“Composed of local people, representing local people, about local issues”

Chairperson TemporaryActing ClerkMrs.W J Pearce

Sandal Magna

To be elected Lissington Road




Tel: Tel : 01673-885055


Notice of Parish Council Meeting


You are hereby summoned/invited to attend a Meeting of Wickenby Parish Council to be held on Thursday4th November 2010at St. Peter & St. Lawrence Church at 7.45pm (19.45 hrs)

Public Forum 7.30pm (19.30 hrs) to 7.45pm (19.45 hrs)


Item No. / Description /


1 / Election of Chairperson / All
2 / Apologies for Absence / Signing of Attendance Register / All/Chair
3 / Declaration of Interests by Councillors / All
4 / Corrections to Minutes of Meeting dated 23rd Sept 2010 / All
5 / Approval & signing of Minutes of Meeting dated 23rd Sept 2010 / All/Chair
6 / Financial Report
.1Statement of Accounts
.2Budget 2011/12
.3Precept 2011/12
.4Approval of payments
.5A/Clerk’s and T/A Clerk’s expenses
.6Approval of expenditure
.7VAT claim
.8External Audit
.9 Internal Audit
.11Other financial issues / RFO

Policy Items

7 / Resignation and Appointment of Clerk/ R.F.O. and all related matters / All
8 / Future of Wickenby Parish Council / All

Progress Reports

9 / Planning issues
  • Rase Warehousing
  • Grass Cottage
  • Ruskwick House
/ Temp Act.Clerk
10 / Wickenby Airfield – Flying issues / Cllr. Baxendale
11 / Traffic Calming / Cllr’s. Beale, Mettam, Wheeldon.
12 / Parish Council Website / Cllr. Beale
13 / Correspondence to lay before Council / Temp Act. Clerk
14 / Reports from Councillors / All
15 / Suggestions for speakers at next meeting / All
16 / Date of next meeting / Chair

Councillors unable to attend please inform Clerk and submit any relevant papers


W J Pearce

Temporary Acting Clerk

Dated ......

26th October 2010


“Composed of local people, representing local people, about local issues”

Chairperson Acting Clerk Mr.M.Gill-Stafford

The Holding

To be elected Snelland Road




Tel: Tel : 01673885211


Notice of Parish Council Meeting

To ......

You are hereby summoned/invited to attend a Meeting of Wickenby Parish Council to be held on Thursday 4th March 2010 at St. Peter & St. Lawrence Church at 7.45pm (19.45 hrs)

Public Forum 7.30pm (19.30 hrs) to 7.45pm (19.45 hrs)

Invited speakers LCC/District Councillor Rawlins

Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinators – Mr. Froggatt & Mr.Rowe

(I received a reply from Mr. Froggatt who stated he had not had any connection with the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, and described itas a bag of wind.He declined to attend this meeting. Mr.Rowe

Since its inception there has been little to no information offered to the Community yet there have been a number of incidents and some nefarious local activity that warranted being put out to at very least alert the public and allow them to make choices on how best to protect both their property and families from the villains. For some unknown reason I receive a considerable amount of information from the Police e.mail system relating to local crimes which I think could be put to better use .As I see it (a) Is it the intention of Mr. Rowe to continue as co-ordinator YES/NO (b)If YES - does he wish help from this Council i.e a partnership (c)Is there anything the PC can do or wish to do to improve the current Neighbour hood Watch scheme. (d) Does anyone else wish to take on this role? I suggest through the Chair that this discussion continues as at item 13 of the agenda


