1. , ______

First name Last Name

2. ______

E-mail address

3. Apt # _____

Street Address

4. , , ,

City, State, Zip Code, Country

5. Primary Phone: () __- ___

Text VP TTY Voice

6. Secondary Phone: () _- _____

Text VP TTY Voice

7. Date of Birth / /19 Age___

8. Female Male Other

9. PLEASE INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOURSELF with your application! It can be a small passport size or any photo. It will help us remember your face!

10. When was the last time you attended the Retreat?




Other ______

3 DB Camper Application 2017

11. How long do you want to stay at the Retreat?

Please check 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice below.

Full Week: 4pm Sun Aug 27 – 9am Sat Sept 2

1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

Do Not Want

First Half Week: 4pm Sun Aug 27 – 2pm Wed Aug 30

1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

Do Not Want

Second Half Week: 11am Wed Aug 30 – 9am Sat Sept 2

1st choice

2nd choice

3rd choice

Do Not Want

12. Check box if you need more information on Personal Care Attendant services at the Retreat.


This Retreat is for DeafBlind people 18 years and older. We are not able to offer PCA services: bathing, toileting, eating, dressing or medication. If you need this assistance, you must bring a staff or volunteer with you who can support you in these areas. We have more forms

for people who use such services.

13. My Blind status is:


Close Vision

Tunnel Vision

Ushers Syndrome

14. Please tell us a little more about yourself: How did you find out about the DB Retreat? Through friends, internet, or DB/Deaf service?

15. Have you joined other DB Retreats or camps before? If yes, where?

16. Do you have an active DB community in your area?

17. Do you have DB friends who want to join the Retreat


18. What are your interests?


3 DB Camper Application 2017

, ______

First name, Last Name


20. My Deaf status is:


Hard-of-Hearing and can understand speech

Hard-of-Hearing but cannot understand speech

21. What is your preference for communication?

PTASL (Protactile ASL)

ASL (American Sign Language)

Signed language of another country

Signed language in English order

International sign

Finger spelling only

Speak and Listen to Speech

Speak and use Sign Language


22. What format do you prefer for forms and information?


Large Print

Braille G1 (Uncontracted)

Braille G2 (Contracted)

23. While at camp, what format do you prefer for forms and information?

Large Print

Braille G1 (Uncontracted)

Braille G2 (Contracted)

24. Which do you prefer using?

Tactile (touch) Volunteer-Interpreter

Platform Volunteer-Interpreter

Close Vision Volunteer-Interpreter

Tactile or close vision depends on lights

FM System/Voice Interpreter

Read/Type on Computer or LVD


25. If tactile, do you receive with

Left Hand

Right Hand


26. Check all kinds of Volunteer-Interpreter you would like.


New People

Old Friends

No Matter




No Matter




No Matter

27. How tall are you?

5’ 4” or less

5’ 5” – 5’ 9”

5’ 10” or more

28. Check all kinds of activities you would like.

Physical activities (biking, jet ski, or swimming, etc.)

Calm activities (crafts, workshops, board games, etc.)

Tours out of camp (Town, mall, state park or casino) All

29. Names of your preferred Volunteer-Interpreters, if any. We

will try to match you with your preferred VolTerps, but

we cannot promise you will have those people.

30. Names of VolTerps you prefer NOT to be matched with, if


31. Will you travel with a VolTerp?

Yes No

a. If yes, do you want that person for your VolTerp at camp?

Yes No

b. Name of VolTerp:

3 DB Camper Application 2017

, _____

First name, Last Name


1. Do you smoke?

Yes No

2. Will you share a room with a smoker?

Yes No

3. Who are your preferred roommate/s?


(Name of person #1), (Name of person #2)

4. Do you have difficulty with stairs?

Yes No

5. Do you have difficulty with walking?

Yes No

6. Will you bring your dog guide?

Yes No

7. Will you share a room with a dog guide?

Yes No

8. Do you use wheelchair?

Yes No

9. If yes, will you be bringing your own?

Yes No

10. Do you use walker?

Yes No

11. If yes, will you be bringing your own?

Yes No

3 DB Camper Application 2017

, ______

First name, Last Name


If you would like any information listed below, call or send this page to the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind.

Scholarship Application Form (Due March 25th, 2017


Visitor Registration Form

Retreat Staff Application Form

Volunteer-Interpreter Qualifications

Information for Developmentally Disabled DeafBlind participants

Other, please specify:

*Application must be postmarked by March 14th

Email application to:

OR mail application to:

Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

Attn: DB Retreat

2501 S. Plum Street

Seattle, WA 98144

3 DB Camper Application 2017