Ms. Green
Sixth Grade Math Course Syllabus
Come to class on time.
Be prepared to learn.
Give your best effort!
Course: 6th Grade Mathematics Room: 167
Year: 2014-2015
Instructor: Ms. Green
Availability: Mon.-Fri. 7:15-7:40, 2:30-3:50
Contact: ATA Office: (313) 625-4700
Course Descriptions: 6th grade
The math curriculum is organized around mathematical "big ideas", or clusters of important, related mathematical concepts, processes, and problem solving strategies. These concepts are studied in depth, with the development of deep understanding as the goal. We have a new curriculum this year that models the Singapore Math Approach in our new book Math in Focus. Students will study focused and coherent Common Core Curriculum that emphasizes standards for mathematical content and practice, problem solving and mastery learning, and using multiple representations to solve mathematical problems. Please visit this website for an online version of our textbook, which provides homework help, practice quizzes with immediate feedback, video tutorials and step-by-step instructions for our mathematical concepts that we learn in class at:
Textbook(s): Math in Focus: Singapore Math
Textbook Policy
Textbooks and supplemental works are the property of ATA. On-line versions of the textbook will be used in class. Math textbooks will be distributed to students for home use and must be returned to the instructor at the end of the year in good condition, or a fee may be charged. Students will not be given the following years transcripts until all books are turned in, replaced or paid for (if lost or damaged). Due to the high cost of replacing damaged textbooks, it is mandatory for students to cover their math books.
Students should own or have access to necessary course materials and resources. There is an extensive list of 6th grade classroom supplies posted on my wikispace, for further details. Since we will be in the computer lab for most of our class work, it is highly recommended that students have access to the Internet, whether at home or at a local library. It is also suggested that students have their own flash drive to back up the work they complete during our course of study. Our class assignments, upcoming projects, test and quiz reminders and homework assignments will all be posted on my wiki as well, along with a link to check grades for each of my classes. There will be times when I may need extra materials from home such as poster boards, newspapers and shoe boxes. I will write a written request for these materials in advance and send it home.
Scope and Sequence
Chapter 1: Positive Numbers and the Number Line
Chapter 2: Negative Numbers and the Number Line
Chapter 3: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Decimals
Chapter 4: Ratio
Chapter 5: Rates
Chapter 6: Percent
Chapter 7: Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 8: Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 9: The Coordinate Plane
Chapter 10: Area of Polygons
Chapter 11: Circumference and Area of a Circle
Chapter 12: Surface Area and Volume of Solids
Chapter 13: Introduction to Stats
Chapter 14: Measures of Central Tendency
Grading Scale: High Standards for High Achievement
Grades will be determined based on a weighted scale and the total number of points earned. There is no curve. The weighted scale is as follows:
Category / PercentageClass Assignments / 40%
Homework Assignments / 15%
Tests and Quizzes / 45%
The grading scale is as follows:
A = 93%-100% / C= 73%-76%A-= 90%-92% / C-= 70%-72%
B+= 87%-89% / D+= 67%-69%
B= 83%-86% / D= 63%-66%
B-= 80%-82% / D-= 60%-62%
C+= 77%-79% / F= 0% - 59%
Classroom Rules, Procedures, Policies
In order to promote a healthy and engaging learning environment, we need to follow classroom procedures and policies. Below I have outlined my expectations for our class. I reserve the right to adjust any policies or procedures as I see necessary in order to promote a safe and stimulating classroom community.
Classroom Expectations
Every day when the students walk into class they need to sit in their assigned seats with their materials out and all non-related materials put away and abide by the following classroom procedures:
Arrival Procedure:
1. Students will completely empty and place backpacks and coats in their assigned lockers.
2. Students will enter the room in a quiet, orderly manner.
3. Students will take out their homework and/or assignments from the previous day and place in the homework bin for instructor to review or check.
4. Students will quietly write down the assignments for the day in their planners.
5. On their computers, students complete their opening activity questions. The purpose of these exercises is to review information from another day before moving onto a new topic, subject, or idea; it may also be used to get the students thinking about a new topic or subject or reflect upon what they have learned.
6. After the instructor leads the class in reviewing the opening activity, the class will move onto that days lecture or activity.
7. Students will be expected to participate in class discussions, review of assignments, brainstorming, etc. - Positive participation may allow a student to earn back lost participation points while negative behavior or lack of involvement may result in points lost.
8. Students MUST raise their hands to be called on. Shouting out answers or talking out of turn will result in participation points being lost, a warning, a call home to the parents, or being sent to the Dean of Students.
9. Unless permission is given by teacher, students may not leave their seats or change seats. Students MUST remain in their seats until the end of class and when dismissed by the teacher. Students are only permitted to leave their seats if instructed by the instructor.
10. All class work must be completed independently unless otherwise stated by the instructor- copying is not allowed (see plagiarism) and any students involved will receive a zero for that assignment and possibly face further disciplinary action.
Classroom Procedures
1. Entering the classroom:
· Go directly to your seat
· Copy today’s assignment(s) in your planner
· Begin the opening activity
· Wait quietly for teacher instruction
2. Dismissal at the end of the period:
· Clean up your work area
· Even if you hear a bell, stay in your seat until you are dismissed by the teacher.
· Make sure your chair is pushed in.
· Upon teacher instruction, line up in the designated area quickly and quietly.
3. Getting students attention:
When teacher begins to count backward starting from 5 or says “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?” students will:
· Immediately stop what they are doing and look at the teacher
· Stop talking
· Silently wait for teacher instruction.
