1. When I think of autumn, apple cider often comes to mind. What is the difference between apple cider and apple juice?
2. How does a black bear prepare for hibernation?
3. According the the poem in the link below, how did a boy become Jack Frost?
4. Fall is an example of a homonym. What is a homonym?
5. In late summer and fall, many animals are busy gathering or consuming mast. What is mast? Write three examples of mast.
6. Your grandmother lives in Florida. She tells you how she misses the changing color of the leaves in the fall. You gather some brightly colored leaves to send to her. How can you preserve their color?
7. Many animals migrate in autumn. Name the animal that makes the longest migration. Use the search engine at The Why Files to uncover the answer.
8. Happy Autumnal Equinox! What is that?
9. Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?
______is the process plants use to make food. The food they make is called ______. To make ______, plants need ______. They also need a chemical called ______. ______gives plants their ______color. As autumn approaches and days get shorter, plants get less ______. ______stops and ______starts to disappear from the leaves. Now other colors also can be seen. The red and purple colors are caused by ______that was trapped in the leaves when ______stopped. The ______colors are caused by waste trapped in the leaves. The ______and ______colors were always there; they were just hidden by the ______color of the ______.
Word Bank: (Some words will be used more than once.)
brown glucose orange carbon dioxide yellow photosynthesis
chlorophyll green sunlight
10. Fill in the blanks using the following website: Encyclopedia/Apples
11. More than ______varieties of apples grow in the world.
12. The ______apple is the most popular apple in the United States.
13. Apples are members of the ______family.
14. ______is the state that produces the most apples.
15. Apples float because ______.