DarlingtonCountySchool District
Applicant InformationReference Information
Applicant Name: Reference Name:
(Street, P.O. Box, Apartment No., etc.)(Street, P.O. Box, Apartment No., etc.)
(City, State, Zip Code)(City, State, Zip Code)
Telephone: ( )Telephone: ( )
I, the undersigned, waive the right to review this reference form.
Applicant’s Signature______Date
Please rate the applicant on the following skills, abilities and knowledge using the following scale: HIGH LOW (Check one) 5 4 3 2 1
Willingly claims the role of leader and serves as an example to others|||||
Possesses inner drive which continuously propels him/her to make things happen and get things done|||||
Has the courage to ask for action and is persuasive enough to solve problems in a positive manner|||||
Takes charge of critical situations and makes firm, quick decisions|||||
Accepts personal responsibility for consequences of his/her actions|||||
Takes responsibility for performance of those persons he/she supervises|||||
Committed to the encouragement and development of students and teachers so that they can be successful|||||
Arranges people with an environment so that they can be successful|||||
Understands and works successfully with a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds to achieve||||| “win-win” outcomes
Shows caring and concern for co-workers and is readily available for consultation|||||
Organizes well and motivates people to accomplish goals while creating a sense of order and direction|||||
Identifies actions necessary to complete tasks and obtain results|||||
Knows how to manage, set performance objectives and measure progress|||||
Analyzes all aspects of a situation to gain thorough insight to make decisions in a timely manner|||||
Prioritizes and completes overlapping tasks in order to deliver desired outcomes within allotted timeframes|||||
Demonstrates ability to make unpopular and difficult decisions to achieve results|||||
Follows through on commitments and decisions to achieve results|||||
Builds trust with others and is able to cooperate with other team members to meet objectives|||||
Able to create positivity, excitement, and good feelings in the organization|||||
- How long and in what capacity have you known this applicant?
- What is this applicant’s greatest strength?
- In what area(s) would the applicant need support, remediation, training, etc? (Please support your opinion):
(Please complete reverse side)
Please check the statement which best describes your opinion about this applicant for an administrative/instructional support position.
□ This applicant is a proven leader in every sense of the word. He/she has initiated or accepted leadership roles and has been successful. I would rate him/her in the top 10% of administrative applicants.
□ This applicant has great potential to be a leader. He/she has the training and experiences to make this a reality.
□ This applicant has taken coursework in administration, but I have not observed him/her in any significant leadership role. I would suggest additional leadership opportunities.
□ This applicant has had some leadership opportunities. I would suggest that he/she might need to improve in the area(s) noted in # 3 above.
□ I am aware of past leadership experiences of this applicant and have reservations about him/her pursuing other leadership positions.
□ No comment.
□ Other:
May DarlingtonCountySchool District contact you should we have any further questions?
□ Yes □ No
Signature of Reference Current Title Date
Return to:DCSD
Department of Human Resources
120 East Smith Avenue
Darlington, SC29532
(May 2008)
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