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/ Wise Sayings

True nobility is not being better than anyone else, but in being better than you used to be.

Here, noble is used to mean:

Of an exalted moral character or excellence.

Of an admirably high quality.

The real purpose of a competition should always be to provide a challenge or reference which pushes you to become better than you used to be. When we compete to prove we are better than other people, we loose our nobility.

In a very real sense, if everyone in a race clocks their best time ever, then they all have won!

The ancestor of every action is a thought, therefore be careful about what you think!

If you want to build a very fine brick wall, you must focus on one brick at a time. Be sure to do the best job you can with that one brick, being sure it is place properly , and lines up exactly as it should. Then focus on the next brick.

The same thing is true of building your life. Focus on each lesson and master it.

If I plan to learn, then I must learn to plan.

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that your past will never get any better.

Happiness is not perfected until it is shared.

People get into fights when they run out of words.

Values are the infrastructure upon which civilization will be reinvented.

Independence to the exclusion of interdependence is not independence, but rather it is fear!

C. B. Willis

A good test of one's behavior is:

"Would I want to hide this behavior from Family, Friends, or the Public?"

If the answer is "Yes," then change your behavior so that the answer becomes "No."

- - - Russ Andrews

"You do not 'control' where you are not fearful or anxious." Dr. Laura

Russ Andrews comment: So when you see someone who is 'controlling,' it could be instructive to try to figure out what it is that they fear would happen if they are not in control.

If you have high expectations of me, then I will see to it that I live up to them.

If you have low expectations of me, then you will see to it that I live down to them.

- - - Russ Andrews

"Whoever cares the most should be responsible." Dr. Laura

"The Tyranny of feelings must be resisted." Michael Medved

To be fully human and fully adult requires 'Manual Override' of your own biology. (Paraphrase from Dr. Laura)

Life expands and contracts in direct proportion to one's own courage.

Bemoaning yesterday destroys tomorrow. Dr. Laura

'You are obligated to proper behavior regardless of how you are feeling.' Dr. Laura

You don't wait until a big rain storm comes before starting to built a safe and secure house.

You don't wait until your children are confronted with life's temptations and dangers before starting to build their ability to deal with them. - - - Russ Andrews

"When you know better, you do better" Opra Winfre

A really quality person will see past himself to see the needs of others, and is not self-absorbed in meeting his own needs. - - - Russ Andrews

To invoke external forces as controlling one's self esteem is to ignore the internal selection process. Dr. Laura

You must recognize the person's weakness and treat that, rather than the person's behavior. Dr. Laura

Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you are correct. (A Dr. Laura listener)

Words have meaning.

Words invoke emotion.

Words have impact upon others, and upon one's self.

Words which are malicious or hurtful produce those results!

Be careful about what you say. - - - Russ Andrews

"We are who we hang out with." (Dr. Laura)

"When you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Go Fish music group.

If it offends common sense it is probably wrong. - - - Russ Andrews

The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

-- Albert Einstein

This certainly applies to education! - - - Russ Andrews

Self esteem is the inner ability to think highly of one's self while at the same time being critical of one's self, or while exploring one's failure. - - - Russ Andrews

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.

Games and sports are rehearsal for Life. Unfortunately too many people never stop rehearsing and start living. To actively engage in life, to live it, to create new things, to contribute to others and to society - these are the things which make games and sports reveal themselves as poor imitations of life. The act of creating and doing is an adventure! To know that you have actually created something valuable produces a high internal reward. - - - Russ Andrews

What you tell people is not important. It is what they hear that is important.

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment" -- unknown

"Bitterness cannot change anything." A Vietnam saying . . . a meme of the society.

A school is a building with four walls and tomorrow inside.

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." - Chinese Proverb

Enough, never is.

Enough is a constantly receding goal. - - - Russ Andrews

The most important assault on your being is your own attitude. - - - Dr. Laura

Don't have arguments. Instead have problem solving sessions. - - - Russ Andrews

I have a PBS mind in an MTV world.

All education is about one task, and one task only; and that is nurturing the human spirit, within the community of humankind.

These four then are the teacher’s task, that is nurturing of the human spirit;

caring, creativity, criticality, in community, including in the spirit of service to others.

In the battle between you and the world, bet on the world!

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