RFP No. 071I0200002
Addendum #3
Bidder Questions and Answers (Set 1a updates, Set 1b, from Walkthrough, and Set 2a)
Updates to Set 1a questions and answers
State of Michigan Responses to Questions 1, 25, and 26 have been updated through this Addendum.
1 / General / Please provide, for the last six months, the number of attempted and completed calls, minutes, revenue, and commission for the last 6 months broken down by the following:- Facility;
- Call band: Local, InterLATA, IntraLATA, InterState, and International;
- Call type: Collect, Prepaid Collect (also known as Prepaid), Debit, and free calls to any person or entity (if any);
Collect Calls 6 months
Call Type / Total QTY Calls
6 Months / Total Call Minutes
6 Months
Local / 142,885 / 1,611,318
Intralata / 494,073 / 5,567,587
Intrastate / 1,689,919 / 19,502,928
Interstate / 204,897 / 2,434,860
International / 0 / 0
Debit Calls 6 months
Call Type / Total QTY Calls
6 Months / Total Call Minutes
6 Months
Local / 153,463 / 1,391,016
Intralata / 693,651 / 6,459,725
Intrastate / 2,270,461 / 21,730,158
Interstate / 294,227 / 3,027,852
International / 2,345 / 13,504
25 / Page 90,
Section 3.020 / Page 90. Award Process, Spec. 3.020: How will the evaluation points accrued during steps 1, 2 and 3 be considered during the price evaluation? Will the evaluation points from steps 1, 2 and 3 be added with the price evaluation points to determine a final score which will be used to determine the winner? Or will all companies who receive a score of 85 points or more be considered equal during the pricing evaluation phase thus whomever receives the most financial evaluation points will be declared the winner? / See RFP section 3.024Award Recommendation on page 91.
“The award recommendation will be made to the responsive and responsible Bidder who offers the best value to the State of Michigan. Best value will be determined by the Bidder meeting the minimum point threshold and offering the best combination of the factors stated in Section 3.022, and price, as demonstrated by its proposal.”
The Pricing proposals will not impact the technical scores resulting from Step 2 of the evaluation process.
26 / Page 90,
Section 3.020 / Page 90. Award Process, Spec. 3.020: How will the financial evaluation points be calculated? Will all offers be indexed against the lowest offer? Please provide the methodology by which the financial evaluation will be scored. / See Response to Question #25 provided above.
Set 1B Questions and Answers (28-54)
Note: State of Michigan Responses to Question45 will be updated through a future RFP Addendum.
28 / General / In several requirements the DOC references calls to cell phones.Can you please verify are calls to cell phones allowed? / Yes.
29 / General / For the previous six months, could the State please provide the average monthly calls and minutes for local, intraLATA, InterLATA, Interstate, and International collect, pre-paid collect, and debit calls by site? / See Response to Question #1 provided in Addendum #1.
30 / General / Could the State please provide all rates for local, IntraLATA, InterLATA, Interstate, and International calls, including any surcharges currently be charged by the incumbent vendor? / For current call rates please see response to Question #2 provided in Addendum #1.
The State’s Response to Question #3 provided in Addendum #1 is replaced with the following as it applies to fees and surcharges:
(a) bill statement or billing recovery fees, NONE
(b) single bill fees, NONE
(c1) automated IVR deposit fee no (see credit card transaction fees)
(c2) internet web deposit fee no (see credit card transaction fees)
(e) account maintenance fees, NONE
(f) account close-out fees, NONE
(g) regulatory recovery fees, NONE
(h) credit card transaction fees, 6.95 per transaction
(i) check by phone processing fees? 6.95 per transaction
(j) any other fees- NONE
Bill processing fee-NONE
31 / General / Could the State please provide a list and value of any additional fees, such as bill rendering fees, pre-paid account set up charges, third party billing fees, credit card payment fees or the like that the incumbent vendor is charging? / See Response to Question #30 provided above.
32 / General / Could the State please provide the manufacturers and models of the inmate telephones currently installed? / PBG is the current manufacturer.
