Soldier’s Heart Vocabulary Words

Tier 1

COMPROMISE- a way to settle an argument where both sides give a little to get a part of what they want

SLAVERY- when a person owns or controls another person against their will

ENLIST- sign up or enroll in the military

LIBERTY – a right or a freedom; the idea that every individual has a fair and equal chance for success and happiness

SACRIFICE– to give up one thing for the sake of another

COMBAT-to fight in a battle

ASSEMBLE-to gather

AMMUNITION-bullets that can be fired from guns

INFECTION- disease which takes over the body

Tier 2

BAYONET-weapon like a knife attached to front end of a musket or rifle.

ARTILLERY-cannon and other large weapons

CAVALRY-group of men fighting from horseback

INFANTRY-group of men fighting on foot

SECEDE - withdraw or pull away from something

YANKEE- slang term for a person from a union state

REBEL- slang term for a person from the south

CIVILIAN- a person not enrolled in the military

DYSENTERY- an infection of the intestines with severe diarrhea

CANTEEN-like a water bottle

AMPUTATE- to cut off a body part

MILITIA- soldiers but not part of the regular army

EMANICIPATE- free someone from the control of another

REGIMENT-group of soldiers

MUSKET-long-barreled rifle

CARBINE-short barreled gun

TYPHUS-high fever from lice and fleas

CIVILWAR-war fought between the North and South over states rights and slavery

ENLIST-join the military

Tier 3

HOUSEWIFE-small sewing kit

BEDROLL-blankets rolled and carried by soldiers, also contained personal belongings

HARDTACK-hard biscuit made of flour, salt, and water

ARMISTICE- a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms

CAPITULATION- a document containing the terms of surrender

FORAGING- roving the countryside in search of food, sometimes taking from farmers

CONSCRIPTOR-person in charge of enlisting men


AMNESTY-pardon of wrong doing

CLEMENCY-mercy or lenient
