Cooperation China (NSFC) –Supramolecular Chemistry & Catalysis
Grant application form 2017
Please refer to the Guidelines for Application when completing this form
Registration form (basic details)1. Details of the applicant(s)
Dutch Principle Investigator (Dutch PI)Name, initials, title(s)
Gender / Male / Female
Date of birth
Date of PhD
Position / Full professor / associate professor / assistant professor / other:
Date end of contract / day/month/year / Paid or not paid? / Yes / No
Part time appointment? / Yes / No / Part time factor (i.e. 0,8)
Address for correspondence
Telephone number / Email address
Chinese Principle Investigator (Chinese PI)
Name, initials, title(s)
Gender / Male / Female
Date of birth
Date of PhD
Position / Full professor / associate professor / assistant professor / other:
Date end of contract / day/month/year / Paid or not paid? / Yes / No
Part time appointment? / Yes / No / Part time factor (i.e. 0,8)
Address for correspondence
Telephone number / Email address
Co-applicant (for multiple Dutch/Chinese co-applicants, copy and paste table as often as needed)
Name, initials, title(s)
Gender / Male / Female
Date of birth
Date of PhD
Position / Full professor / associate professor / assistant professor / other:
Date end of contract / day/month/year / Paid or not paid? / Yes / No
Part time appointment? / Yes / No / Part time factor (i.e. 0,8)
Address for correspondence
Telephone number / Email address
2. Title of the proposal
3. Classification of the proposal
Main field of research (compulsory)
(For all applications it is compulsory to fill out one or more research fields, in order of relevance, that correspond to the subject of your research proposal. You can only refer to the descriptions and codes from the NWO research field list. Please find the list via: )
Field(s) of research in order of relevance /- give code + field of research (see guidelines)
- give code + field of research (if applicable)
- give code + field of research (if applicable)
4. Keywords
(max. 6 keywords; keywords will be used to find appropriate referees)
5. Summary of the proposed research
(500 words maximum)
6. Summary of requested funding within the total budget
Budget applied for by the Dutch Principle Investigator:
Project costsScientific Staff / FTE / nr of months / STAFF COSTS (k€):
… x pd-1yr (k€ 68*)
… x pd-2yr (k€ 137*)
… x pd-3yr (k€ 207*)
PhD student
… x PhD (k€ 209*)
Benchfee (k€5 per scientific person appointed)
Description of research costs: / RESEARCH COSTS (k€):
Give a description of the research costs (e.g. for exchange visits, equipment, consumables etc.), as detailed as possible
(max k€ 80) TOTAL RESEARCH COSTS (k€):
(max k€ 294) TOTAL APPLIED (STAFF + RESEARCH) (k€):
*Estimation of the maximum amount including a fixed bench fee (VSNU tariffs)
Budget applied for by the Chinese Principle Investigator:
Project costsScientific Staff / FTE / nr of months
… x pd-1yr
… x pd-2yr
… x pd-3yr
PhD student
… x PhD
(For Chinese researchers, personnel costs are covered by the universities, and hence are not displayed here)
Description of research costs: / RESEARCH COSTS (RMB):
Give a description of the research costs (e.g. for exchange visits, equipment, consumables etc.), as detailed as possible
7. Group members involved in the proposed research
(list all staff members involved in the proposed research; provide name, initials, first name, title(s) and type of involvement, e.g. daily guidance, advisor or thesis supervisor PhD-student)
8. Grant applications submitted
(indicate for each proposal on the same research topic submitted to other funding agencies including other NWO councils by you or your co-applicants or by members of your research groups; copy and paste table as often as needed)
title proposal:applicant(s):
funding agency, budget applied for:
date of submission, date of decision:
Research proposal
Please take into account the criteria specified under § 4.2 of the call text.
9. Relevance to the theme of the call (500 words maximum)
Please indicate in what way the project aligns with the theme of the call as stated in § 2.2 of the call.
- Research programme (maximum 3000 words. Please take into account the criteria specified under ‘scientific quality of the research proposal’ in § 4.2 of the call text.)
Address the following items:
a. aim/objectives
b. approach (possible pitfalls and solutions)/time scheme with milestones
c. innovative elements & challenging content
d. potential to make an important contribution to the advancement of science or technology in advanced materials
e. knowledge utilisation (see the guidelines to the call)
f. justification requested financial support
g. scientific embedding of the proposed research: background, (inter)national position, collaborations
- Sino-Dutch co-operation (maximum 500 words)
Added value of Sino-Dutch cooperation to the research project, including the complementarity of the Dutch and Chinese research teams;
- Number of words used: section 9 ______(maximum 500 words)
Number of words used: section 10______(maximum 3000 words)
Number of words used: section 11______(maximum 500 words)
- Literature references
14. Summary for the general public
a. Title
b. Summary
(maximum 50 words)
Publications and past performance15. Publications
(main publications of the applicant(s) of the past five years, maximum 25)
16. Past performance
(max. 1000 for Dutch & max. 1000 for Chinese research teams, in total 2000 words maximum)
Statement17. Statement by the Dutch PI
By submitting this form through Isaac, I declare that I have completed this form truthfullyand I declare that I have informed the correct official(s) of my employing institute of this submission (e.g. the scientific director or dean).
Please submit theapplication form(pdf format is required!) to NWO in electronic form using the Isaac system, which can be accessed via the NWO website ( The application must be submitted from the account of the Dutch main applicant. For any technical questions regarding submission, please contact the ISAAC helpdesk ().