CP World History

“Issues of World in the 21st Century”

Current Event Project

In any history class, it is important to follow current events, as they become tomorrow’s history. That being said, you will be required to keep up on current events over the year and will produce a current event project, which will document your learning.

The world is an ever growing smaller place to live. We are now forced to realize that we have become dependent on nations overseas for many of the products and services that we take for granted today. Often, this desire for goods and services creates conflicts amongst nations.


There are many issues that the World faces today. During the year, you will be required to read and review one article related to each Issues of the Worldlisted below. That averages to about one article a month, so make sure to pace yourself and keep on top of this assignment. The article will be due at the end of each month and will be worth 20 points for each article for a totalof 60 to 100 points for each semester.


  1. Choose one article that deals with theIssues ofthe World listed below. You will report on eight of the ten Issues of your choice. These must be eight different Issues. Articles can be from the Internet, newspaper, or magazines. You may select the articles yourself, as long as they deal with significant current events based on the issues listed below. If choosing a newspaper or magazine, you will need to cut the article out and paste or tape the article to regular 8 ½ x 11 paper. If using the Internet, you simply need to print out the article. You will be required to cite the source for your article, so make sure to write down newspaper and/or magazine title; date and page numbers and/or the complete Internet address (see Article Review Format Instructions).
  2. Highlight the main points, or anything you find interesting, on the article itself. Your reading skills will improve by using this technique. (This is part of the grade!)
  3. Review each article according to the Article Review Format Instructions. All Article Reviews must be computer-generated!NO handwritten will be accepted or graded.
  4. Place the Article Review on top of the current event article and staple together.
  5. Each month from September to May you will submit one Article Review from the list below. The Article Review will be due the lasting school day of the month. On occasion, two Article Reviews may due in a single month.
  6. All articles must be drawn from the present school year, August 2010 to June 2011. No exceptions. All articles must relate to the World. No exceptions. Failure to comply will result in zero (0) points for the article.
  7. No late articles will be accepted. You cannot turn in two or three articles on any given month in which an article is due.

Note: DO NOT USE 1st Person anywhere in this assignment! (This includes we, us, our, I, my, etc.) You need to write in 3rd Person. This is a difficult task but you can find ways to discuss what you have learned and make an argument without doing this.

***Every part of the Article Review must be met and you must show tremendous effort to ensure a good grade. If you have questions, make sure to come by for help!

Issues of World

1. International Economy

2. Information Revolution

3. Technological Revolution

4. International Poverty

5. Communications Revolution

6. International


7. Communism v. Democracy

8. International Law

9. International Terrorism

10. World Religions

Article Review Format



Periodical/Complete Internet Address:

Periodical/Internet Date:

Article Title:

Page number(s):

(5 points ______)

Article Highlighted:(5 points ______)

Five things you learned from the article. This is a summary of the main points in the article. Please write in complete sentences and in your own words. (5 points ______)






Discussion of the article (thoughts, feelings, etc.). Do you agree/disagree with the article? Why? Engage actively! Take a side! ***This is an opinion piece! Explain in one paragraph of 5sentences.

(5 points ______)