The current models are Wintel #7090 full length stainless steel.
33 / General / Does the State expect to reuse any existing telephones? Could the State please provide the manufacturers and models of the inmate telephones expected to be reused? / Per the RFP requirements all bidders shall provide new equipment as required in Section 1.011 and further described in Section 1.022 Work and Deliverable of the RFP.
34 / 8, Section Definitions / “Audit Period” meaning not found in the cited Section 2.093 / The Audit Period meaning is found in Section 2.112 - Examination of Records.
35 / 9, Section Definitions / “Excusable Failure” references “Section 2.214” Did you mean “Section 2.244”? / Yes.
36 / 13, Section 2 / Requirement #2 states that
“The Contractor shall be authorized by the appropriate governing body and/or regulatory agency to be an ITS provider.”
As a systems integrator, this bidder has a long history and wide variety of contracts with Federal, state and local government agencies. For some contracts we team with other companies to meet certain requirements. For inmate telephone system contracts, we regularly teams with a company that is authorized as a telecommunications carrier to be an ITS provider as stated in the Requirement. We assume that the State is interested in promoting competition. Does our subcontracting arrangement meet the State’s requirement as stated? / This subcontracting arrangement will meet the States requirement as stated.
Bidders utilizing subcontractors to meet an RFP requirement must provide the required subcontractor information in Section 4.014 Subcontractors of the RFP.
37 / 14, Section 10 / Requirement #10 asks contractors to provide the State with the ability to detect the presence of cell phones within a correctional facility. Can the State offer more specific requirements to clarify the definition of detection and the level of coverage requested. More specifically, without detailed requirements, proposals to satisfy this requirement could range from 1 detection device at a key area to a more comprehensive series of detection devices located throughout the facility. Without more specific requirements, it is unclear how the DOC will rate and evaluate the responses to this requirement. / See Response to Question #7 provided in Addendum #1.
The State will consider all cell phone detection methods. Bidders shall describe the advantages of the particular method they have selected.
The Contractor shall provide the State with a solution that provides effective cell phone detection, throughout the facility. The State desires at least 90% coverage.
Bidders may propose various methods for cell phone detection. These methods must be clearly described in the bidder response box provided for Item 10. The costs for various methods must be provided in the Pricing Exhibit 5P, and must be included in the rate tables provided within the Exhibit.
38 / 15, 16, Section 15, 16, 18 / Requirements #15 & #16 , & #18 deals with adding new phones, the use of existing wiring or conduits and the requirements for placing new wiring being the contractor’s responsibility. However, there are no specific details in the facility list indicating if new phone locations and wiring will be required at any of the facilities. Furthermore, with a limited set of walk-throughs at the facilities, without additional information, it will be difficult for vendors to adequately estimate the complexity and cost of adding additional phones. Can you provide any details about additional such as facility floor plans illustrating new phone requirements (if any) and existing equipment room locations? / The specific requested information is not available. Bidders shall utilize existing wiring or conduits whenever possible, however there may be some instances where new wiring and conduit is required.
39 / 16, Section 18 / Requirement #18 obligates the bidder to address possible expansions. Can the DOC provide forecasts for any such known/anticipated expansions? / There are currently no anticipated expansions.
40 / 18, Section 30 / Requirement #30 indicates “The contractor shall query this database (referring to the LIDB database) for each inmate call…” Can the DOCs please clarify that they expect the winning bidder to validate each and every call through a LIDB database? / See Response to Question #10 provided in Addendum #1.
41 / 22, Section 47 / Requirement # 47 requires the contractor to ensure completion of calls that would normally be blocked because of CLEC issues. Can the DOC elaborate on the intent of that requirement? For example; is that to suggest a call must be completed even if the inmate does not have a prepaid account and the CLEC does not offer a billing arrangement for collect calls? / The Contractor must provide and clearly describe a process to ensure these calls are completed.
