Prelim 2U Beginners French

ASSESSMENT TASK 4: Preliminary Exam

Date of Task: Listening and Speaking Week 8/9
to be negotiated with your teacher
Reading and Writing to be held during exam period

MODES TO BE ASSESSED: All skills: Listening, Speaking, reading and Writing

Topics: All topics to date: Family and Friends; Where I live and My school


Listening: 15%

Reading: 10%

Speaking: 5%

Writing: 5%

Listening (30 marks) and Speaking (20 marks): in class with your teacher during Week 8/9
Listening section: students will listen to short texts in French and then respond in English.
Speaking section: students will take part in a conversation with their teacher and respond to the focus questions (see over page)
Reading (30 marks) and Writing (20 marks): In the exam period in the Bini
Students will read short texts in French covering a range of topics and then respond in English.
Students should be familiar with how the following ideas are expressed in French:
·  Introductions: including name, age, birthday, physical descriptions, descriptions of personality and family vocabulary
·  Where you live: locations, house vocabulary including types of rooms and items within a house
·  Daily routine
·  School Day: starting and finishing times, names of subjects, days of the week, activities associated with the school day
In the writing section students will be expected to write two texts: one of approximately 50 words and another of approximately 125 to 150 words
Students should be prepared to write:
·  a short text relating to the topic family
·  a longer text introducing themselves

You will be assessed on how well you:

·  Identify key information in spoken and written French texts

·  Summarise information in spoken and written French texts

·  Communicate in French

Failure to follow formal assessment procedures may result in a zero award
A student:
1.1 establishes and maintains communication in French
1.2 manipulates linguistic structures to express ideas effectively in French
1.3 sequences ideas and information
1.4 applies knowledge of the culture of French-speaking communities to interact appropriately
2.1 understands and interprets information in texts using a range of strategies
2.2 conveys the gist of and identifies specific information in texts
2.3 summarises the main points of a text
2.4 draws conclusions from or justifies an opinion about a text
2.5 identifies the purpose, context and audience of a text
2.6 identifies and explains aspects of the culture of French-speaking communities in texts
3.1 produces texts appropriate to audience, purpose and context
3.2 structures and sequences ideas and information
3.3 applies knowledge of diverse linguistic structures to convey information and express original ideas in French
3.4 applies knowledge of the culture of French-speaking communities to the production of texts.

Marking Criteria

Reading Section (30 marks)

Text 1: Introductions
4marks / Correctly identifies 4 physical characteristics. 1 mark per physical attribute / 4
marks / 3
marks / 2
marks / 1
Text 2: Introductions and Where I live
4 marks / Identifies two pieces of information concerning the location(s) where the individual lives AND identifies general and specific information about who they live with / 4 marks
Identifies two pieces of information concerning the location(s) where the individual lives AND identifies general specific information
Identifies one piece of information concerning the location(s) where the individual lives AND identifies general and specific information about who they live with / 3 marks
Identifies general information concerning the location where the individual lives AND identifies general information about who they live with / 2 marks
Identifies one piece of information relevant to the question / 1 mark
Text 3: Daily Routine
1 mark / Identifies one piece of information relating to what the person does before school / 1 mark
1 mark / Identifies one piece of information relating to what the person does after school / 1 mark
2 marks / Identifies two pieces of information relating to what the person does when the return home from school / 2 marks
Identifies one piece of information relating to what the person does when the return home from school / 1 mark
Text 4: Properties
1 mark / Identifies location of property / 1 mark
2 marks / Lists two features of property / 2 marks
Lists one feature of property / 1 mark
2 marks / Identifies attractions in the location area / 2 marks
Identifies an attraction in the local area / 1 mark
4 marks / Infers meaning about who the property would appeal to.
Uses three details from the text to support point of view and extrapolates. Goes beyond translating. / 4 marks
Infers meaning about who the property would appeal to
Uses two details from the text to support point of view. Goes beyond translating / 3 marks
Presents two pieces of information relating to positive features of the property. Answers question by translating information from text. / 2 marks
Presents one piece of information relating a positive feature of the property. Answers question by directly translating information from text. / 1 marks
Text 5: My school day
3 marks / Identifies three features of an average school day / 3 marks
Identifies two features of an average school day / 2 marks
Identifies a feature of an average school day / 1 mark
2 marks / Provides at least two pieces of information about what happens on the specified day of the week. In doing so goes beyond the obvious. / 2 marks
Provides at least one pieces of information about what happens on the specified day of the week. May state the obvious. / 1 marks
4 marks / Identifies four questions that the writer asks relating to school life in Australia / 4 marks
Identifies three questions that the writer asks relating to school life in Australia / 3 marks
Identifies two questions that the writer asks relating to school life in Australia / 2 marks
Identifies one question that the writer asks relating to school life in Australia / 1 mark

Listening Section (30 marks)

