A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Professor Nathan S. Lord.

With deepest respect and admiration, we take a moment to pay homage to Professor Nathan S. Lord for his contribution to the legal community in Louisville, the Commonwealth, and abroad.

WHEREAS, Professor Nathan S. Lord was born to Nathan Lord and Ruth Kammerer Lord in Louisville where he lived, taught, and made a profound impact on the University of Louisville School of Law and state and local governments; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord graduated from The Taft School, Harvard College, and University of Virginia Law School and was admitted to the Kentucky Bar Association in 1957; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord saw active duty in the Korean War as a first lieutenant in the 5th Combat Communications Group of the United States Air Force; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord practiced law at Middleton, Seelbach, Wolford, Willis & Cochran in Louisville until 1962; then served as law clerk to Judge Roy Shelbourne for the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky; and subsequently was appointed Assistant Professor in 1963 and promoted to Professor of Law in 1973 at the University of Louisville School of Law, where he mentored generations of law students for 33 years; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord taught several different courses, including Civil Procedure, Federal Jurisdiction, Conflicts of Law, Remedies, Administrative Law, Admiralty, Local Government, State Taxation, Kentucky Constitutional Law Seminar (shared teaching responsibilities with the late Justice Charles Leibson), Legislation, Decedent's Estates and Trusts, Criminal Law, Property, Corporations, and Legal History; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord also taught abroad as a visiting professor at Leeds University, England; Daito Bunko University, Tokyo; and University of Mainz, Germany; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord pioneered the legal framework for the present day Metropolitan Sewer District in Louisville; by drafting amendments to the Kentucky Revised Statutes which resulted in the Louisville land developers creating small, local sanitary sewers that were subsequently assumed by the Metropolitan Sewer District; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord served as a voluntary staff member of the Constitution Revision Assembly, and drafted constitutional provisions which were subsequently adopted involving the judiciary and financial provisions for state and local governments; and

WHEREAS, Professor Lord was an avid cyclist, lifelong railroad enthusias, and Joint Master of the Clear Creek Beagles of Louisville; and

WHEREAS, while Professor Lord has passed away on January 1, 2013, at the age of 82, his legacy of teaching and public service to the Commonwealth will remain; Professor Lord is survived by his loving wife, Sondra C. Lord; his sons, Samuel L. Lord (Sara) and N. Macauley Lord (Carol); his brother, John C. Lord; his step-children, Pamela S. Meares (Tom) and Robert D. Dier, Jr. (Mary); his two step-grandchildren; and his step-great-grandchild; and Professor Lord was predeceased by his brother, J. Stephen Lord; and his former wife, Rachel S. Lord;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

Section 1. The members of the Senate, both individually and collectively, express their most profound and sincere condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, and community of Professor Nathan S. Lord.

Section 2. When the Senate adjourns this day, it does so in honor of and respect for Professor Nathan S. Lord.

Section 3. The Clerk of the Senate is directed to transmit seven copies of this Resolution to Samuel L. Lord, 8619 Whipps Bend Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40222.

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