What is the T.E.A.C.H.Early Childhood® Texas Scholarship Program?

The T.E.A.C.H. Texas Program links education, compensation and commitment together to improve the quality of early care and education experiences for young children across Texas. T.E.A.C.H. provides scholarship opportunities for early childhood professionals to work towards earning a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, Associate or Bachelor degree in early childhood. T.E.A.C.H. Texas is more than a scholarship; it is partnership between the scholarship recipient, sponsoring center and the scholarship program to ensure the recipient has financial help with educational expenses and success with their educational goals.

What commitments are scholarship recipients required to make?

Scholars must attend classes regularly, successfully complete courses and contribute their portion of tuition and books. In addition, scholars agree to remain employed with the sponsoring early childhood program for a specific period outlined by their scholarship model (typically 6 months for CDA and 1 year for associate at the end of the contract).

What commitments are early childhood programs required to make?

In most scholarship models, early childhood programs agree to sponsor a scholar by contributing a portion of the cost of tuition and providing release time (paid time off, T.E.A.C.H. Texas reimburses part of the expense for this time) while classes are in session. Upon completion of the contract requirements, the early childhood program is also responsible for issuing a raise or bonus depending on the scholarship model.

What kind of support does the T.E.A.C.H. Texas program provide?

The T.E.A.C.H. scholarship provides coverage for the majority (80%) of the costs of tuition and books, a per-semester travel stipend is also provided. In addition to the support with tuition and books, release time is provided as part of the program to allow paid time off for the recipient to attend classes and balance their work, home life, and schooling. T.E.A.C.H. reimburses the sponsoring program a portion for that paid time off. Another support T.E.A.C.H. provides is the Counselor, the T.E.A.C.H. Counselor is here to support all recipients with paperwork, professional development advice, course selections and a support to help ensure recipients are successful and meet their educational goals.

Who is Eligible for a Scholarship?

Child care teachers, directors, owners and family home providers may be eligible for scholarship, if they meet additional eligibility requirements. Scholarship recipients must meet the below eligibility requirements:

  • Be a Texas Resident
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Work in a DFPS licensed program or family home
  • Work 30 hours or more a week
  • Earn less than $15 an hour/$20 for bachelor programs
  • Some funding also requires the child care program to have a contract to serve subsidized children

When are the Application Deadlines for T.E.A.C.H.?

Applications are taken on an on-going base. Once received in office, applications take 4-6 weeks to process and are award as quickly as possible, semester start dates are taken into consideration as well for start dates.

For More Information


Feb. 2017