First Grade requirements

Dear Parents,

Below is a list of expectations your child will need to work on through the summer so that they will be ready for First Grade. You should practice a few things every day and try to incorporate as many as possible throughout each day. You can use the attached form to track what your child accomplishes every day.

Listening and speaking

Listen to and understand others when they speak. (Take turns talking.)

Speaking in correct sentences

Using descriptive words

Using higher vocabulary

Thinking outside the box higher order

College and career: Put wonder and problem solving back into learning with questions like why, what and how things work. Example: Why does the sun shine? What would I like to know about animals? How do we get our drinking water?


Students should be able to correctly and neatly write all letters (26 upper and lower case) and numbers (through 120) correctly.

Students should be able to write a complete sentence with at least 3-4 words per sentence.

Use correct punctuation and capital letters in sentences. Example: no upper case letters in the middle of words, sentences and names always start with an upper case letter…


Read and spell 3 letter words.

Read at least 10 words a minute from a book that is unfamiliar but on grade level.


Identify number amounts through 20

Add and subtract simple problems (Ex. 1 apple + 2 apples = 3 apples, 3 apples- 2 apples = 1apple)

Skip counting by tens: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100


Read Write Think sounds ~

Fun Brain ~

Star Fall ~

Cool Math Games ~

Gamequarium ~

More copies of this form can be found on “Summer Learning Fun” on the school web page

I can practice and achieve to be the best I can be.

Every time your child completes a task put the date and a happy face, star or sticker to celebrate.

Your child may achieve more than one goal per group per day.

Date / Listening / Speaking / College / Writing / Reading / Math