Text 1: Introductions
1 marks / Identifies age / 1 mark
3 marks / Identifies types of siblings and numbers of each / 3 marks
Identifies types of siblings / 2 marks
Identifies one piece of information related to the question / 1 mark
Text 2: Family
4 marks
Fill in table / Identifies the name and occupation of both of his parents / 4 marks
Identifies three pieces of information relating to the question / 3 marks
Identifies two pieces of information relating to the question / 2 marks
Identifies one piece of information relevant to the question / 1 mark
Text 3: Daily Routine
1 mark / Identifies time the person gets up / 1 mark
Text 4: Daily Routine 2
2 marks / Identifies activities speaker does in the morning in order / 2 marks
Identifies one or double activities speaker does not in order / 1 mark
Text 5: Where I live
3 marks / Identifies three pieces of information relating to where the speaker lives / 3 marks
Identifies two pieces of information relating to where the speaker lives / 2 marks
Identifies one piece of information relating to where the speaker lives / 1 mark
Text 6: At home
2 marks / Identifies activity and time / 2 marks
Identifies activity / 1 mark
Text 7: At home 2
2 marks / Identifies two activities that people do in the room / 2 marks
Identifies one activity that people do in the room / 1 marks
Text 8: My room
1 mark / Identifies location of the speaker’s bedroom / 1 mark
2 marks / Identifies activity and frequency of activity / 2 marks
Identifies activity / 1 marks
Text 9: School subjects
1 mark / Identifies the male speaker’s opinion of the subject they are discussing / 1 mark
Text 10: school subjects 2
1 mark / Identifies the female speaker’s favourite subject / 1 mark
Text 11: New school
2 marks / Identifies two of the following: description of new school, range of school years or number of students / 2 marks
Identifies description of school or range of school years or number of students / 1 mark
2 marks / Identifies speaker’s opinion of new school and gives a reason to justify response / 2 marks
Identifies speaker’s opinion of new school / 1 mark
Text 12: Opinion about subjects and teachers
2 marks
Subjects / Evaluates information presented about subjects: names positive and or negative aspects and how this affects the speaker / 2 marks
Presents one piece of information about / 1 mark
2 marks
Teachers / Evaluates information presented about teachers: names positive and or negative aspects and how this affects the speaker / 2 marks
Presents one piece of information about teachers / 1 mark

Writing Section (20 marks)

Criteria: Writing about Family



·  Communicates ideas and information appropriate to audience, purpose and context: provides information about writer’s family and answers each of the questions in full sentences.
·  Applies knowledge of vocabulary, language structures and features to the task: uses appropriate beginning and endings for email
·  Language is used with a high degree of grammatical accuracy
·  Organizes information in a logical fashion. /

7-8 marks

·  Communicates with some awareness of audience, purpose and context
·  Demonstrates some knowledge of vocabulary, language structures and features
·  Language used displays is sound grammatically. (some minor errors with adjective agreement however verbs are secure)
·  Organizes ideas and information /

5-6 marks

·  Demonstrates some understanding of the requirements of the task
·  Demonstrates limited evidence of the ability to organise ideas
·  Demonstrates some knowledge of vocabulary, language structures and
Features /

3-4 marks

·  Produces some comprehensible language related to the task /

1-2 marks

Criteria: Self Introduction



·  Presents and develops original ideas, information, and/or opinions relevant to context, purpose and audience: chooses appropriate salutation and ending for a speech
·  Organises information and ideas coherently
·  Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of vocabulary, language structures
and features: relating to a range of topics in the preliminary course /

10-12 marks

·  Presents and develops original ideas, information, and/or opinions mostly relevant to context, purpose and audience
·  Organises information and ideas
·  Demonstrates some knowledge of a variety of vocabulary, language structures and features /

7-9 marks

·  Presents and develops some ideas, information, and/or opinions relevant to context, purpose and audience
·  Organises information and ideas with some coherence
·  Demonstrates some knowledge of vocabulary, language structures and features /

3-4 marks

·  Produces some comprehensible language related to the task /

1-2 marks

Speaking: Focus Questions

Focus Question


Questions on the same topic

1.  Quel âge as-tu? / o  Tu as quel âge?
o  C’est quand ton anniversaire?
2.  Où habites-tu? / o  Où est-ce que tu habites?
o  Tu habites chez tes parents?
3.  Décris-moi ta famille. / o  Comment sont tes parents?
o  Comment est ton père? Ta mère?
4.  Tu t’entends bien avec ta famille? / o  Tu te disputes avec tes parents parfois?
o  Tu t’entends bien avec tes frères / tes sœurs / tes parents?
o  Tu es bien copain/copine avec tes frères/tes sœurs/tes parents?
o  Tu te disputes avec tes sœurs/tes frères?
5.  Décris-moi ta maison / o  Comment est ta maison?
o  Comment est ta chambre?
o  Tu partages ta chambre avec ta sœur/ton frère?
6.  Tu aimes habiter là-bas? Pourquoi? / o  C’est bien d’habiter en ville? à la campagne?
7.  Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à faire dans ton quartier / ta ville / ton village? / o  Qu’est-ce que tu fais le week-end?
o  Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre?
o  Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end?
8.  Parle-moi d’une journée régulière/normale. / o  Tu te lèves à quelle heure?
o  Qu’est-ce que tu fais chaque jour?
9.  Comment trouves-tu l’école? / o  L’école te plaît?
o  Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire à l’école?
o  Tu aimes bien tes profs?
o  Quelles matières étudies-tuà l’école?
o  Quelle est ta matière préférée? Pourquoi?
10. Tu aimes bien étudier le français? / o  Depuis quand étudies-tu le français?
o  Tu veux continuer à étudier le français?