42 / 25, Section 57 / Requirement # 57 seems to contradict Requirement # 127. Can you please clarify? / Both #57 and #127 shall remain requirements
43 / 26, Section 66 / Requirement #66 specifies cut-off switches at a number of locations.
A)Do these have to be physical electromechanical cutoff switches or can the requirement be satisfied with work station based functionality?
B)If physical switches are required, can the DOC clarify if the switches that exist today are places at adequate locations or will additional switches be required? If additional switches are required can DOCs provide wiring diagrams to help vendors estimate wiring costs associated with adding new switches? / A)The State will consider either method.
B)The Current switches today are adequate.
44 / 34, Section 101 / Requirement #101 request remote access capability. Will this remote access be via the public internet or via a private internal DOCs network? Can the DOCs provide an estimated number of users requiring remote access? / Remote access shall be provided through the public internet.
The State estimates that there will be approximately 50 users with various security roles that would require remote access.
45 / 34, Section 104 / Requirement #104 indicates the requirement for an interface to the DOC’s inmate trust account. Can DOCs provide details on the system and the interface process? Will the DOCs provide a public/published API? If not – what will be the transfer mechanism? / The State is reviewing this question and will post a response in a future RFP Addendum.
46 / 40, 45, Section 128; 1.061 / Regarding requirement #128and Exhibit 5P. Could the State please clarify whether there is a commission currently being paid by the incumbent to the State, and, if so, can the State provide the structures and rates? / There is currently no commission being paid by the incumbent to the State. If a commission is reinstated by the State, the contractor shall work with the State to determine the revised pricing structure and rates.
47 / 45, Section 1.061 / It appears in Exhibit 5P that the State is not seeking a commission as part of any price proposal. Per Requirement #128, is the State requesting contractors to propose a commission in our pricing proposal? / See Response to Question #46 provided above.
48 / 53, Section 2.044 / While it may or may not be applicable to the contemplated Contract, Section 2.044 references Section 1.064 which is not included in the RFP. / The specific reference to Section 1.064 should be removed from Section 2.044 of Article 2 as shown below.
“Prompt payment by the State is contingent on the Contractor’s invoices showing the amount owed by the State minus any holdback amount to be retained by the State in accordance with Section 1.064.”
49 / 54, 63, 84, Section 2.050, 2.124, 2.260 / Does the State intend that telephone equipment and other items purchased for this contract will be owned by the State? In such case, can purchases be made by the Contractor acting as agent for the State, using the State’s tax exemption certificate? Would sales and use taxes apply under such circumstances? / No.
50 / 77, Section 2.221 / Can the Limitation of Liability for direct damages, including liquidated damages, be capped at some reasonable amount? / The State if Michigan requires vendors to submit their proposals without change or modification to Article 2, Terms and Conditions. If, however, a vendor is unable to abide by specific term(s) or condition(s) in the RFP, they must submit the recommended changes or modifications within their) response. These changes or modifications will be considered and discussed during JEC evaluations, and could impact an award decision to that particular vendor.
51 / 79, Section 2.241 / “Section 2.211(a)” is referenced, but is not included in the RFP. Please clarify. / The specific reference to Section 2.211(a) pertaining to Governing Law within section 2.241 Time of Performance should be removed from Section 2.241 of Article 2 as shown below.
“(b)Without limiting the generality of Section 2.211(a)Contractor must notify……..”
52 / 83, Section 2.254 (c) / “Section 2.223” is referenced but not included in the RFP. Please clarify. / The specific reference to Section 2.223 within section 2.254 (c) Approval of Deliverables, In General should be modified in Section 2.254 (c) of Article 2 as shown below.
“Otherwise, the review period will be deemed to have started on the day the State receives the Deliverable or the Service begins, and the State and Contractor agree that the Deliverable/Service is ready for use and, where applicable, certification by Contractor according to Section 2.223in accordance with this section.”
53 / 93, Section 3.051 / This Article 3 section requires that bidders complete, sign, and return Form DMB 285 with their proposals. Please make this form available – it was not included with the solicitation / The Form DMB 285 is not available for bidders to complete and is not required for this RFP.
