St. Louis, MO

January 21st & 22nd, 2005


Scooter – President

Tree – Vice President

Dawn – Secretary

Bookkeeper – Treasurer

AB Security

Chief - Founder

Horace - Ambassador


Dragon – Chapter Development

Caveman – Public Relations

Ice - Merchandise

STATE REPRESENTATIVES: Total 17 (16 show, 1 no show)

NH - Devin

MA - Rick

PA – no show

OH - Tubby

KS - Hip

WI - T

MN - Heater

AL - Schep

AR - Kickstand

CA - Spurz

UT - Chris

CO –Ted - Lockwasher

MO - Angel

OK - Cruncher

KY - Jack

ID – Slowride

TX – Gambler



Christy – National Artwork Coordinator

Darrell – Webmaster

Friday, January 21, 2005 meeting was called to order at 11:00am

(Meeting was delayed 2 hours due to weather conditions affecting arrival of NEB/NB)

Welcome to Missouri: Scooter / NEB

Pre-agenda items:

  1. Krazy Karl/MO Thank you for allowing MO to host the 2005 National Meeting.

Events planned, where to find things and went over security issues.

2. BACA MO awarded an appreciation plaque to Angel for organizing the National Meeting.

3. Angel awarded Chief a plaque from BACA MO in recognition of his work/vision.

4. Bravo/MO informed everyone of the contents of the registration packs.

5. Bravo/MO presented Scooter with a personally drawn painting depicting a child looking out a

window and seeing Bravo and Scooter standing there as protection so he can sleep safely.

6. Presentation made by Hip/KS and Angel/MO to Thug/National Webmaster making him

an official member of the Horned Helmet Club for his standing up for a child on his

flight home from the 2004 National Meeting and his work on the National Website.

Reading of the BACA Mission Statement: Angel / MO

Attendance: Dawn / NEB

Notation made that there was no one from PA attending the 2005 National Meeting

Announcements: Scooter

1. Information on the scheduled Breakout Sessions

2. Moment of silence for all our fallen brothers.

3. There are 2 items that will be raffled off later that night with proceeds from the raffle going to

Doc’s family. Items are a BACA rock designed and donated by Tubby from OH and a

BACA blanket donated by BACA CA.

Leadership Principles – Horace / NEB

Treasury Report – Bookkeeper / NEB

Discussion: Accountability and responsibility of State Reps to see 10% donations get to National Treasurer.

Chief suggested a breakout of each state’s donations to national. Scooter noted the issue will be addressed in section 5c and that he will work with Bookkeeper to get quarterly reports to each state rep.

Chief / NEB: Honored Scooter with the presentation of a specially personalized embroidered BACA jacket.


Item 1 – Accountability of every state to send a representative to the National Meeting

Scootr / NEB

Discussion: National meeting attendance.


AB/ NEB – To make the National Meeting mandatory for each state to send a representative

2nd – Kickstand / AR

In Favor – 21

Opposed - 1

Abstain - 1 Chief

Motion Passed


Angel / MO – The National President and National Vice President have the discretion to excuse a state for not sending a representative to the National Meeting.

2nd – Schep / AL

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 2 – Consequences for lack of attendance to National Meetings

Scootr / NEB

Discussion: Accountability for not attending national meeting. Penalties. Who decides? Who enforces it?


Gambler / TX – If the National President and National Vice President find there’s an unexcused absence for a state not attending the National Meeting, that State’s Rep and State’s President will have their patched pulled under the direction of the NEB.

2nd – Spurz / CA

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 3 – Dictatorships

Scootr / NEB

Discussion: Loopholes in chapter bylaws which allow chapter positions to bypass elections. Are they to be allowed in BACA? How do we prevent them?


Kickstand / AR – All states must submit* their bylaws/ state constitution to the NEB for approval.

2nd – Horace

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

*Every state will turn in a copy of their bylaws/state constitution within 3 months after receiving a copy of the National Bylaws.

Item 4 – Oversight and Appeals Committee

Chief / NEB

Discussion: A committee designed to allow members a “last stop” for having their cases heard, allow for National to assess and regulate State bylaws in cases of appeal, and allow for an internal review to insure those bylaws were followed.


Chief / NEB – Motion to form an Oversight and Appeals Committee consisting of 5 members from the National Board and overseen by the National Vice President to handle bylaw/state constitution compliance issues from the general membership population.

2nd – Horace / NEB

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

It was agreed to have the Oversight and Appeals Committee work with the NEB in formulating all policies set in place since the 2001 National Meeting into a set of National Bylaws/Constitution. Also to have this committee continue by reviewing all bylaws submitted by temp charter chapters petitioning for full charter.

The Oversight and Appeals Committee will also create a set of National Policies and Procedures.

Item 5a –Propose to strike the words “suggested” from policy Item 19 in the 2002 National Meeting minutes that states: “It is suggested no patch be worn above the member patch or above the kidney belt”.

Also no patch with inappropriate language or meaning shall be worn on the BACA vest.

