Stone Bridge Middle School

Discovering True North

1252 Yardville-Allentown Rd., Allentown NJ 08501 ~ Phone (609)259-7292 ~ Fax (609) 223-3642


May 5, 2013

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As you may already know, next year we will be running an Exploring Biotechnology course for our 8th grade students. The introductory course is a great foundation for those students who are interested in the Agriculture Science program, which is currently offered at Allentown High School. During the first stages of our scheduling process, there were a number of students who expressed an interest in the program, and so we are thrilled that our students are excited and eager to be a part of the program.

Since the class is currently taught at the high school, prior to the start of our school day, we do want to be able to provide you and your child with a clear understanding of the outline of the course as well as how it will impact his/her schedule here at Stone Bridge Middle School. With that, we would like to invite you and your child to an informational session on Thursday, May 14th at 6 pm. We have invited Mrs. Denise Emmons, the high school teacher responsible for creating and teaching the course, along with some students who are currently enrolled in the class, to come and speak to you about the program. We will also speak about the application process so that your child can properly prepare.

We hope you can join us at 6 pm in the SBMS auditorium, and would ask that if your child has expressed an interest in the course, that he/she join you that evening. If, however, you are unable to attend, please take a look at the information provided and contact us with any questions or concerns. Please note that students will be able to apply to the program regardless of whether or not they attend the informational session; we do believe, though, that the evening will be beneficial and urge you to attend.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday. Again, please contact us with questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Stefanie NegroBrian Myslinski

PrincipalVice Principal

Thank you for expressing your interest in Exploring Biotechnology! Here is some important information that may be helpful for you when deciding whether or not to apply for the course.


--Exploring Biotechnology will be taught at Allentown High School by Mrs. Denise Emmons.

--The class will run from 7:20-8:05.

--The class will run on an A/B schedule for the entire school year.

--Please know that taking this class will not conflict with our 8th Grade Band program.

--Students who qualify for transportation are provided with the opportunity to ride a high school bus to AHS for Exploring Biotechnology and will then be transported to SBMS each morning once the class concludes.

--Exploring Biotechnology will be scheduled in addition to a student’s schedule at SBMS- it will not replace any classes a student is required to take at SBMS.

--While the grade earned at the completion of this course will not appear on a student’s high school transcript, the guidance department will make note of it on student transcripts.

--The course is structured to enable all students to have a variety of experiences that will provide an overview of the fields of agriscience and natural resources so that students may continue through a sequence of courses through high school.

--The Exploring Biotechnology course includes:

  • Agriscience
  • Communication
  • Plant and Botanical Sciences
  • Animal Science
  • Power Systems
  • Natural Resources

--Students will investigate, experiment, and learn about documenting a project, solving problems, and communicating their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community.

Stefanie Negro, Principal Brian Myslinski, Vice Principal Website: Twitter: @StoneBridgeMS