Workshop Agenda in February9th – 13th, 2015
RILCA, Mahidol University and SOAS, University of London
February 9th, 2015
Venue: Salaya Pavilion Hotel, Mahidol University
09.00-10.00Opening Ceremony
Welcoming Speech
- President of Mahidol University
Introductory Speech
- Emeritus Prof. Suwilai Premsrirat, RILCA
- Prof PeterK. Austin, SOAS
Early career researcher introductions
10.00-11.00Keynote Lecture: Interdisciplinary research and languagedocumentation and revitalisation - prospects and challenges
– ProfPeter K. Austin
– overview of kinds of interdisciplinary collaboration that can be fostered by language documentation and language revitalisation, especially in ethnobiology, ethnomusicology, performing arts and media and information technology. Discussion of challenges such research creates.
11.00-11.30-- Coffee/Tea break --
11.30-12.30Keynote Lecture: Interdisciplinary research and language education and policy - prospects and challenges
– Emeritus Prof Suwilai Premsrirat
–overview interdisciplinary collaboration in education and policy making, such as teaching ethnic languages, scripts, local knowledge, and mother tongue-based bilingual/multilingual education (MTB MLE). Related topics to be discussed are: orthography development, oral literature collection and literature production, dictionary compilation, vocabulary development, pedagogical grammars, and issues about National Language Policy and Educational Policy. Discussion of success and challenges.
12.30-13.30-- lunch --
13.30-14.30Language policy and planning
– Dr Julia Sallabank and Dr Kirk Person
– national and international perspectives on language policy and planning, role and assessment of language ideologies and language attitudes, top-down and bottom-up approaches, successes and failures
14.30-15.30Phonetics in language documentation and revitalisation
– Dr Candide Simard
– overview of theoretical and practical issues in phonetic research, segmental and suprasegmental analysis, introduction to Praat software, hands-on practice.
15.30-16.00-- Coffee/Tea break --
16.00-17.30Documenting lexical and textual knowledge for language revitalization
– Dr Isara Choosri
– tools and practice for location-based knowledge documentation using GIS and SIL FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) focusing on lexical and textual data in multimedia format. Development of corpora of endangered languages for corpus analysis tools. Case studies include community population survey and development of genealogical information, local histories and stories, survey of food sources and medicinal herbs; lexicon of herbs (ethnobotany), ethnoarts and handicrafts. Links between documentation and revitalization.
18.00-20.00Reception Dinner
– showcasing cultural diversity found in Thailand through displays of singing, music, dancing and other performances.
February10th, 2015
Venue: RILCA, Mahidol University
Option A / Option B / Option C9:00-10:30 / Best practice recording strategies in language documentation 1 (group 1)
– Mr Tom Castle
– theory and practice of audio recording, psycho-acoustics, the role of environmental factors, microphone choice, recording for different goals. / Research and interviewing techniques
–Dr Julia Sallabank
– research methods for data collection and analysis, the role of interviewing in language documentation and revitalisation, methods and tools to support analysis of interview data, hands-on practice / Documentation of ethnobiology
– Dr Candide Simard
– theory and practice of documentation of ethnobiological knowledge, best practices for species and genus identification, plants and animals lexicon and classification systems, documenting cultural knowledge.
10.00-10.30 / -- Coffee/Tea break –
Participants put up their posters
11:00-12:00 / Best practice recording strategies in language documentation 2 (group 1)
– Mr Tom Castle
– further recording techniques, basic sound capture and editing, hands-on recording and transfer. / Sociolinguistic documentation
- Dr Julia Sallabank
-- theory and practice in sociolinguistics, language attitudes and language use surveys, linguistic ecologies, language shift / Practical phonetics
-Dr Candide Simard
- practical issues in phonetic research, transcription, IPA practice, use of Praat.
