Chalk Talk
Noreen Hazen, Principal Office Phone: 216-529-4232 Absent Line: 216-529-4305
Josephine Kovach, Secretary FAX: 216- 227-5722
Website: MARCH, 2009
2 – 20: District Testing
Tues. 3: Jump Rope Club
Wed. 4: Market Day
Pick-up 5-6
large gym
Tues. 10: PTA Meeting
6:30 p.m. in small gym
-voting for officers
-babysitting available
Wed.11: Muffins with Moms
8-8:45 a.m.
Student Council
Meeting 3:10 – 3:50 p.m.
Thurs.19: Birthday Book
Club 3:05-3:40 in LRC
Fri. 20: Grade level assemblies
with dometheater
Wed.25: Student Council
Meeting 3:10 – 3:50 p.m.
Thurs.26: Elementary
Instrumental Concert -
Grade 5
Fri. 27: Report cards sent
home / Message from the Principal:
Each year, Lakewood City Schools give standardized achievement tests (TerraNova) and ability tests (InView) to students in several grades.
The Terra Nova and InView tests will be given between March 2nd
– 20th. All students in grades 1, 2, and 4 will take the whole set of tests (Reading, Language, Math, Science and Social Studies.)
Students in 3rd grade will take only the science and social studies tests. However, 3rd grade students will take all of the tests if their parents send a written request to the office or their teachers recommend it.
Students in Kindergarten and 5th grade will take the Terra/Nova only with a parent written request or teacher recommendation.
State achievement tests for students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are scheduled for April 21 – May 8th. A more detailed schedule will be sent in next month’s Chalk Talk.
Nominations for PTA Officers:
2008 – 2009
Co-Presidents: Chris Karel
Julie Warren
1st V.P.: Nicole Solomon
2nd V.P.s: Kim Barto
Laura Whitkofski
Treasurer: Susan Zanghi
Secretary: Lisa Mullen Cimino
Corresponding Secretary: Stephanie Cashman

District Message:


Even as work continues full-speed ahead on the west wing of the high school as the last part of Phase II of our Facilities Master Plan, the planning for Phase III, the final phase, is now underway. More than 100 people from the community have signed on to be part of the Steering Committee that will help determine the course of action for our remaining elementary schools – Grant, Lincoln and Roosevelt – as well as for the east side of the high school. The committee has held three meetings to date and is working hard to gather information, update and review the critical data such as population and enrollment trends and to identify the critical issues to be taken into consideration when formulating their recommended plan.

At the crux of the planning process is whether or not to renovate or construct two or three of the remaining elementary schools. The Ohio School Facilities Commission has notified the district that it will only fund construction and/or renovation of two more elementary schools in the district because of declining enrollment. The district would be on its own to fund a third elementary project.

As in the past, the district will be asking for input from the community at large so that we have the greatest consensus possible. Please mark on your calendars and plan to attend the two community forums scheduled. The first will be held April 2 at 7 p.m. at LHS’ East Cafeteria. This first forum will describe the process, provide data and seek opinions on issues critical to the committee’s decision. The second forum will be held Sept. 15, also at LHS at 7 p.m., and will present options for our buildings to be presented to the Board and allow the community to comment on those options.

It is important for as many people to attend these as possible so that the community’s voice is heard on this critical project for our district and city’s future. For updates on the work of the Steering Committee, please visit our web site at and click on the Phase III button.


Edward Favre, President

Betsy Shaughnessy, V ice President

Linda Beebe

Matthew John Markling

John Kamkutis


In January, Lincoln had 2 "Spirit Days"; "Hat Day" and “Cavaliers Day"; we enjoyed seeing many different types of hats. Many classes graphed them, wrote about them and designed new ones. We continue to wish the Cavs "Good Luck!" Go Cavs!

Everyone enjoys writing about the variety of "stuffed animals" that visited our school on "Stuffed Animal Day". Many classes did math activities with the animals and measured, graphed and weighed them. "Student Council sponsored "Read for 2009 seconds"--if your family didn't have a chance to to it in January, maybe you can do it now as part of our Reading Celebration, (it is about 30 minutes).

The 5th Grade Student Council Members chose the 2009Reading theme--"Got books?" We are using the other ideas for our "Slogans". They are good reminders for all of us to enjoy literature! They are "Pick that Book UpAgain", "Ready, Set, Read", "Lincoln's Readers", "Become a Bookworm", and "Live Inside a Book".

Do we "got books"? Yes, we have thousands of books in our Learning Resource Center. In fact, we have 13,532 books. Mrs. Hongosh's class won the estimation contest, with the closest guess of 14,060. The students also had the chance to estimate the books in the hall cupboard, next to the "Lost and Found". There are 582 books in that cupboard, Mrs. Deese's class was the closest estimate with 650 books. Both classes received prizes.

For Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday, the 5th grade Student Council Members performed a choral reading about him. This will be part of our Poetry Performances on Friday February the 27th of February. Student Council Members are working hard on their parts and it will be a program to remind all students about the joy of poetry and other literature.