· Continue working when instructed
4. Walking in the Hallways
Students are required to walk through the hallways in a respectful manner that is both safe and efficient. Students will:
· Line up in a single-file line at the classroom door as directed by the teacher.
· Face forward in line
· Walk silently on the right side of the hallway to the destination
· Keep hands and feet to themselves
· Secure all books and/or supplies in hands in front or on sides
5. Finding work after being absent:
· Look at the weekly planner and find the day (s) you were absent
· Write the assignment in your planner and collect any work from the copy bin that may go with it.
· You have one day for every absence to finish the work.
· After completing, return the work to the absent tray.
6. Passing in papers
· Pass papers to the designated person in your row/ group
· Student helper will pick up and turn in papers to the selected bin
7. Talking Procedure:
It is okay to talk:
1. If I raise my hand and the teacher calls on me.
2. If talking is necessary to complete my assignment.
3. If it is free time and I have completed my assignments.
But I know that I must not talk:
1. When the teacher is talking.
2. When a student is asking or answering a question.
3. When the teacher has instructed the class to be quiet.
8. Partner/Group Work
· Talk in quiet voices.
· Put all the names of the members of the group on any paper for the assignment.
· Do your job in the group. Everyone should have a responsibility.
· Be prepared to report. Any student within the team may be picked to share results.
9. Computer Use Policy (see also attached agreement)
· Students will log in using their own username and password
· Students will follow accepted use policy
· Students will remain on task and be on appropriate websites
***Student use of school computers, networks and Internet services is a privilege, not a right. Compliance with the school unit’s policies and rules concerning computer use is mandatory. Students who violate these policies and rules may have their computer privileges limited, suspended, or revoked. Such violations may also result in disciplinary action, referral to dean of students and/or legal action.
10. Making poor choices
1st time – Verbal warning
2nd time – Conference with student
3rd time – Parent contact (phone, e-mail, or card sent home)
4th time – Teacher detention
5th time – Office Referral which may lead to Parent/Student/Dean/Teacher conference
***If your behavior is highly disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous you will be removed
from the classroom immediately.
11. PBIS: Positive Behavior Instructional Supports
You will be rewarded for the positive behavior you exhibit throughout the year! Instead of using a patchwork of individual behavioral management plans, we have moved to a school-wide discipline system that addresses the entire school, the classroom, areas outside the classroom (such as hallways, restrooms, offices, cafeteria, playground/school grounds etc.). Every person who works in the school is aware of the behavioral expectations and works to ensure students are consistently getting the same message, regardless of the setting they are in or the adult they come in contact with. This is your chance to shine and be recognized for following school procedures and exhibiting appropriate behavior!
Classroom Policies
Homework Policy
· Yes, there will be daily homework! Parents please check your child’s daily planner and homework page on my wiki. We will take time everyday to write assignments in the student’s planner for every subject. You may also check my wikispace for homework assignments to ensure your child is completing the necessary work.
Pass Use
· You will need to fill out the pass portion of your planner in ink. Do not interrupt and ask to use the pass when I am talking to the class or if a student is presenting or addressing the class.
· Abuse of pass use will result in limited use of the pass.
Tardy Policy
· Students are expected to be in class and seated when the bell rings, otherwise they are considered tardy. When the bell rings, students should have all materials out and ready to work.
Absenteeism Policy
· Students have one day for each absence to turn work in. For example, if a student is absent on Tuesday and returns on Wednesday, Tuesday’s work is due on Thursday. If a student misses Tuesday and Wednesday, then work for both of those days is due on the following Monday.
· If a student is absent on the day the assignment or project is due, the assignment is due the first day the student returns. If the student is absent on test day, he/she is responsible for taking the test the day that he/she returns. It is the student’s responsibility to see me about taking the test.
· Not all work can be made up. Sometimes we watch videos in class, conduct lab investigations, hold class discussions and students are given credit for these activities. If a student misses class, they may not be able to make up the assignment. It is imperative for students to be in class every day. It is the responsibility of the student to collect all missed work.
The following selected items from the Student Handbook are important rules for the day to day performance in the classroom and will be strictly enforced:
Electronic Devices:
· I Pads, Tablets, iPods, cell phones, and/or any item that is noisy and/or disruptive are not to be brought to school unless they are needed for particular class assignment.
· These items will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year.
· The student will be written-up and escorted by the instructor to the Dean of Student’s office.
Food and Beverages:
· Food and beverages are not permitted in classrooms or school offices. Food includes but is not limited to candy and gum.
· Food and beverages are not to be consumed in any hallway or restroom.
· Food and beverages may only be consumed in the cafeteria.
Note: Parents and students have both a right and a responsibility to know the contents of the ATA Handbook.
Academic Integrity
Cheating is not tolerated at ATA. Students who choose to cheat may expect a variety of consequences, including, but not limited to, loss of grade, suspension, or loss of privilege. Consequences will be at my discretion and will be discussed with the student, parent(s), and administrators.
Course Responsibility Contract
All parties agree that academic success is the product of a cooperative effort. To ensure that ______(students name) will benefit from this effort, each party has the following responsibilities:
As a student, I will:
1. Practice the Amistad values: REACH: Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, Citizenship, Hard Work
2. Put my best effort into my school work.
3. Obey all classroom rules and procedures.
4. Complete MATH HOMEWORK DAILY. I will come to school prepared with all assignments.
5. Read syllabus thoroughly.
As a parent, I will:
1. Monitor my child's school work and extracurricular activities.
2. Support classroom discipline policy.
3. Contact Ms. Green as needed and attend parent-teacher conferences.
4. Ensure my child is on time and attends school regularly with all assignments complete. 5. Read syllabus thoroughly.