PBSName ______
3.4.2 – 4.2.2
Part 1
1- Draw Punnett square/determine phenotypes(#1-4)______/1 pt
2-Determine genotypes-parents from chromosomes(#8)______/1 pt
3- Complete a Punnett square for parents(#9)______/1 pt
4- Determine the percent chance of sickle cell (#10)______/1 pt
5- Determine the percent chance carrier (#11)______/1 pt
Part II
6- Determine percent of children with sickle cell
from class data table(#14)______/1 pt
7- Determine percent carriers from class table______/1 pt
Part III
8- Calculate probability child has sickle cell and
completePunnett square; Pedigree 1( #19)______/1 pt
9- Calculate probability child has sickle cell and
completePunnett square; Pedigree 2( #19)______/1 pt
10- Calculate probability child has sickle cell and
completePunnett square; Pedigree 3( #19) ______/1 pt
11- Conclusion #1-3______/3 pts
Total 3.4.2______/13pts
Part 1
12- Observations of where diseases occur and not (#1)______/1 pt
13- Predict what will happen to frequency of of sickle
cell as a result of malaria/frequency? (#4)______/1 pt
14- Table: 2nd generation- total surviving alleles (#12)______/1 pt
15- Table; 3rd generation- total surviving alleles (#15)______/1 pt
16- Table: Results on class board (#16)______/1 pt
17- Calculate frequencies of alleles- show work (#17)______/1 pt
18- Conclusion #1-6______/6 pts
Total 3.4.3______/12 pts
Part 1
19- Six steps as blood moves Heart/Lungs/Body(#5)______/1 pt
20- Paragraph that describes what happens to a red
blood cell moving through body. Include structures
and interaction with oxygen “hemoglobin”(#23)______/2 pts
21- Conclusion #1-5______/5 pts
Total 4.1.1______/8 pts
Part 1
22- Difference between L & R ventricles & fxns (#14)______/1 pt
23- Fxns of L & R atria,Fxn of vena cava,
aorta, pulmonary vein (#16,18,20,22)______/2 pt
24-Pics or sketches of heart dissection w labels (#23)______/2 pts
25-Thickness of atrial wall measurement (#29)______/1 pt
26-Tricuspid leaflets and fxn (#30, 34)______/1 pt
27-Thickness of LV, comparison to RV (#36, 37)______/1 pt
28-Mitral valve appearance and fxn (#38, 39)______/1 pt
29-Aortic measurement and explanation (#41)______/1 pt
30-Path of blood through heart (#43)______/2 pts
31-Sketch of vein and artery (#49)______/2 pts
32-4.1.2 Autopsy Report (#52)______/2 pts
33- LV Hypertrophy research and possible causes (#54)______/2 pts
34-Possible Cause of Death- on autopsy (#55)______/1 pt
35-Conclusion Questions 1-6______/6 pts
Total 4.1.2______/25 pts
36- You & lab partner manual pulse rate (#5)______/1 pt
37- Average BPM from Vernier sensors (#25)______/1 pt
38-Heart Rate graph (#26)______/1 pt
Total 4.2.1______/3 pts
39- You & lab partner BP readings (#9, 10)______/1 pt
40- Vernier sensor BP readings (#27-29)______/1 pt
41- Data File (#31)______/1 pts
42- 4.2.1 Medical History (Recommendations #43)______/1 pt
43- Data from Experimental Design______/2 pts
44- One paragraph write up on findings of experimental
design______/2 pts
45- Conclusion Questions 1-4______/4 pt
Total 4.2.2______/12pts