The Seminole Tribe of Florida (STOF) Native Learning Center (NLC) is accepting written proposals from qualified individuals for the purpose of delivering formal instruction at NLC trainings. NLC training is specifically related to the following NAHASDA objectives:
- Support Tribal affordable housing activities
- Improve access to private mortgage markets
- Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
- Provide economic & community development resources
- Identify grants and other funding opportunities
- Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
A contract for these services will be made in accordance with the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Procurement Policy, as well as NAHASDA and OMB regulations, and will be based on the selection criteria identified in the NLC Instructor Procedures Document.
This RFP/RFQ form is to be completed in full and all fields completed with the requested information or “N/A” if the field is not applicable. For further instructions, please refer to the NLC Instructor Procedures Document.
The NLC reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, waive irregularities, and provide outreach to Tribal communities in the best interest of the NLC. The NLC accepts no responsibility for any proposal that does not reach our offices prior to the submission deadline.
Presenter Contact Information
First Name: / Last Name:Email: / Contact Number:
Mailing Address:
City and State: / Zip Code:
Professional Title:
Tribal Affiliation/Enrollment:
Indian Preference:
Please select the ONE that applies and attach proof upon submission. / Experience working with Tribes:
Please select the ONE that applies.
Member of a Federal or State
Recognized Tribe / (5+ years) Past Experience working with Tribe /
Tribal Organizations
Business/Organization owned by a Tribe
(list Tribe) / (-5 years) Past Experience working with Tribe /
Tribal Organizations
Native Hawaiian / No Experience
Not Applicable
Previous Work with the NLC: / YES / NO
Presenter Experience Teaching Online: / YES / NO
If No, Please list Lead Presenter Availability:
Presenter Insurance Requirements
In order to provide training services to the NLC, all respondents to this RFP are required to hold Commercial General Liability insurance for up to $1 million dollars. If a respondent is presenting on behalf of an organization, that organization will be required to provide the insurance requirements required by the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Upon acceptance of the proposal the respondent will need to provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI), which must include the following information:
1. Certificate Holder: Seminole Tribe of Florida
2. Additional Insured by Endorsement – Seminole Tribe of Florida
3. Waiver of Subrogation by Endorsement
The Certificate Holder’s information:
The Seminole Tribe of Florida
6300 Stirling Road
Hollywood, Florida 33024
Upon acceptance, Instructor and/or Organization can provide the insurance requirements as listed above?
YES / NOPresenter Payment
Instructor fee per day:
Please see NLC cost structure and payment information before proceeding (Sec. 6 of the RFP Instructor Procedures)
The NLC costs cannot exceed the following:
- Total instructor fee per day should not exceed $600.00 ($75.00 x 8 hours) per day.
- The NLC will not accept receipts for reimbursement at any time.
- Please refer to Section 6, Compensation, in the NLC Instructor Procedures for maximum fee structures for instruction, preparation, and travel.
Remit Presenter Payment to:Complete only if different from Instructor information on page 1
First Name: / Last Name:Email: / Contact Number:
Mailing Address:
City and State: / Zip Code:
Presenter Travel
Lead Presenter is requesting Air Travel Accommodations / YES / NO
Lead Presenter is requesting Room Accommodations / YES / NO
Submission Format
Be sure to use the NLC’s “Outreach-Ready Format” in your Biography and Course Description submission.
Biography Guidelines:
- Keep your biography to about 200 words or less.
- Spell out acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used, for example, Native LearningCenter (NLC).
Ideas for what you can share:
- Past and present jobs / projects relevant to what you will be teaching
- Your degree(s) and/or educational background
- Organizational activities
- Awards
Sample Biography:
Dakota Jones is the Assistant Director at Osage Financial Resources (OSR) in Oklahoma. In this role, Dakota supports the leadership of OSR’s Executive Director, establishes new and fosters existing partnerships, and leads efforts to reach organizational goals, especially in economic well-being and local organizational development. She has over a decade of experience working in Indian Country on various issues.
Dakota is an enrolled member of the Osage Tribe. She graduated from the University of Chicago with a BS in Education. Upon graduation, she joined Teach for America and taught on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation. Dakota obtained her MSW from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. She individualized her study to concentrate in economic security and social development through the life course of American Indians.
