National Guard Association of Maine

CampKeyes, Augusta, Maine

NGAME Annual Meeting Minutes

30 April 2010/1730

Waterville, Maine

1. Roll Call:

President –COLDunlap (Present)

Past President – COLGoulet (Present)

VP Air – Lt. Col. Jordan (Present)

VP Army – CW5Stevens (Present)

Treasure – COLMorton (Present)

Sectary – MAJ Steinbuchel (Present)

2. Secretary’s Report

Accepted as submitted by MAJ Steinbuchel

3. Treasures Report

Accepted as submitted by COL Morton

4. Insurance Trust Report

Revenues generated by the insurance trust were discussed

5. Old Business

1. Golf Tournament 2009

CW5 Stevens briefed that the 2009 Golf tournament was a success and helped to raise money in support of the NGAME scholarships.


Membership summaries were presented by LtColJordan for Air and CW5 Stevens for Army Of particular note was less than 10% of Army CPTs & MAJs were members.

6. New Business

1. Outline and Vote on 2010 Budget

COL Morton read the proposed budget and CW5 Stevens made a motion to accept as read. After a brief argument the number of $500.00 scholarships was increased to 5.

2. Changes to NGAME Standing Rules

No changes

3. 131st NGAUS Annual Conference Austin TX, 21-23 August2010

President discussed the previous conference and encouraged attendance at the 2010 NGAUS conference. Information is available at the following web site:


Following Nominations were put forth by the members

President: COL Morton, CW5 Stevens, CPT Elgee

VP Army: CW5 Stevens, CPT Elgee

VP Air LtColJordan

Treasure: LTC Darveau, MAJ Lajoy, CW4 Goulet, CPT Elgee

Sectary: MAJ Steinbuchel, Cpt Camire

5. Executive Director Status

CW5 Stevens briefed that the position was currently vacant.

6. 2010 Golf tournament

CW5 Stevens briefed that the 2010 tournament is scheduled for August 12 at Palmyra Country Club He briefed the numerous sponsors and donations received to date. A call for volunteers was made to help run the tournament

7. Presentations

NGAME Company Grade Officer Award was presented to CPT Grant Delaware. 4NGAME scholarship Awards were presented in the amount of $500.00. COL Goulet spoke about the number of applications and the quality of each of the recipients.

8. Key Note Speaker

LtCol Karl Kornchuk –Presented a visual presentation on his experiences during a recent deployment to Iraq outlining quality of life issues without proper infrastructure. COL Dunlap thanked him and presented him with a gift for taking the time to speak to us.

9. Closing

Meeting adjourned at 1930

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Steinbuchel

Sectary, NGAME