Many classes had the opportunity for Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Cernanec to read them; we appreciate the help the LRC staff gives us all. Some classes wrote "Haikus" "Cinquains" or other poetry, many read in a different part of the building. Keep reading "those books".

We hope; that you "feel" the reading theme, "Got Books?" and enjoy some with your family!

From Student Council members and Mrs. Cernanec, Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs. Gee

Lincoln Lunch Room News

As we head into the second half of the school year, cabin fever has certainly set into Lincoln’s cafeteria. This is a good time for parents to review appropriate lunchroom behavior.The lunch staff would appreciate your assistance in reminding your students that proper behavior is expected in the lunchroom.


  • Upon entering the cafeteria, promptly and quietly find a seat.
  • Sit facing your table with your feet on the ground and your lunch on

the table.

  • Get permission from staff to –

Get up from your seat.

Go to the restroom with a partner.

  • Raise your hand if you need assistance or want something.
  • Talk quietly with those students sitting near your.
  • Stop talking immediately when the lights are turned off.
  • Clear your table of all trash and dispose of it in the containers

that are provided on the way to recess.

  • Follow directions given by lunch staff members.

Do Not:

  • Do not save seats or tell others that they cannot sit at a table.
  • Do not throw food.
  • Do not shout or make loud noises in the cafeteria.

All students are expected to buy or bring their lunches every day. Students who forget their lunches or lunch money, are to borrow money from the office before coming to the cafeteria. Students should repay

the office the next day.

Students who pack their lunches from home are asked to bring their own spoon or fork if it is needed to eat their meal. We encourage students

to bring a beverage in non-breakable containers with packed lunches. There are no drinking fountains in the cafeteria.

Please remind your children to follow the lunchroom rules. This will enable Lincoln to maintain a cafeteria environment that is both safe

and pleasantfor all students. Thank you.


After two years of piloting the extended day kindergarten program in selected schools, the Lakewood Board of Education has voted to offer the extended day option in every elementary school. Parents may choose to have their child attend the morning session only or to stay for the entire day. There will no longer be any afternoon-only kindergarten sessions. The Lakewood Schools are pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to the entire community.

Kindergarten registration will take place in all Lakewood elementary schools on Thursday, March 19, from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. Children may register at their neighborhood school on this day only; if you are unable to register on March 19, you will need to register at the Lakewood Board of Education, 1470 Warren Road (between 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.). Parents may register a child who will turn five years of age on or before September 30, 2009.

You will need to provide the following documents at registration:

Child’s Information:

  • Certified copy of birth certificate (Passport or Visa)
  • Social security card (or number)
  • Immunization record, doctor’s name and phone number

Parent Information:

  • Valid driver’s license / picture I.D.

Residency (provide two):

If you own a home or are purchasing:

  • Current gas/electric bill – portion showing your name & address
  • FAXed confirmation of new utility service: (216) 529-4104 (Attn: Ms. Griveas)
  • Copy of mortgage information

If you rent:

  • Current gas/electric bill – portion showing your name & address
  • FAXed confirmation of new utility service: (216) 529-4104 (Attn: Ms. Griveas)
  • Fully executed lease – includes landlord contact information and all persons living at this address


  • School Residence Affidavit (form provided) completed by landlord and notarized; landlord lists contact information and all persons living at this address

Official documentation of custody (required only when child does not live with birth parents)

Emergency phone numbers:

  • Father’s business phone number
  • Mother’s business phone number
  • Name and phone number of neighbor or relative

Children enrolled in Lakewood City School’s pre-kindergarten program are already enrolled in the District and do not need to re-register. Kindergarten information will also be sent to these families.

If you would like to receive a kindergarten packet before the registration day, please call 529-4203 and one will be sent you. If you have friends or neighbors who have a child eligible for kindergarten in August but do not currently have a child in the Lakewood City Schools, please share this information with them.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contactyour neighborhood school.

/ Lincoln School Skate Night /
It’s time to sharpen those skates and mark your calendar for the Lincoln School skate night at Serpentini Arena at Winterhurst ice rink on Friday April 24th. The rink will be open just for Lincoln School from 6:00 to 7:30 with free admission, and skates can be rented starting at 5:45 for $1.00. All children must be accompanied by an adult, this is a family event. We will have a rink guard for anyone who needs assistance and to insure everyone follows safe skating rules. We look forward to seeing familiar faces from past years, as well as those attending for the first time.
If you have questions contact Sarah Klann 226-2820 or .

Lakewood Early Childhood PTA

Baby Bargain Bonanza – April 4, 2009

Lakewood Early Childhood PTA will hold the Baby Bargain Bonanza sale at Harding Middle School (16601 Madison Avenue) on April 4, 2009. Doors will open at 9:00 a.m., and the sale will continue until 1:00 p.m. This sale promises to provide great bargains to all shoppers.

