Department of Animal Science (Home Department)

Graduate Program Requirements Checklist and Annual Report

(to be completed by March 15 and submitted to major professor; submission of final signed report to departmental DOGE due by april 1)



Date of Birth:


ISU entry date

AnS entry date

BS School

BS Major

MS School

MS Major

Degree program PhD MS

Major Program

Co-major program (if any)


Committee members/depts. (5 for PhD; 3 for MS):

1. Major prof

2. Co-major prof (if any)






Degree Requirements/Recommended Training Activities

In each blank below, indicate the date (mm/dd/yy) or semester and year the requirement was met or the activity was done.

English requirement (non-native speakers, only - indicate the number of the remedial English course taken (Engl)
Speak/teach certificationfor those involved in teaching (indicate level passed):
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Joined laboratory of major professor
POS Committee Appointment form approved (date filed )
This form must be filed by the end of the student’s third semester in residence.
1st / 1st POS Meeting: Program of Study (POS) and approved by the POS Committee
(date filed )
This should be approved by the end of the 2nd year (PhD), or before the end of the 1st year (MS).
4th / Annual POS meetings (recommended)
Teaching (Teaching Assistantship or Teaching Seminar-if any); indicate courses taught or attended
International Research Experience: Location:
Preliminary exam (Ph.D. only) – For majors administered by Animal Science
This should be taken by first semester of third year. The preliminary examination must include a written component consisting of answering questions prepared by the POS committee. A research proposal may also be prepared and given to the POS committee two weeks prior to the exam.
Thesis submitted to POS Committee
Thesis should include one or more manuscripts written in a form suitable for submission to a journal. The thesis must be given to POS committee at least two weeks prior to defense.
Research seminar presented to Dept. of Animal Science
This must be a public seminar. At least 2 weeks prior to seminar, a title and abstract for an announcement must be given to the Dept. of Animal Science DOGE to distribute to Animal Science faculty and students.
Final examination passed
Thesis title:


Recommended Training Requirements
Required/Recommended Activities


Responsible Conduct in Research Training. This requirement of all Animal Science Students is met by completing GR ST 565, Responsible Conduct in Research in Science and Engineering, or by completing the online course in the CITI program. See details (

Required Occupational Training: Dept. of Animal Science students involved in laboratory research are required to take and pass the:

a)Chemical Hygiene Training Plan AND the

b)Hazardous Waste Generator Plan.

c)Students working or teaching with animals should take the animal care and use training when offered by the LAR/IACUC.

Comments and Clarifications

Describe course waivers, transfers, etc. Where appropriate, include date of action and attach memo of explanation.

Note: The transferability of credits from other institutions will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the student’s POS committee and the AnS DOGE. To request waiver of a course requirement, students must send a memo to the AnS DOGE stating that they have already received satisfactory instruction in the subject matter covered by the required course; this memo must be signed by major professor (on behalf of POS committee) and the instructor of the course to be waived. Credits for seminars, workshops and colloquia are not transferable.

Additional Information

The Animal Science graduate program review subcommittee strongly recommends that all students annually prepare a professional CV. Among the items included should be Oral Presentations/Posters at Conferences/Scientific Meetings/Workshops and Publications and Manuscripts in preparation.


Student (sign)Date

Major professor signature (type or print, and sign)Date

Co-major professor signature, if any (type or print, and sign)Date

Graduate Student Yearly Progress Report

A short (approximately three-fourths page, single spaced) description of yearly (calendar year) research progress is required by the Department of Animal Science, and is to be turned in to major professors with the above checklist by March 15 of each year. Graduate students who have been involved in teaching should also include comments (course/responsibility) on this activity. This progress report is to be first submitted to the student’s major professor who should review the report, schedule a meeting with each student to discuss research progress and add any relevant comments on progress of the student at the bottom of the student’s report. Both the major professor and the student should sign the report when the discussion is completed. The original copy of the signed report is to be sent to the Department of Animal Science DOGE by April 1.

Major Professor Comments

Signature of Major Professor


Signature of Graduate Student