12:00-13:00 / -- Lunch –
Option A / Option B / Option C
13:00-14:30 / Best practice recording strategies in language documentation 1 (group 2)
– Mr Tom Castle
– theory and practice of audio recording, psycho-acoustics, the role of environmental factors, microphone choice, recording for different goals. / Research and interviewing techniques
–Dr Julia Sallabank
– research methods for data collection and analysis, the role of interviewing in language documentation and revitalisation, methods and tools to support analysis of interview data, hands-on practice / Documentation of ethnobiology
– Dr Candide Simard
– theory and practice of documentation of ethnobiological knowledge, best practices for species and genus identification, plants and animals lexicon and classification systems, documenting cultural knowledge.
14:30-15:00 / -- Coffee/Tea break --
15:00-16:30 / Best practice recording strategies in language documentation 2 (group 2)
– Mr Tom Castle
– further recording techniques, basic sound capture and editing, hands-on recording and transfer. / Sociolinguistic documentation
- Dr Julia Sallabank
-- theory and practice in sociolinguistics, language attitudes and language use surveys, linguistic ecologies, language shift / Practical phonetics
-Dr Candide Simard
- practical issues in phonetic research, transcription, IPA practice, use of Praat.
16.30-17.00 Prepare for fieldtrip to Nyah Kur ethnolinguistic community
–goals of the fieldtrip, outcomes anticipated, worksheet and research plan, group formation, report strategy, value and outcomes for community
–participants will be assigned to groups and each group will survey community language needs, audit the available resources, observe a demonstration of linguistic and cultural documentation, and meet with community members in a discussion forum. Groups will collect and systematize observations for later discussion and reflection
17.00Leave forChaiyaphum province toNyah Kur ethnolinguisticcommunity
– the community is in North Eastern of Thailand. The average temperature inMarch is 35°C - 36°C (95.2°F-96.8°F).
22.00 (approx.) Check-in at Thepsatitview Resort, Chaiyaphum province
February11th, 2015
Venue: Nyah Kur ethnolinguistic community, Chaiyaphum province
08.30Leaving forNyah Kur ethnolinguistic community.
09.00-12.30Fieldtrip: activities
-Recording of language performances
-Ethnobiology documentation
-Traditional cultural activity documentation and interview
12.30-13.30-- Lunch --
13.30-14.00Fieldtrip: activities (cont.)
-Recording of language performances
-Ethnobiology documentation
-Traditional cultural activity documentation and interview
16.00-17.00Fieldtrip: feedback and reflections
– participants reflect on their observations and experiences in the fieldtrip and relate them to the principles and practices discussed in previous sessions.
17.00Leaving forSalaya Pavilion Hotel, Mahidol University
22.00 (approx.) Check-in at Salaya Pavilion Hotel
February12th, 2015
Venue: RILCA, Mahidol University
09.00-10.30Review of recordings from Fieldtripby groups
– critical listening and analysis, ideas for improvements, sound analysis and editing techniques
10.30-11.00-- Coffee/Tea break --
11.00-12.30Software training for documentation and revitalisation 1
– participant groups offered training in Praat, ELAN, Toolbox, Metadata management.
12.30-13.30-- Lunch --
13.30-15.00Software training for documentation and revitalisation 2
– participant groups offered training in Praat, ELAN, Toolbox, Metadata management
15.00-15.30-- Coffee/Tea break --
15.30-17.00 Group work on developing a project (for report on 13th February)
– working with recorded data to create useful outcomes (Praat, ELAN, Toolbox, Lexique Pro, Excel)
February13th, 2015
Venue: RILCA, Mahidol University
09.00-09.30Introduction to RILCA (greeting by director)
09.30-10.30Visit to Resource Center for Documentation, Revitalization and Maintenance of Endangered Languages and Cultures
10:30-12:00Poster session and group/individual consultations
12.00-13.00-- Lunch --
13.00-14.30Group work finalising projects and preparing presentation
14.30-15.00-- Coffee/Tea break --
15.00-16.00Group reports on recording, archiving, revitalization and multimedia group project work
– SOAS and RILCA staff
16.00-16.30Advice for new researchers and envisioning the future: Informal group discussion on institutional and individual research interests and ways forward
-- British Council Thailand office
16.30-17.00Summary and Evaluation
– participants review all workshop sessions and evaluate them in terms of the goals of the workshop and their effectiveness in achieving these goals. The outcomes of this evaluation will inform future collaborations and activities between the partners.