Scootr / NEB


Spurz / CA – Motion to completely strike the passage from Item 19, 5a and replace it with the following 2 passages:

  1. No patch of any kind shall be worn in the area above the bottom of the BACA patch.
  2. No patch containing material either in language or symbol unsuitable for children shall be worn on the vest or jacket upon which the BACA patch is worn.

2nd – Angel / MO

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 5b –Propose to strike the words “suggested” from policy Item 20 in the 2002 National Meeting minutes that states: “It is suggested one member’s patch per member. Any replacement patch must be reviewed by the State Board of Directors for approval to reissue.”

Also no patch with inappropriate language or meaning shall be worn on the BACA vest.

Scootr / NEB


Gambler / TX – Motion to adopt new wording “One member’s patch per member. Any replacement patch must be reviewed by the State Board of Directors for approval to reissue.”

2nd – Angel / MO

In Favor – 19
Opposed - 4

Motion Passed

Item 5c –Propose to strike the words “request” from policy Item 20 in the 2002 National Meeting minutes that states: “National Board of Directors request that all states and/or chapters help support National with a suggested 10% of all funds raised (to be defined as “fundraisers, T-shirts and donations excluding merchandise from National), to be done quarterly. Until such time that there is 100% participation from the 100 mile ride such that National may be funded properly by it this is still needed.”

Scootr / NEB


Gambler / TX – Motion to adopt new wording “All states and/or chapters will support National with 10% of all funds raised (to be defined as “fundraisers, T-shirts and donations excluding merchandise from National), to be done quarterly. ”

2nd – T / WI

In Favor – 19
Opposed - 4

Motion Passed

Item 5d –Propose to strike Item 8 in the 2002 National Meeting minutes that states: “Every chapter shall submit an article for the National Newsletter once every two months on a timeline as directed by the Newsletter officer.” As there is no National Newsletter.

Scootr / NEB


AB / NEB – Motion to strike Item 8 in the 2002 National Meeting minutes .

2nd – Gambler / TX

In Favor – 23
Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 6 –Propose changes in National Election policy to have elections at the National Meeting as was done in 2004. (Requires modifications to existing nomination/election bylaws developed by Chief and his committee).

Scootr / NEB


AB / NEB – Motion to accept proposal as written by Scootr in Item 6.

2nd – Angel / MO

In Favor – 23
Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 7 –Discussion on the “how BACA works” paragraphs on the National Website


“ …Prior to becoming the primary contacts for the child, the bikers are cleared for participation by clearing an NCIC background check, have ridden with the Chapter for at least a year, and have received special instructions from the Licensed Mental Health Professional on the Board of Directors for the Chapter.”

Level II Intervention states “…Only in circumstances where the assigned BACA member feels that the child is in danger of further abuse or at risk of being harmed can the bikers act against this policy.”

  1. Change wording on the National Website from “NCIC background check” to “criminal background check”.
  2. Strike “on the Board of Directors for the Chapter”
  3. Strike the Level II phrase noted

Item discussed and National Webmaster will make necessary changes to the National Website

Item 8 – Licensed Mental Health Professionals

Chief / NEB

Brought all the reps up to speed on the minimum requirements for that position and updating the responsibilities for that position. A Mental Health Professional “MUST BE” licensed/master.

Item 9 – Outside sponsor(s) in order to allow BACA member(s) to do BACA work full time.

Chief / NEB

Issue discussed and not popular among the NB/NEB due to conflicts of interests.

Item 10 – Background checks. What is adequate? What about online background checks?


Discussion about trying to find a way for every state to do a thorough background check. AB is going to check into a company that does online background checks by using previous ones and comparing the results.

Item 11 – Allowing guests to observe child adoptions.

Ted / CO

Discussed and decided that each State decides whether or not to allow guests on an adoption.

Item 12 – Dangers of selling “backpatch T-shirts” to the public

Kickstand / AR


Kickstand / AR – Motion to not authorize the production of any T-shirt with the BACA oval logo or BACA patch logo on the back of it.

2nd – Tree / NEB

In Favor – 18

Opposed - 5

Motion Passed

Item 13 – Creation of a “kids only” patch

Cruncher / OK

OK will form a committee to care of details ( ie: artwork, slogan, etc.) and present it to the NEB within 90 days. All chapters can submit ideas.


Chief / NEB – Motion to produce a child’s back patch to be given to children.

2nd – Jack / KY

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 14 – Nomad Chapters

Cruncher / OK

Discussion on whether or not to form a Nomad Chapter for people who travel frequently in order to give them the ability to attend another state’s meeting and have it reported back to their home chapter in order to maintain their attendance requirements.

It was decided this was not necessary as all BACA chapter meetings are open to any BACA member and that all chapters have their meetings time and place posted on the National Website.

Saturday, January 22, 2005 meeting was called to order at 9:00am

Item 15 – Review and adopt national website policy as outlined in supporting document “BACA Website Policeis and Procedures General Policy” submitted by the National Webmaster.