54 / Page 95, 3.062 / Proposal Submission states that the electronic responses must be submitted on CD using Office 2004 software. Would submitting the electronic responses in a PDF format disqualify our client from consideration of their bid? / The State strongly prefers that documents be submitted using Office 2003 Software, however the State will accept electronic PDF responses.
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Posted 10/21/2009
RFP No. 071I0200002
Addendum #3
Bidder Questions and Answers (Set 1a updates, Set 1b, from Walkthrough, and Set 2a)
SITE VISIT Questions and Answers (55-67)
RFP Reference / Vendor Question / State of Michigan Response55 / What TDD models are required? Acoustic, in the drawer? / Ultra Tech Mini Print 225 is the current model.
The Contractor shall provide the State with a solution that provides effective TDD use throughout the facilities indicated in Attachment A.
56 / Who maintains relay switches? / The Contractor currently maintains the relay switches.
57 / What sites have relays?, phones / All facilities.
58 / Does MDOC use personal allow list for each PIN number? / Yes.
59 / How many numbers are allowed per list? / 20 numbers are allowed.
60 / Can we get a copy of posting letting inmates how to add or remove numbers? / Please see attached. Paragraph b in Policy Directive 05.03.118
Double click icon to open
61 / Are the outside yard phone enclosures the property of the contractor or the property of the MDOC? / The enclosures are the property of the contractor.
62 / How many sites use relays to turn phones on/off? / All sites.
63 / What is the brand model name of the relay? / There is no brand name model of the relay.
64 / What are the number of minutes of the usage per month for the last 18 months by: Pre-paid, debit, collect, other / See response to Question #1 updated in Addendum #3.
65 / Cell phone detection: Are you looking for cell phone detection and if the location is desired can you provide how close you want to be able to locate the cell phone? / See Response to Question #37 provided in Addendum #3.
66 / Do you allow staff to use cell phones inside the facility? / No.
67 / Will new equipment be required at all sites and connections? Specifically: cut off switches, phones, back plates, pedestals? If yes, can who maintains relay switches? / Per the RFP requirements all bidders shall provide new equipment as required in Section 1.011 and further described in Section 1.022 Work and Deliverable of the RFP.
The Contractor will be required to maintain the relay switches.
Set 2A Questions and Answers (68-88)
68 / 5.015 RFP page 101 / “Please list any contracts that you have had with the State in the last three years and include State of Michigan references for each.”Does this mean list any and ALL contracts with Michigan in the last 3 years, or a representative sample? Also, when it says include State of Michigan references for each, do you need just the customer contact information or do we need to provide detailed project descriptions? / If a bidder has had a contract with the State of Michigan in the prior 3 years, they should list all of those contracts in Section 5.015. Customer contact information is sufficient.
69 / Attachment A / Attachment A lists the following DOC sites:
Camp Lehman (CLE),
Camp White Lake (CWL),
Muskegon (MCF), and
Standish (SMF).
On the Michigan DOC’s website, FYI, Vol 21, Issue 12, dated June 5, 2009 contained the following notice:
The following camps and correctional facilities will be closed between now and the end of this year:
• Camp Cusino, Camp Kitwen, Camp Lehman, Camp Ottawa, and Camp White Lake.
• Muskegon Correctional Facility, Hiawatha Correctional Facility, and Standish Maximum Correctional Facility.
Please confirm whether the sites listed on Attachment A and also on the Michigan DOC’s website’s FYI notice will be closed by 12-31-09 or will they remain open? / Please see updated Attachment A provided in Addendum this addendum.
The Muskegon Correctional Facility will not be closed by 12-31-09 and bidders shall include this location within their proposal.
70 / 1.022Work and Deliverable
Security Features
Item 61. / Item 61. “The telephone network services provided by the Contractor shall not be capable of being detected by the called party for calling number identification (caller ID). “
Does this mean the ITS should block the caller id number? / Yes.
71 / 1.022 Work and Deliverable
Monitoring and Recording Requirements