Item No. / Description /


1 / Election of Chairperson
(I would urge you to consider nominating and electing a chair for this year as opposed to the recently adopted procedure of election per meeting.)
Proposed by Cllr. Seconded by Cllr.
Elected Chair to sign acceptance form / All
2 / Apologies for Absence / Signing of Attendance Register
(Proposal to accept absence Cllr. Seconded Cllr.
Objections? / All/Chair
3 / Declaration of Interests by Councillors
(Subject to the decision of this Council on the Trust Fund, this may be the last time this declaration will need to be made. It may also be necessary to inform WLDC that a dispensation order will need to be continued) / All
4 / Corrections to Minutes of Meeting dated 7th January 2010 / All
5 / Approval & signing of Minutes of Meeting dated7th January 2010
(Proposed for acceptance Cllr. Sec. Cllr.
Proposal for Chair to sign corrected Minutes of 12th Nov 2009
By Cllr. Seconded Cllr.
Objections? / All/Chair
6 / Financial Report
  • Statement of Accounts
As at 5th February 2010 £2321. 10p
(Proposal for acceptance by Cllr. Sec.Cllr.
  • Approval of payments
(To accept invoice for repairs to bus shelter. Cheque to be signed)
To accept LALC invoice for membership of £94 40p
Proposed Cllr. Seconded Cllr.
Cheque to be signed
A/Clerk’s expenses
(Amounting to £54. 17p)To accept included mileage to Gainsborough @£31. 60p to attend Gypsy & Travellers seminar by own volition but subsequently to inform this Council of the content and required action as at item12 of agenda)This expense needs careful consideration, but I am now of the opinion the information I obtained was in the Council interest I have not claimed for postage or tele. Calls relating to this.
Proposal for acceptance by Cllr. Sec. Cllr.
Cheque to be signed payable to M. Gill-Stafford)
  • Approval of expenditure
For permission for a Cllr. to attend LincolnVillage Forum and incur mileage of 12 miles @ 40p = £4. 80p re Planning & Appeals procedures
To approve an amount of money for annual verge cutting
  • VAT claim
(To accept submission of £ to Customs & Excise
Proposed Cllr. Seconded Cllr.
  • Internal audit
To discuss adoption of recommendations
(Proposed for acceptance Cllr. Sec. Cllr.
  • Other financial issues
Expenditure for Annual Parish Meeting
(To determine and approve of ceiling amount
Proposed by Cllr. Seconded. Cllr
Objections? / RFO

Acting Clerk’s Expenses for period

January 2010 to end of February 2010


Date / Acting Clerk’s Expenses / £ / P / £ / p
20/1/10 / Postage 2nd class - WLDC precept / 30
21/1/10 / Postage 2nd class – Fire & Rescue Service / 30
27/1/10 / Mileage to Lincoln & return 24 miles @ 40p per mile– LCC re website enquiries / 9 / 60
27/1/10 / Mileage to Gainsborough & return 79 miles @ 40p per mile – WLDC re Gipsy & Traveller Seminar / 31 / 60
27/1/10 / Copier paper / 1 / 97 / 30
28/1/10 / Mileage to Dunholme & return 11 miles @ 40p per mile – LALC re Trust Fund enquiries / 4 / 40
11/2/10 / Envelopes / 1 / 00 / 14
26/2/10 / Photocopying Newsletter / 5 / 00

Total 54 17 44

Expenses authorised for payment vide meeting dated 4th March 2010 item 6 of agenda

This claim does not include T/C’s for this period as the supplier has not presented an invoice.

Policy Items

7 / Clerk appointment
(Enquiries to continue) / All
8 / Village plan – website
(I circulated my meeting with Ms. Liz Schofield of LCC
I also discussed the proposal connecting the laptop onto the Internet which is estimated at £40. There may be a cheaper way by using my wife’s connection as I do for e.mails but this will mean some technical help from someone. If it is decided to take up the offer from LCC I would ask for a Cllr.to manage the site by offering to help with the technicalities)
(proposal to accept site Cllr. Sec. Cllr.
Objections? / All

