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Executive Council Minutes

August 20,2013

Grace Cathedral, Wilsey Conference Center A/B

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Christopher Martin, Chair of Executive Council (EC).The opening prayer was offered by Christopher Hayes.

I. Attendance: Gary Hunt; Gabriela Strand Bruce; Christopher Martin, Chair of EC; Mary-Jane Wood; Leslie Watson; Ade Adekunle; Matthew Burt, vice-chair EC; Carl Zachrisson, Bronwen Howes, Secretary of EC; Karma Quick; Jim McConnell; Matthew Dutton-Gillett; Joe Jennings.

Conference Call: Dianne Smith.

Bishop’s Appointees: Mary Chan Ong; Clay Jones.

EX-Officio: Anna Marie Hoos, Standing Committee Representative; David Frangquist, Secretary of Convention; Christopher Hayes, Chancellor of the Diocese.

Diocesan House Staff: Stefani Schatz, Canon to the Ordinary; Joseph Peters –Mathews, working group head for Communications; Julia McCray- Goldsmith, Working Group Head for Discipleship Ministries/ Ministry Development Officer. Tom Ferguson;CFO.

Guests: Jay Luther; Kitty Baca

Absent: Dana Corsello; Sylvia Vasquez, Mauricio Wilson; Ken Fuller; Janet Brown; Don White; Don McCaskill.

II.Approval of Consent Agenda: The minutes were removed for corrections. The agenda was modified to add AnnaMarie Hoos after finance to answer questions about her report and to add a report from Christopher Hayes. A clergy housing resolution was approved. All items on the Consent agenda were approved.

III. Question: “ How will what we are doing here affect or involve people living in Poverty”. Break out groups were formed to discuss the above question.

IV. Executive Council Handbook: Matthew Burt presented the handbook. See meeting packet. Approval was moved, seconded, and carried.

V. Executive Compensation Committee: See “Proposed Executive Council Resolution :Bylaws Establishing an Executive Compensation Committee”, page 25 of meeting packet. The bylaw, as amended by adding the words “and the chair thereof,” after the first comma in the first sentence of Section 3, was moved, seconded and approved.

The following people were appointed to the Executive Compensation Committee -Brenda Paulin, Standing Committee; Karma Quick, Executive Council (currently members of SC and EC); Gabriela Bruce Strand , and Jack Eastwood permanent members. The appointments were moved seconded and approved.

The Pension modification asked for by Bishop Marc will be discussed before the end of the year.

VI. Budget Narrative: Julia McCray Goldsmith and Joseph Peters-Mathews presented the narrative budget based on the Beloved Community that will accompany the 2014 Budget. See meeting packet. Approval was moved, seconded, and carried.

VII: Called to Right Relationship: Julia McCray Goldsmith reported on the revised document. Julia has sent the new link for EC members to study.Matthew Dutton-Gillett and Dianne Smith had reviewed the revised document, on their recommendation, approval was moved seconded, and carried.

VIII: Treasures’ Report: Tom Ferguson presented the financial reports. See meeting packet. Note: the aging report will be included in the September meeting packet.

IX: Standing Committee Report: The report from Annamarie Hoos is found on page 52 of the meeting packet.

X: Five EC Talking points for Deanery Meetings: Christopher Martin shared five things to focus on that EC has focused on and done or are doing this year: See Christopher’s email.

1. Financial Stewardship

2. Executive Compensation

3 Diocesan Leadership Mutual Ministry Review

4. Executive Council Handbook

5. The Forum for long Term Visioning, Strategy and Growth.

XI. Agenda for Fall Meetings: Church Growth; Long Term Planning; EC officers for 2014- bylaw change, Best system for transition.

Nominating committee- nomination of new EC members.

XII. Other Business:

1. EC went into executive session lasting from 6:05PM to 6:15PM.

2. Christopher summarized the EC actions/change during the year:

7 proposed amendments

7 areas of change in the canons

Department of Finance name change to Finance Committee

Controller is now the CFO

Modify canon on Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor

Change in number of voting members of Executive Council

Establish Executive Compensation Committee

Look at Personal Practices Committee.

VIII. The meeting was adjourned in prayer by Joe Jennings at 6:20 PM (with the singing of Happy Birthday to Christopher Martin.)

Note: The 2014 EC retreat is scheduled for Wed. Dinner Jan. 15 to Friday lunch Jan 17 at the Bishop’s Ranch.

Respectfully Submitted by :

Bronwen Howes Mary Louise Gotthold

Secretary of Executive Council Recording Secretary

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