Scootr / NEB

Section 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5All agreed

Section 1.6Should read:

No recognizable picture of a minor child may be posted to a BACA website. Blurring of the face, blacking of the eyes, or other means of identity blocking is an acceptable alternative.

Section 1.7Should read:

The State Board can post no person or member on the Out Bad List on the National Website without a majority vote of the State Board. No name on the Out Bad List can be considered for BACA membership.

Section 1.8, 1.9, 1.10All agreed

Section 1.11Should read:

Chapters will not create independent websites. Chapters with existing independent websites must register their URL and admin login with the National Webmaster.

Section 1.12Should read:

Existing websites will be removed when their domain expires.

Section 1.13, 1.14, 1.15All agreed

Section 1.16Should read:

The About BACA, FAQ’s, Chapters, national content, chapter home pages and the e extranet are under the control of the BACA National Webmaster.

Note: National Webmaster needs to revisit the FAQ’s and add History as written by Chief

Section 1.17All agreed


Scootr / NEB – Motion to accept Website Policies and Procedures as modified

2nd – Schep / AL

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Development and Control

Section 2.1, 2.2All agreed

Section 2.3Should read:

Each chapter’s Executive Board shall appoint a patched member as their chapter’s Web Administrator. A member of the chapter’s Executive Board must notify the BACA National Webmaster regarding its choice of Web Administrator or change thereof. Additionally, the chapter’s Web Administrator shall report to the National Webmaster and in such cases, the State Web Administrator as outlined in this document. The Web Administrator must maintain a valid email address in the Members Area.

Section 2.4 – 2.10All agreed

Article III. Extranet Access

Section 3.1 – 3.12All agreed

Article IV. Donations and Merchandise

Section 4.1Should read:

The Donations and Merchandise section of the National Website will allow BACA National and each chapter to accept cash donations. The website will produce a report indicating the cash donation distribution. At quarterly intervals, the National Treasurer shall distribute funds to the chapters according to the report provided.

Section 4.1 – 4.13All agreed


Spurz / CA – Motion to accept Donations and Merchandise as modified

2nd – Angel / MO

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 17 – Should donations through the donations/merchandise page on the National Website be for national only or should the donor be able to select a specific chapter if they wish.

Scootr / NEB


Chief / NEB – Motion to allow donor to select a specific chapter to donate to and/or buy merchandise from.

2nd – Tree / NEB

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed

Item 18 – Open discussion about retirement from BACA

Scootr / NEB

Discussion tabled until 2006 National Meeting

Item 19 – Should the National Rally be made “kid friendly”

Cruncher / OK

Decided the National Rally will stay as an 18+ only event.

Item 20 – Discussion on the growth of the National Meeting and how to control it

Angel / MO


Chief / NEB – Motion to limit the National Meeting

2nd – Angel / MO


7Leave National Meeting open

0Close the National Meeting strictly to the National Board

14Restrict National Meeting to the NB, NEB and 10 members per state. Past Board Members are invited to come and are not included in the 10 members per state limit.

2Abstained votes

Item 21 – Items not on agenda

Chris / UT

The BACA Bike will be raffled off on September 17th. Tickets will be available on the National Website.

Chief / NEB

  1. Discussed the International Association for Play Therapy Conference he attended and he has a list of child therapist volunteers. Any chapter who is interested, can contact Chief and he will have one of the Child Therapists contact that chapter.
  2. Pat Ware is now on her own and is looking for a list of Q & A’s to present to Washington, D.C. so that she can see what she can do to help BACA. Chief is looking for a committee to work with Pat Ware. Kickstand/AK, Devin/NH and Spurz/CA agreed to be on this committee. Chief will send the Q&A’s they compile to the NEB for approval.
  3. Chief is working on a book of “BACA Stories” and would like each chapter to submit a “Family Story”, “BACA Member Story” and a “BACA Child Story” to him within 90 days. Chief and Crystal/BACA MA, will review and edit the storys for the book.
Send hardcopies to: J P Lilly, 286 South East, Suite C, Provo, Utah 84606
4.He would like a quarterly report of the # of children, # of rides, activities from each state. Scootr and Tree will refine this report and get it the State Reps in 30 days.
  1. 75 acres of land in Utah have been donated to BACA. Chief would like to see this land become “Camp BACA” where kids and families can come for vacation.
  2. Healing Field for Abused Children will be having their “Flags Across America” event on April 23 – April 25. This event is to raise awareness of the number of children that have died due to abuse.
  3. In regards to stating the number of members each chapter has to outsiders – keep it general.
  4. Respect the Out Bad List
  5. Discussion on whether or not we should allow BUACA to be BACA


Tree / NEB – Motion to move forward with talks with BUACA

2nd – Kickstand / AR

In Favor – 22

Opposed - 1

Motion Passed


Bookkeeper / NEB – Motion to send 2 NEB members to Australia to visit BUACA with the provisions that BUACA covers all expenses.

2nd – Tree / NEB

In Favor – 23

Opposed - 0

Motion Passed