California State University, Chico
School of Education
Special Education Intern Program
Mid-Supervision Education Specialist Intern Field Log
Intern Name: _Linda Darling-Hammond__ School Site: Ridgemont High School
Date: ______11/11/11______
Date / Activity or Lesson / Ed Specialist Standard Addressed (see Education Specialist Standards, revised 1/2010) / ReflectionBy 10/16 / This standard describes my school year thus far… The first month and a half was literally spent out of my classroom helping run and facilitate the high school FLS program in addition to collaboration with the elementary and Adult Program of FLS for our district. I literally did not have one full week in my own program until the middle of September. At least two of the five days in my week was spent supporting and/or teaching other programs. The FLS teachers for the High School and Adult Program along with myself, have also met with another teacher from Durham to collaborate on ideas of how to make our programs similar in design and function. We have also discussed low-incidence services and transitioning services. We have observed in various classes to try to set up times and dates where we can all switch programs and run each other’s classrooms. I have also talked numerous times with my site administrators on doing disability awareness training and equipping students in my program to help with various jobs throughout the school. I have collaborated with general education teachers on curriculum development and modifications of curriculum for the classes the children in my program are mainstreamed into. My life has been consumed with collaboration in multiple areas with multiple people. Including the new speech teacher for my site on how to increase communication and social interactions for all the children I support. / Program Standard 4: Effective Communication and Collaborative Partnerships - Factors and Behaviors to be considered: Candidate/Intern demonstrates the ability in communicating, collaborating and consulting effectively
with (1) individuals with disabilities and their parents, and primary caregivers, (2)
general/special education teachers, and co-teachers, related service personnel, and
administrators, (3) trans-disciplinary teams including but not limited to multi-tiered intervention
strategies, Section 504, IEP/IFSP/ITP. The program provides opportunities for the candidate to
establish and work in partnerships to design, implement, and evaluate appropriate, integrated
services based on individual student needs. The program informs candidates of the importance
of communicating effectively with the business community, public and non-public agencies, to
provide the cohesive delivery of services, and bridge transitional stages across the life span for
all learners. / It is a relief to finally be able to get to the point where all our programs will be similar in design and function. Thus, making transitions for all our students and parents highly successful and stress-free. It is wonderful to know, see, and actually be able to do what others are doing in their programs and to collaborate with another teacher in a different district. It has been a lot of extra work on my part to support and help set up another program, but I know in the long run that it will be a benefit to my students and to myself in numerous areas including, but not limited to curriculum development and transitioning. It has been beneficial to collaborate with someone outside our district as well, due to the fact that she is a wealth of knowledge and she has had many materials and resources to share. It is also ideal to have others whose programs I can run and visa-versa if need be. It has helped in development of curriculum and goals for my own students as I am learning where they have transitioned from and no know the program to with they will be transitioning. This collaboration and the knowledge I have gained aides me in equipping my students with the tools they need to be successful in the next program they will be in and allows other teacher to do the same. I have also enjoyed collaborating with general education teachers at my own site as they themselves learn more about the students in my program and are eager to learn more about the disabilities that are present in my classroom.