Dover Sherborn Boosters

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August, 2010

Meeting Date:Monday, August 30, 2010 (7:30-9:00 pm)

Location:DSHS Outdoor Lounge

Attendees:Frank Perlmutter, Jennifer Jordan, Susan Armo, Laura Wood, Scott Seidman, Joanna Brach, Patty Gallagher, Carl Schroeder, Mark Linehan

Minutes Prepared by:Laura Wood (Secretary)

Agenda Topics/Minutes:

  • Treasurer’s Report (Frank Perlmutter):
  • Raised $140,000 in 2009-10 (in large part due to the Boosters Blast in May) and spent $140,000 on many initiatives
  • See Boosters website for details on all funded initiatives
  • Triathlon 2010 (Frank Perlmutter):
  • To be held on Sunday, 9/19/10
  • Need corporate sponsors ($250-$10,000+ in commitment)
  • Contact Frank Perlmutter with contacts at local companies
  • Buy-A-Mile effort in progress
  • Jenn Jordan in charge
  • $100/mile
  • Membership (Laura Wood):
  • June-August = 32 members
  • DSHS and DSMS back pack flyers going out 9/1
  • “Renewal” email to go out to all former members after Triathlon
  • 4 “levels” $75-$1,000
  • 2010-11 Goals:
  • 200 members
  • $20,000+ in revenue
  • Laura Wood in charge of all aspects (communications, data tracking, thank you cards, membership cards)
  • Concessions (Scott Seidman):
  • Concession Booth to be open at all home football games
  • 5 sports teams will help thru season and share (equally) in the profits
  • Spirit Committee (Joann Brach and Patty Gallagher):
  • 9/10 Pep Rally
  • Held during HS Break
  • Will introduce fall teams, mascot and cheerleaders
  • New School Store opens!
  • In old Metco office in cafeteria
  • Clothing only; future items may include school supplies, after-school food, etc
  • Initially run by Boosters
  • Initially open on Tues and Fri from 10-2
  • Volunteers needed; contact Joanna Brach or Patty Gallagher
  • Back To School Nights (Jenn Jordan):
  • DSHS = 9/30
  • DSMS = 9/29
  • Need volunteers to work at Boosters Booths
  • Laura Wood to provide sign-up sheets
  • Upcoming 2010-2011 Monthly Meetings:
  • September 13 Meeting ~ Cancelled (due to Triathlon)
  • October 18
  • November 15
  • January 10
  • March 21
  • April 11
  • May 16
  • June 13
  • All held at 7:30 pm in the DSHS Faculty Lounge