Shoppers won’t want to miss this opportunity to purchase gently used items for baby and youth, as well as the mother-to-be, at great prices. The sale will include clothing and accessories for babies and children up to size 14/16, toys, baby/youth furniture, maternity clothing and more. Plus, don’t miss the bake sale including items from Panera Bread, Breadsmith and Caribou Coffee, which promise to fulfill almost any craving.

Admission to the sale is $5.00 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and only $1.00 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. All proceeds will support programs of the Lakewood Early Childhood PTA. Sellers will be given the option to donate items left at the closing of the sale to a local charity, chosen by the LECPTA.


ESOP is a HUD-approved, non-profit housing counseling agency assisting homeowners by negotiating directly with your mortgage lender. They are a member of the State of Ohio’s Save the Dream Program and Cuyahoga County 211 Foreclosure Prevention Program. For more information call Ashley at (216) 361-0718 or visit the website at

March 2009

Wow, March already! We’ve almost made it to Spring!

A big THANK YOU to the Moms who made Desserts with Dad happen on our rescheduled date in February. The Moms that helped out this year include – Judy Szentkiralyi, Nicole Solomon, Lisa Mullen-Cimino.

The Lincoln PTA Nominating Committee has come up with the slate of officers for the 2009- 2010 school year. The slate includes Chris Karel and Julie Warren – co-presidents, Nicole Solomon – 1st vice president, Kim Barto and Laura Whitkofski – 2nd vice president, Lisa Mullen Cimino – secretary, Susan Zanghi – treasurer, Stephanie Cashman – corresponding secretary. We will be voting on this slate of officers at the March meeting. There are also several other positions available, such as Council delegate, etc. Please let us know if you are interested in becoming more involved in PTA.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Upcoming PTA events include Lincoln Skate Night at Serpentini Arena at Winterhurst on April 24th, Muffins with Mom on March 11, and Spring Fling, the annual school and family dance night on Friday, May 15th. We will need volunteers for both Muffins with Mom and Spring Fling. If you are interested in assisting, please let us know.

We will also be selling reusable grocery bags in April as Earth Day fundraiser!

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 10that 6:30 pm in the small gym. Babysitting is available. If you have any questions, suggestions, please give one of us a call, send us an e-mail or send us a note via the PTA mailbox in the office.


Lisa Mullen CiminoChris Karel




Congratulations to the 54 Lincoln students who entered the fortieth anniversary of the “Reflections” art contest sponsored by the National PTA.

Max BudzarElla ChanterAva ClausePaige Cliffel

Kitty CrinoIsabella DombrowskiHalina DregerPaola Espinoza

Lily ForduKate FranciscusJordan GarciaOlivia Kotran

Grace KraidichAlissa LeonMark LewisLee Martine Lucas

Fitzpatrick Metzger Sean O’DonnellConor Peppard-Kramer

Solana PetroneIvy RookBrenna RosePayton Rossen

Eleanor Santavicca Laura ShieldsAlexandria SolomonAurora Thurman

Ayden WackerAudrey WarrenJack WynnZoe Zura

Julia SzentkiralyiCassidy Andrejcak Evan BudzarZoe Budzar

Caitlin CiminoLiam GamezEmelia OravitzSarah Pepe

Nava RamazanaliSaige RookMorgan StylesGenna Thurman

Emma BresslerSophia DeBaltzoTess MarjanovicKathleen O’Donnell

Nina PepeEva WynnLydia DulukLauren Klann

Jane MechenbierAudrey StahlRobert Holden

You should all be proud of yourselves! This year’s theme was “Wow.” Our Judges had a difficult time choosing the 24 pieces of art to send to the Lakewood council level for judging. Entries were judged on adherence to theme and evidence of creativity/artistic ability. The bold print names in the list above are the Lincoln students whose art was chosen by our judges to compete at the council level.

Three students from Lincoln have advanced to the state level for judging. They are Ayden Wacker, Lydia Duluk and Saige Rook. The judging has not been completed at this time. Good luck to you all.


Thank you to all of our Lincoln supporters! We had another great month with our easy fundraisers.

  • Box tops generated $121 for the month of February. Congratulations to everyone in Mrs. Lang’s class!!! Ask a friend to save and send those it too. Our school can earn up to $20,000 a year from box tops alone!!
  • Tyson labels can be sent in too. Each one is worth 24 cents. Send them in with your box tops. Please remember to cut off and send in the ENTIRE label and not just the A+ symbol.
  • And we have 67 Giant Eagle advantage cards registered so far. And we have earned 175 reward points so far. We will be deciding how to spend the points at the March PTA meeting on Tuesday, March 10. Please join us to make this decision!!

If you have not registered your Target, Giant Eagle or Heinens cards, please visit their websites to sign up Lincoln as your donation school. These companies are very generous to the community and I hope that we can take full advantage by signing everyone up at Lincoln. Each time you use one of these cards, the company donates a percentage of the sale back to LincolnElementary School. All you have to do is shop. For the Giant Eagle card, it is easiest to call. Their number is 1-800-474-4777 please use CODE # 2477 when registering your card.

If you have any questions, please contact Tessa Smith at