In addition, Dakota completed a summer fellowship with National Congress of American Indians. She has served as President of the OU American Indian Alumni Society. Dakota initiated program evaluations at the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management and Washington Internships for Native Students to develop program components for American Indian participants.
Course Description Guidelines:
- Spell out acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used, for example, Native Learning Center (NLC).
- In your description, tell attendees what they skill they will acquire from your session and/or what they will learn. Be specific and concrete.
- If you have a particular audience in mind for your course, specify it.
- Optionally you can briefly describe the activities and materials you will include.
Sample Course Description:
Financial literacy is the basic building block for local economic development in any community. This "Train the Trainer" session will cover strategies for promoting financial literacy among Tribal members. Attendees will be given tools to conduct financial literacy workshops and trainings within their own communities.
Training objectives include:
- Identify resources available within attendee communities
- Highlight financial wellness Programs
- Discuss credit score improvement and home ownership
- Review access to economic development for Tribal organizations and members.
Lead Presenter Biography:
Lead Presenter Resume (2pages or less):
Submission Content
Training Title:
Training Objective(s)(Must select at least 1):
/ Support Tribal affordable housing activities
/ Improve access to private mortgage markets
/ Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
/ Provide economic & community development resources
/ Identify grants and other funding opportunities
/ Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
Training Level:
Is this Training for Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced attendee?
If intermediate or advance, please explain (50 words or less):
Training Length(Training(s) are a minimum of 1.5 hour and a maximum of 6 hours per session):
/ 1.5 Hours
/ 3 Hours
/ 6 Hours
Training Description(175 words or less):
Training Objectives and Outline(Please detail training objectives and how the training will be taught):
Training Title:
Training Objective(s)(Must select at least 1):
/ Support Tribal affordable housing activities
/ Improve access to private mortgage markets
/ Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
/ Provide economic & community development resources
/ Identify grants and other funding opportunities
/ Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
Training Level:
Is this Training for Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced attendee?
If intermediate or advance, please explain (50 words or less):
Training Length(Training(s) are a minimum of 1.5 hour and a maximum of 6 hours per session):
/ 1.5 Hours
/ 3 Hours
/ 6 Hours
Training Description(175 words or less):
Training Objectives and Outline(Please detail training objectives and how the training will be taught):
Training Title:
Training Objective(s)(Must select at least 1):
/ Support Tribal affordable housing activities
/ Improve access to private mortgage markets
/ Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
/ Provide economic & community development resources
/ Identify grants and other funding opportunities
/ Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
Training Level:
Is this Training for Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced attendee?
If intermediate or advance, please explain (50 words or less):
Training Length(Training(s) are a minimum of 1.5 hour and a maximum of 6 hours per session):
/ 1.5 Hours
/ 3 Hours
/ 6 Hours
Training Description(175 words or less):
Training Objectives and Outline(Please detail training objectives and how the training will be taught):
Training Title:
Training Objective(s)(Must select at least 1):
/ Support Tribal affordable housing activities
/ Improve access to private mortgage markets
/ Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
/ Provide economic & community development resources
/ Identify grants and other funding opportunities
/ Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
Training Level:
Is this Training for Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced attendee?
If intermediate or advance, please explain (50 words or less):
Training Length(Training(s) are a minimum of 1.5 hour and a maximum of 6 hours per session):
/ 1.5 Hours
/ 3 Hours
/ 6 Hours
Training Description(175 words or less):
Training Objectives and Outline(Please detail training objectives and how the training will be taught):
Training Title:
Training Objective(s)(Must select at least 1):
/ Support Tribal affordable housing activities
/ Improve access to private mortgage markets
/ Advance self- sufficiency through financial wellness
/ Provide economic & community development resources
/ Identify grants and other funding opportunities
/ Highlight new and innovative planning for Tribal Infrastructure
Training Level:
Is this Training for Entry Level, Intermediate, or Advanced attendee?
If intermediate or advance, please explain (50 words or less):
Training Length(Training(s) are a minimum of 1.5 hour and a maximum of 6 hours per session):
/ 1.5 Hours
/ 3 Hours
/ 6 Hours
Training Description(175 words or less):
Training Objectives and Outline(Please detail training objectives and how the training will be taught):
Submitted By: / Date Submitted: