Date: 08/07/15 External Marks: 50
Internal Marks: 50
Total Credits: 4.5
Financial Management
Paper Code: BCH-208B.Com.6th Semester
Course Objectives:To develop an understanding of the concepts in Financial Management like cost of capital, leverage analysis, capital structure, dividend policy etc. and their practical applicability so that the students get equipped with some financial management skills.
Sr.No. / Lecture No. / Topic / Total lectures
1-7 / Evolution of Finance, Meaning of Financial Management, Objectives (Profit Max and Wealth max), Functions of Financial Management, Organization of the Finance Function. / 7
8-11 / Financial Planning, Over capitalization and under capitalization / 4
12 / Class test related to subject matter taught so far 10 marks / 1
13-19 / Cost of capital: Meaning; significance and Measurement: cost of equity, Debt, preference shares, retained earnings and the weighted average Cost of Capital. / 7
20- 24 / Leverage analysis: Operating, financial and composite leverage; EBIT-EPS Analysis and point of Indifference. / 5
25-29 / Discussions and presentations related to subject matter taught so far 5 marks / 5
30-33 / Capital Structure: Meaning, importance, determinants / 4
34-38 / Theories of capital structures. / 5
39-41 / Case Studies (Assignment) related to the course already allotted 8 marks / 3
42- 45 / Dividend policy:meaning; types, determinants and importance. / 4
46-52 / Dividend model: Walter Model; Gorden model and MM hypotheses / 7
53- 54 / Class testsrelated to subject matter taught so far10 marks *2 / 2
55-60 / Revisions on the basis of feedback and class performances / 6
Internal Assessment Bifurcation:
Assessment Basis / MarksSessional Test / 30
Assignments. / 05
Seminar/Presentations/Group Discussions / 05
•Less than 75% 0 marks
•75% and above and less than 80% 1 mark
•80% and above 2 marks / 02
Case Studies/Minor Projects/Industry Interface / 08
Grand Total / 50
Suggested Readings:
1. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain 'Financial Management'2. I.M. Pandey 'Financial Management Theory and Practice'
3. Parsana Chandra 'Financial Management Theory and Practice'.
4. Shashi K Gupta ‘Financial Management Theory and Practice’.
Dr. Ishani
Course In-Charge
Date: 08/07/15
External Marks:50
Internal Marks: 50
Total Credits: 4.5
Marketing Management
Paper Code: BCH-209B.Com. 3rdSemester
Course Objectives:To develop the knowhow of students about Marketing and its concepts which enhance their understanding of effective marketing practices for successful business.
Sr.No. / Lecture No. / Topic / Total lectures
1-6 / Introduction to Marketing: meaning, nature, scope, importance; Marketing concepts: - traditional and modern. / 6
7-12 / Consumer Behavior: nature, scope and significance of consumer behavior / 6
13 / Class test related to subject matter taught so far 10 marks / 1
14-18 / Market Segmentation & Product: Market Segmentation: concept, importance, basis for market segmentation / 5
19-27 / Product: concept, planning and development; Branding, trade-mark and product life cycle. / 9
28 / Discussions and presentations related to subject matter taught so far 5 marks / 1
29-32 / Pricing: meaning, importance, factors affecting product pricing / 4
33-37 / Distribution channel: concept, role, types and factors affecting choice of a distribution channel / 5
38- 42 / Case Studies (Assignment) related to the course (already allotted) 8 marks / 5
43- 45 / Sales promotion- meaning & methods. / 3
46-51 / Advertising: concept, importance, salient features of an effective advertising / 6
52-53 / Personal selling. / 2
54-55 / Class testsrelated to subject matter taught so far10 marks *2 / 2
56-60 / Revisions on the basis of feedback and class performances / 5
Internal Assessment Bifurcation:
Assessment Basis / MarksSessional Test / 30
Assignments. / 05
Seminar/Presentations/Group Discussions / 05
•Less than 75% 0 mark
•75% and above and less than 80% 1 mark
•80% and above 2 marks / 02
Case Studies/Minor Projects/Industry Interface / 08
Grand Total / 50
Suggested Readings:
1.Kotler Philip Marketing Management Prentice Hall of India2.Kotler and Keller Marketing Management- A SouthAsian Perspective Prentice Hall of India
3.Sontakki C.N. Marketing Management Kalyani Publishers
4.Ramaswamy and Namakumary Marketing Management Global Perspective, Indian ContextTata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Ltd.
Dr. Ishani
Course In-Charge
Date: 08/07/15 External Marks: 50
Internal Marks: 50
Total Credits: 4.5
Strategic Management
Paper Code: MCM-2201M.Com. 3rd Semester
Course Objectives:To develop strategic instinct among students to augment managerial skills
Sr.No. / Lecture No. / Topic / Total lectures
1-7 / Concept and Role of Corporate Strategy. Levels of Strategy. Basic Model of Strategic Management.Analysis of Stakeholder Expectations – Corporate Mission, Vision, Objectives and Goals Approaches to Strategic Decision Making. / 8
8-11 / Strategic Role of Board of Directors and Top Management. Strategic implications of social and ethical issues / 4
12- 16 / Strategic Analysis: Analysis of Broad Environment - Environmental Profile; Constructing Scenarios. Analysis of Operating Environment - Michael Porters Model of Industry Analysis. / 5
17 / Class test related to subject matter taught so far 10 marks / 1
18- 22 / Analysis of Strategic Advantage – Resource Audit; Value Chain Analysis; Core Compe tences; SWOT Analysis. / 5
23- 30 / Strategic Choice: Generating Strategic Alternatives. Strategic options at Corporate Level – Stability, Growth and Defensive Strategies. Exter nal Growth Strategies – Merger, Acquisition, Joint Venture and Strategic Alliance. / 8
31- 35 / Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives – Product Portfolio Models. Selection of a suitable Corporate Strategy – Concept of Strategic Fit. Strategic options at SBU Level - Michael Porters’ Competitive Strategies; Operationalising Competitive Strategies. / 6
36- 39 / Discussions and presentations related to subject matter taught so far 5 marks / 4
40- 42 / Strategic Implementation: Strategic implementation issues. Planning and allocating resources. / 3
43- 50 / Organization Structure and Design. Functional Strategies – Production, Human Resource, Finance, Marketing and R. & D. Managing Strategic Change.. / 8
51-53 / Case Studies (Assignment) related to the course already allotted 8 marks / 3
54-58 / Strategic Control. Strategic Review: Evaluating Strategic Performance – Criteria and Problems. Concept of Corporate Restructuring / 5
59-60 / Class tests related to subject matter taught so far 10 marks *2 / 2
Internal Assessment Bifurcation:
Assessment Basis / MarksSessional Test / 30
Assignments. / 05
Seminar/Presentations/Group Discussions / 05
•Less than 75% 0 marks
•75% and above and less than 80% 1 mark
•80% and above 2 marks / 02
Case Studies/Minor Projects/Industry Interface / 08
Grand Total / 50
Suggested Readings:
- Azhar Kazmi. Strategic Management. Tata Mc Graw Hill.
- Wheelen and Hunger. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy.PearsonEducation.
- C.N.Sontakki . Strategic Management. Kalyani Publishers
Dr. Ishani
Course In-Charge
Date : 08/07/15 External Marks: 80
Internal Marks : 20
Total Credits : 5.0
Statistical Analysis for Business
Paper Code: MCM-2109 1stSemester
Course Objectives:This course provides an introduction to theoretical and applied Statistics for business and economics. The main objective is to stress the importance of applying statistical analysis to the solution of common business problems. Every opportunity is utilized to demonstrate the manner in which Statistics can effectively facilitate the many decisions that business managers face on an almost daily basis
Sr. No. / Lecture No. / Topic / Total lectures1-9 / Probability and Probability Distributions: Probability
Theory; Concept of probability; Different approaches to probability; conditional probability; application of Addition and Multiplication Laws; Baye’s Theorem and Inverse probability and Mathematical expectation. / 9
10- 21 / Probability Distribution; Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution and Normal Distribution; and their applications to business / 12
22 / Class test related to subject matter taught so far 10 marks / 1
23-26 / Sampling Theory : Concepts of sampling, Hypotheses testing, level of significance, type I and type II errors, one- tailed and Two –tailed test, power of test, critical value,Parametric and Non- Parametric test, Sampling techniques, Large number Theoram, Central limit Theory. / 4
27-35 / Test of Hypotheses: Large sample tests. / 9
36-43 / Association of Attributes: Criterion of Independence, Consistency of data (two and three attributes). / 8
44 / Quiz 5 marks / 1
45-52 / Χ2–Test: Conditions for apply Χ2 – Test, Yate’s correction, Uses of Χ2 Test, Additive Property of Χ2, Misuse of Chi-Square Test and its limitations / 8
53-60 / Correlation and Regression Analysis: Bivariate: Meaning, Types, Karl Pearson’s method and Spearman’s method of calculation.
Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression (Up to three variables) / 8
Internal Assessment Bifurcation :
Assessment Basis / MarksSessional Test / 10
Assignments/Presentations/Seminars/ Group Discussions/Quiz. etc. / 05
•Less than 75% 0 marks
•75% and above and less than 80% 2 marks
•80% and above and less than 85% 3 marks
•85% and above 5 marks / 05
Grand Total / 20
Suggested Readings:
- Levin, Richard I and David S Rubin: Statistics for Management, Prentice Hallof India, Delhi.
- Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand & Sons.
- Tulsian P.C. Business Statistics. S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd.
- Hien, L.W: Quantitative approach to Managerial decisions, Prentice Hall, New Jesery. India, Delhi.
Dr. Ishani
Course In-Charge