Progress Reports

9 / Trust land
To discuss decision by Charity Commission to remove
Trust from Register
(Following the meeting of the Trustees and recommendation prior to this meeting as Councillors are aware I circulated the e.mails and other correspondence relating to the decision of the Charity Commission, a decision needs to be made whether to continue the Trust. I had a long meeting with LALC and learned this will mean engagement of a solicitors services or to accept its recommendation that it would be advantagousre work load to close the Trust totally. Upon closure a letter cancelling the dispensation to discuss financial matters will need to be forwarded to WLDC
Proposal by Cllr. Seconded Cllr
Objections? / All
10 / Planning issues
  • Rase Warehousing
(No decision made to date)See item 14 re letter to Fire & Rescue Services Risk management plan
  • Grass Cottage
(I made arrangements with Cllr. Rawlins to meet with a WLDC enforcement officer and discuss future action about this breach of planning as recommended by LALC & the Ombudsman, emphasising the concerns about the length of time involved and possibility of a permanence of the building being established. Result –No meeting arranged to date
  • Ruskwick House - Appeal
(As circulated the Appeal has been lodged and awaits decision) / Act.Clerk
11 / Wickenby Airfield – Flying issues
I assume that everyone has received a copy of the analysis of the questionnaire. I have browsed through it and I think it would be helpful for the Clerk & other(s) to sit around a table in the very near future to discuss the implications of the content
(As has Andy, I have received a number of e.mails complaining about evening flying and lack of action by this Council in reporting these alleged breaches of the airfield conditions. Further action –Feedback from CAA(Andy) / Cllr. Baxendale
Act. Clerk
12 / Gypsies & Travellers – WLDC report
(As circulated I attended the WLDC seminar on this matter as a private member of the public. The information was circulated to Cllrs. Comments re file plus video.I noted your comments. As the result of the information I gained from that meeting I consider it an item for this Council to discuss and requested that Cllrs. should give thoughts about investigating a site with local land owners which would be recommended as an alternative to random parking by G & T’s and a requirement of the Housing Act, and thus empower Police, County & District Council to enforce removal orders should G & T’s ever descend on this Parish. I also recommended that such a site should be held in obeyance before formerly registering it with WLDC. I have today received a letter from House of Commons to my private comments which I will circulate if you so wish to give you the Governments aspect of the problem Comments - / Act. Clerk
13 / Neighbourhood Watch
(Following my attendance at a meeting at Nettleham Police HQ and the invitation to this meeting to the registered co-ordinaters plus the comments made during the public forum
I propose a more pro active approach to this matter with the possibility of a regular ‘newsletter’ e.mail group updating residents of current information I receive from the Police.This would cost about £5per quarter or £25 pa subject to frequency of information received. Subject to your decision I have been requested by the Police to complete a short questionnaire about the NW in this village
Format –
Seconded by Cllr. / All
14 / Correspondence to lay before Council
As mentioned receipt of the report from Wickenby Airfield Residents Forum
(Included in the circulated correspondence I referred to the possibility of Cllrs attending by rota the various meetings to which invitations are received. As described it is not the sole duty of the Clerk to undertake such attendance.
Following receipt of a risk management action plan from the Fire Brigade which requested public comments I forwarded the concerns expressed at a public forum and those of Cllrs relating to the storage of toxic products at Rase Warehouse and whether a further COMAH or CIMAH report was needed as part of the recent outline planning application by this company. I received an e.mailed reply from WLDC which is apparently the overseeing authority which states that in the event of further storage in the proposed warehouse of toxic materials an extended report will be required and should form part of the planning application to be submitted in due course.
There are issues relating to planning applications to be discussed at the next Villages Forum which as agreed as at item 7c of the previous Minutes may be relevant to this village. The date is now fixed for Tuesday 16th March at 7pm at Dunholme I therefore request permission for a Cllr.to attend & incur mileage
(Proposed Cllr. Seconded Cllr.
Cllr. agreed toattend / A/Clerk
15 / Reports from Councillors
(I understand Peter has been looking at risk areas – report
I undertook a walking survey of the water courses within the Parish and conclude – The recent heavy rainfalls helped to identify some of the possible problems.Tthe ditch along the south side of Snelland Road is sufficiently silted up to prevent a large amount of road or land surface run off to be effectively useful and suggest a letter to the agency responsible to contact the owner(whoever that is) to clear it.The same but to a lesser degreeof the ditch on the west side of Mr. Mettams paddock on Snelland Road, east of ‘Grass Cottage’. Also the ditch on land owned by the Thornalley family,at the rear of Talybont bearing in mind the devastating floods there some years back. Also the ditch on the south side of Snarford road which takes a considerable amount of land surface water,the outlet to land drainage waterand road surface water whichdespite the efforts of LCC Highways piped scheme still forms a large puddle here near Fir Tree Lodge. The owners should be diplomatically approached to clear these.
Bus shelter – The builder has repaired, removed where possible the graffiti and restained the shelter seat, plus mending the ridge tiles and downpipe.
Verge cutting - I made tentative enquiries of LCC Highways for reimbursement or payment for undertaking this task. I was informed that if a request was made in writing it would be considered, BUT doubtful as this years contract had been allocated. There would certainly not be a retrospect payment for last year. Highways might consider payment for this Council to undertake amenity grass cutting (around Church corner )The difficulty with that is type of mower required not tractor mounted, but it would get cut upon need.
Newsletter – The quarterly newsletter has been included for delivery with the Parish Magazine / All
16 / Suggestions for speakers at next meeting / All
17 / Date of next meeting
(Scheduled for May6th 2010 which will also be the Annual Parish Meeting) / Chair

Councillors unable to attend please inform Clerk and submit any relevant papers


M. J. Gill-Stafford

Acting Clerk

Dated ......

16th February 2010