Sept. 3, 2004 75 points total Raw Score______
(Please write your name legibly as you want it to appear on your certificate.)
IOIA/Taiwan Farm Inspector Training Test
1. LIST all essential farm records for an organic rice farmer who sells "container" loads of rice from on-farm storage bins. (6 points-some records may be combined)
· Farm maps
· Field activity logs
· Field history sheets
· Input records
· Harvest records
· Storage records
· Sales records
2. Put an "X" by all activities that the inspector uses to assess the fertility management program. (12 points)
Activity / "X" / Activity / "X"Reviews field history sheet / X / Reviews soil tests / X
Looks at plant roots / X / Examines soil / X
Inspects seed labels / Inspects fertilizer bags / X
Looks for plant diseases / X / Inspects crop storage facilities
Inspects harvest equipment / Reviews organic crop yield records / X
Fills out inspection affidavit / Inspects buffers
3. Cite the section and subsection numbers from the Federal Rule which are applicable to each of the issues listed below. (10 points – ½ point for section, ½ point for subsection)
205.205(b) a. The farmer rotates crops to improve pest management.
205.202(c) b. Fields requested for certification border conventional fields and do not have
buffer zones.
205.105(e) c. The alfalfa seeds used to plant hay were inoculated with a GMO inoculant.
205.103(b)(3) d. Farm records are maintained for 5 years.
205.207(a) e. Wild crops are being harvested in a woodland area where prohibited substances
have not been used for at least 25 years.
205.204(a)(2) f. The farmer has documented 3 sources to obtain organic pepper seeds, but the
variety was not commercially available, so untreated, non-organic seeds were used.
205.206(c)(6) g. Plastic mulch is used for growing cherry tomatoes. (or 205.601(b)(2)(ii))
205.601(i)(5) h. The farmer used lime sulfur for plant disease control.
205.203(c)(1) (ii) i. Raw manure was applied to land where tomatoes have been planted.
205.203(e)(3) j. A farmer is burning crop residues to control disease.
4. Mark an "X" by all situations described below that should alert the inspector to the potential for commingling or contamination. (10 points)
X a. GMO corn is grown in the field next to an organic corn field.
X b. Organic and non-organic oranges are packed in the same shed.
c. "Do Not Spray" signs are posted on the borders of an organic field.
d. A diversity of insects is observed.
X e. A grain combine is owned by the organic farmer but it is also used by his brother who
farms conventionally.
X f. Previously owned spray equipment is now used on the organic farm.
X g. The inspector notices insecticide boxes on the corn planter.
X h. Some bushes are partially dead along a roadside that borders an organic field.
i. A diversity of weed species is seen around an organic field.
X j. An empty Sevin (carbaryl) container is seen in a corner of the equipment shed.
5. You are completing the first time inspection of a organic banana operation with the Exit Interview. During the inspection, a review of records shows the farmer is missing harvest and storage records. You observed that a buffer was needed on the north side of the farm that bordered a conventional vegetable operation. You also found some old containers of insecticide in an old shed. Write 3 Exit Interview statements that address your findings. (6 points-2 points each)
Exit Interview1.
6. Nan Jing Ko is planning to sell 2004 organic soybeans. The soybeans have been harvested from fields #1 and #4, and stored together in bin #2.
a. Design a simple lot number for the bag label of the organic soybeans. (2 points)
· Acceptable variations include: NJKS24, OS204, NJKOS204, S24
· Initials of grower, crop designation, storage bin # and year of production
· If field numbers are included, the answer is wrong – take off one point.
b. Explain each part of the lot number. (2 points)
· Initials of farmer, crop designation, bin #, year
· If a wrong lot number is given, but the correct identification of each component is included, all points should be awarded for this part of the answer.
c. What specific audit trail document is needed to track the soybeans back to the fields where they were grown? (1 point)
· Storage record
7. Using diagonal lines, record the required buffer zones on the map below. The farmer being inspected manages this 100% organic farm, located on flat terrain. He has sent a letter to transportation department regarding no spraying, but has not spoken with any of the neighbors about chemical trespass and does not know if any prohibited products are used on his neighbor’s pasture. (4 points)
8. The farmer you are inspecting has purchased some non-organic untreated seeds. Check all documentation that can be used to show compliance with NOP 205.204 according to QCS requirements. (8 points)
Documentation / "X" / Documentation / "X"Seed labels / X / Written documentation of 3 attempts to source organic seed / X
Harvest records / Input records
Written non-GMO verification, if seed is available as GMO / X / Documentation of commercial availability or why that particular variety is necessary. / X
GMO test results / X / Field activity log
9. During a seminar which you are attending, you are asked by a large wholesaler for the names of farmers that could potentially supply him with certified organic vegetables. Put an "X" by the appropriate reply. (2 points)
_____ a. "As an inspector, that information is confidential. I will call the farmers I inspected and give
them your contact information. If they are interested, they can call you. Is there a deadline date for
them to call you?"
_____ b. "I would be happy to email you some of the farmers that I have inspected and their contact
X c. "As an inspector, that information is confidential. Please contact Quality Certification Services
for information on their certified farmers."
10. You are inspecting an on-farm organic vegetable packing shed and on-farm retail store that is buying organic vegetables from neighboring organic farms as well as growing their own.
a. What general topics/areas should be included in your inspection report of this packing shed? (9 points)
One point each, at least 9 topics must be included for full credit, each answer is 1 point – maximum 9 points)
· Background/management
· Ingredients
· Labeling
· Packaging
· Equipment
· Product flow
· Quality assurance
· Pest Control
· Sanitation
· Prevention of commingling and contamination
· Water use
· Government inspections
· Storage
· Transportation
· Audit trail/record keeping (i.e., harvest, receiving records, packing, storage, sales)
· Sample balance
· Certificates for purchased organic vegetables for re-sale
b. What document should the packing shed operators have on file to verify the purchased organic vegetables are "certified organic". (1 point)
Copies of “Organic Certificates”
Taiwan Inspector Training Test - Final Page 1