Vhanalakar, S.A., Kale, M.D., Waghmode, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2008): Partial Replacement of fishmeal by locally available plant proteins for the Indian major carp, Cirrhina mrigala. J. Aqua. Biol., Vol. 23 (2): 209 - 212.

43.  Patil, I.M. and D.V. Muley (2009): Industrial pollution caused protein alterations in a catfish, Ompok bimaculatus from Pauna, a tributary of river Bhima, Maharashtra. Bionano Frontier, Vol. 2 (1): 50 – 53.

44.  Patil, I.M., Yadav, B.E., Jadhav, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2009): Occurrence of a rare cyprinid fish Osteocheilus (Osteochilichthys) nashii in Pauna river, Maharashtra. Bionotes, Vol. 11 (2): 53 – 54.

45.  Kamble, S.P. and D.V. Muley (2009): Studies on the biochemical composition of estuarine clam, Katelysia opima from Ratnagiri Coast, Maharashtra. The Ekologia, 9 (1 - 2): 61 – 68.

46.  Kamble, S.P. and D.V. Muley (2009): Seasonal variation in O: N ratio of Katelysia opima from the Kalbadevi eustary, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, Nat. J. Life Sci., 6 (1): 103 – 107.

47.  Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): Evaluation of dried leaf powder of aquatic weed, Eichhornia crassipes as a supplementary feed for Cyprinus carpio fingerlings. Ind. Res. Comm., Vol. 4(1): 69 – 71.

48.  Waghmode, S.S., Vhanalakar, S.A., Kale, M. D. and D.V. Muley (2010): Chromium, copper from sediment of Dabhol creek, west coast, Maharashtra. Ind. Res. Comm., Vol. 4(1): 77 – 78.

49.  Kale, M.D., Vhanalakar, S.A., Waghmode, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2010): Sodium fluoride induced protein alterations in fresh water fish, Cirrhinus mrigala. J. Aqua. Biol., 25 (2): 127 – 129.

50.  Manjare, S.A, Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): Water quality assessment of Vadgaon tank near Kolhapur (Maharashtra), with special reference to zooplankton. Int. J. Advan. BioTech. & Res., Vol. 1 (2): 91 – 95.

51.  Manjare, S.A., Thakar, S.B., Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): Analysis of water quality using physicochemical parameters of Tamdalge tank in Kolhapur District, Maharashtra. Int. J. Advan. BioTech. & Res., Vol. 1 (2): 115 –119.

52.  Manjare, S.A., Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): A study of physicochemical parameters of Laxmiwadi tank (Kolhapur, Maharashtra), with special reference to zooplankton. Ecology & Fisheries, Vol. 1 (3): 17 – 20.

53.  Kale, M.D., Vhanalakar, S.A., Waghmode, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2010): Sodium fluoride induced protein alterations in fresh water fish Labeo rohita. Ecology and Fisheries, Vol. 3 (2): 39-44.

54.  Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): Use of water hyacinth in fish feed. All about Feed, vol. 1 (9): 28 – 29.

55.  Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2010): Heavy metal concentration in water, sediment and some selected species of fishes from Panchaganga river, Kolhapur (Maharashtra, India) Asia Pacific Journal of Life Sciences, Vol. 4(3): 245-249.

56.  Lagade, V.M., Taware, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2011): Physico-chemical parameters of estuary and their adjoining mangrove habitat from Bhatye, Ratnagiri (M.S.). Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 4, 135-141.

57.  Nikalje, S.B. and D.V. Muley (2011): Biochemical alterations in different tissues of a freshwater major carp Labeo rohitaafter acute and chronic exposure to textile mill effluent (TME).Page No. 18-21.The Ecoscan(International journal) Special Issue Vol.1: 341-345.

58.  Vhanalakar, S.A. and D.V. Muley (2012): The potential of alfa-lfa leaf meal as a fish feed. All about Feed, Vol. 20 (7): 12-13.

59.  Taware, S.S., Lagade, V.M., Muley, D. V. and K.B. Koli (2012): Checklist of birds at Bhatye estuary and adjacent areas, Maharashtra Zoo’s Print, Vol. XXVII, No. 7: 22-26.

60.  Nikalje,n S.B. and D.V. Muley (2012): Histopathalogical changes in liver of a freshwater major carpLabeo rohitaafter acute and chronic exposure to textile mill effluent (TME).The Bioscan(An international journal of Life Science) 7 (2):215-220.

61.  Nikalje, S.B. D.V. Muley and S. M. Angadi (2012): Histopathalogical changes in gills of a freshwater major carpLabeo rohitaafter acute and chronic exposure to textile Mill Effluent (TME). International Journal of Environmental sciences.Vol.3:108-118. DOI-10.6088/ijes.2012.

62.  Nikalje, S.B. and D.V. Muley (2012): Histopathological changes in kidney of a freshwater major carp Labeo rohitaafter acute and chronic exposure to textile mill Effluent (TME).J. Exp. Zool. India,Vol.15, No.2 pp 431-437.

63.  Taware, S.S., Lagade, V.M. and Muley, D.V. (2012): Oxygen consumption rate of the estuarine Psammobiid clam Soletellina diphos (Linnaeus) under various environmental conditions. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 41 (5): 468-472.

64.  Woghmode, S.S., Mane, B.U. and D.V. Muley. (2012): Accumulation of copper in the fish Mystus gulio (Ham.) after chronic exposure to the industrial effluents. JSI Special Issue-4. Pp 14-17.

65.  Lagade, V.M., Taware, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2013): Seasonal variation in oxygen: nitrogen ratio of Soletellina diphos at Bhatye estuary, Ratnagiri coast, India. Journal of Environmental Biology, Vol. 34 (1): 123-126.

66.  Lagade, V.M., Taware, S.S. and D.V. Muley (2013): Commercial harvesting and economy of edible clam species in Bhatye estuary, Ratnagiri (MS), India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 42 (5): 665-669.

67.  Maske, S.V. and D.V. Muley (2013): Study on Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA) in estuarine clam Arca granosa from Bhatye estuary, West coast of Ratnagiri District. J. Trajectory, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Science and Technology) Pp 01 – 07.