February/March 2017

Franklin Township Public Schools K-8

Student Assistant Program Newsletter

Kyra Baumstark Social Work Intern &

Valerie Northey, LCSW, LCADC, SAC

This months themes are: equality, kindness, trustworthiness, and fairness.

The New Year is in full swing! Holidays like Valentines Day and Presidents Day welcome feelings of love and appreciation making February and March’s themes of fairness, equality, trustworthiness, and kindness all the more fitting. February not only recognizes these trends but it is also dedicated to Black History and all the important events that led us to today.

A Quiz For You…

Are You a Trustworthy Person? (Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.)
True / False
/ / I keep my promises; I am a person of my word.
/ / I am reliable; I follow through on commitments.
/ / I am honest.
/ / I keep secrets; I never betray a confidence or a trust.
/ / I have integrity; I don't cave in to temptation.
/ / I am loyal when loyalty is appropriate.
I think I am/am not a trustworthy person because:______

Copyright Elkind+Sweet Communications / Live Wire Media. Reprinted by permission. Copied from

Traits of Trustworthy People

1. They are authentic.

2. They are consistent.

3.They have integrity.

4. They are compassionate.

5. They are kind.

6. They are resourceful.

7. They are connectors.

8. They are humble.

9. They are available.

Do you or your friends have these qualities? If not, how do you think you can develop these qualities? ______

A Valentines Day Activity From...

8 Simple Ways to Show Kindness Every Day…

…You could be the reason someone’s day goes from bad to great!

1. Smile

2. Hold the door open

3. Show up on time

4. Compliment others

5. Bite your tongue

6. Check in with your loved ones

7. Use your manners

8. Be kind to someone you dislike

Do you do any of these things for the people around you? Every day you could be responsible for someone else’s smile, like they always say, smiles are contagious!

From helping someone pick up the things they have dropped to bringing in a can for the food drive, kindness is all around us. If you or one of your friends is having a bad day just telling them you are there for them to lean on is an act of kindness. The best part is, no act of kindness is ever wasted. Every door you hold open for someone will show them that they matter and down the road that person will “pay it forward”. Paying it forward means for every nice thing someone has done for them they will do a nice thing for someone else. Now that is a great chain reaction to be a part of. You could be responsible for a whole schools good day!


The terms equity and equality are sometimes used interchangeably, which can lead to confusion because while these concepts are related, there are also important distinctions between them.

Equity, as we have seen, involves trying to understand and give people what they need to enjoy full, healthy lives. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to enjoy full, healthy lives. Like equity, equality aims to promote fairness and justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things.

Let’s think for a moment about runners sprinting around an oval track during a competition. The concept of equality would have us treat the runners in exactly the same way, ensuring that they all start at the same place on the track. On the surface, this seems fair. But we know that runners in the inside lanes have a distinct advantage over runners in the outer lanes because the distance they have to travel is shorter. As a result, equality – starting at the same place – doesn’t result in fairness. The concept of equity, in contrast, would lead us to stagger the starting positions of the runners in order to offset the disadvantages facing those in the outer lanes. In this case, different or tailored treatment is a surer path to fairness and justice than the same treatment.

This leads us to the question; how can you help others become equal to you?

Events at Franklin Park School

February – Fairness and Equality

Monday morning messages on the intercom will discuss what Fairness means and how it is different from everything being equal.

Monthly classroom lessons will also focus on Fairness:

All classrooms will select a student demonstrating Fairness to be invited to the Peacemaker Recognition held at the end on the month during lunch on the school stage.

Black History Assembly February 17th

Students to present their Martin Luther King reflections during the morning announcements

Hands of Friendshipactivity

Black History Month artifacts displayed in the atrium display case

Omega Man Assembly February 17th –Bully Prevention/Character Development – Be a “HERO” – Helping Everyone Respect Others

March-Trustworthiness and Friendship

Announcements: to focus on trust and friendship

Monthly classroom lessons will focus on Trustworthiness

Franklin Middle School Upcoming Events

The Student Assistance Program has joined with the Franklin Township Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse to implement the Positive Social Norms Campaign throughout the district. All PBIS schools will actively participate in this exciting project.

Here at FMS each Team will be designing a logo for our Living Above the Influence motto. The winning team’s logo will be the design for the FMS t shirt. Various activities will include photo booths at the Glow n Tines Dance on February 10th and Spirit Week.

Ms. August and Ms. Bandera’s Genius Hour Class is sponsoring the first of many projects. Led by Christopher Rice and Kosta Kalogeropoulos , The Woof& Whiskers Pet Supply Drive is well underway. Pet food, treats, puppy pads and medicine are among the various items being collected to be distributed to the Franklin Township Animal Shelter.

During the month of February Ms. Beattie's Drama class and Mr. Ramos dance classes will be providing our school with special programs in recognition of Black History month.

Connections students will be actively participating in the Social Norms Campaign!!

The FYI Boys Program is up and running here at FMS. Boys meet weekly for group discussion and activities.

The Girls Circle Group is continuing here at FMS as well as The Middle Earth Mentoring Program.

PBIS Clothing Drive continuing throughout February.

Also keep an eye out for Team 8D’s bulletin board on what equality is!

Elementary School Happenings

The Happy, Healthy Me after school Program will begin at MacAfee Road and Hillcrest Elementary Schools and will continue throughout February and March. All kindergarten and 1st grade students will participate in this social skills program.

We recently had the R.E.B.E.L. Program from FHS visit our 3rd graders to teach drug and tobacco awareness.

February 6th, Hillcrest students will be fortunate to have Zeus, from the Harlem Globetrotters, present an anti-bullying assembly.

Hillcrest students participated in a “Souper” Can Drive the first week of February, donating canned foods to the Franklin Twp. Food Bank.

In March, counseling lessons will be taught to our K-4 students with the emphasis on “Friendship”.

Mural Contest

FTPD and PBSIS are sponsoring a mural contest to demonstrate how police officers and students working together strengthens our community. Interested applicants should submit an essay to School Resource Officer Grant (Room 312—across from the main office) no later than February 17th.

The essay should be at least 100 words and answer the following question: “How is your community strengthened by a positive relationship between students and police officers?”

Finalists will be selected by February 24th and will participate in an interview for final selection in which their mural concept will be discussed. Participants should be prepared to provide a sketch of their mural concept during this interview. The student with the best overall concept and design will be chosen to paint a mural in School Resource Officer Grant’s office.

Any student wishing to participate, please submit your essay, including your name, to Officer Grant no later than February 17th for consideration.

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