Debbie Rensvold

ECOMP 5004

LESSON: Name that Food DURATION: 30 min

Science: Critical thinking
- use thinking and processing skills to analyze, resolve, and apply scientific knowledge and technological solutions to relevant real-world problems
- recognize that technology is essential to science because it provides tools for investigations, inquiry, and analysis
-Sort and classify objects using one or more attributes by observing relationships and making generalizations
Communication Arts:
-use effective and appropriate listening/speaking skills
-interact appropriately during group discussion
CONTENT: The students will demonstrate their understanding of the food pyramid through the processes of identifying mystery foods and their appropriate placement on the food pyramid
ESSENTIAL QUESTION OF LESSON: What is the Food Pyramid and how does it affect us?
-Student participation in Name that Food game
- Completion of the Nutrition Evaluation Rubric
RESOURCES: Name that Food PowerPoint

MATERIALS: Computer, digital projector, yummy healthy snacks,
1. Review the six food groups of the Food Pyramid
2. Introduce the Power Point technology and demonstrate the process to access and view
3. Divide students into three teams of six to identify described foods
4. View Power Point presentation allowing each team time for discussion, consensus, and response to the mystery food clues. Correct responses will be awarded a point.
5. Reveal the identity of the mystery foods and determine the winner. The winning team assists in serving their peers a healthy snack.
6. Students will record in their response journal what they’ve learned about the Food Pyramid and why it is important to make healthy food choices. / Activates prior knowledge,
Provides new information
Encourage and strengthen school family “team” effort
Enhance problem solving, speaking and listening skills
Nutrition Evaluation Rubric
The food pyramid… / is cool – I’ve learned how to make healthier food choices. / has lots of interesting foods I’d like to try – someday. Can we go to Wendy’s for dinner, Mom? / is a three dimensional geometric figure.
Tomatoes are... / a fruit. / an important part of a BLT. / a vegetable.
Half of my plate should be… / vegetables. / clean so I can have dessert. / french fries!
Pizza… / can fit into all the food groups making it a healthy meal choice. / is our family tradition on Friday nights. / is not my favorite!!