© 2015

Stepanenkov H. V., postgraduatestudent

(scientific adviser – Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor P. V. Pysarenko)



Reviewer–Doctor of AgriculturalSciences, ProfessorM. YA.Shevnikov

Theinfluence ofdrinkingwaterquality on the level ofpopulation health in Poltava region is considered, and the resultsof the research are given.The obtainedresults are shown inthe graphsand calculatedcorrelation coefficients. Graphsare shown both forthe totalincidenceinthe areaand fortwo the most commongroups of diseases(blood circulatory system diseases, diseasesof the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue). It has been provedthat the quality ofdrinkingwaterin the region has a significant effect onhuman health. Appropriate general conclusions are drawn.

Keywords: drinking water, population health.

Formulation of the problem. Water isan essential resourcewithout whichlife is impossible on Earth. And a human is not the exceptionsinceour bodycontains80% water. Naturally, the productionof goodspolluteswater resources and the health of people whoconsumethis waterbegins to deteriorate. This problem is particular acutefor those countries where there is inadequatesurfacewater.

Analysis of recentresearch wherethis issue isreported.In recent years, there is a tendency of towards increasingwater use in Poltava region[3, 6]. Soin 2012 an amountof used water was grown to 248,4mlnm3, from which 77,06mlnm3was underground water[6].At the same timethe population size in the areais gradually reducing[1].However, water qualityin riversand streamsis not satisfactory(53% of collected watersamples is characterized as«verydirty» [8]), groundwaterand underwaterqualityis deteriorating too,whichis mainlyused forwater supply anddrinking purposes[3,8], andnot onlyby the rural population, but also by enterprisesin urban areas,although the enterprises extractdeepwaterthat isclean enough. Thus,50% of the population usesgroundwater for drinking,the quality of whichis very differentdepending on the locationand the well depth.The main pollutantsof surface waterisbiochemical consumption of oxygen (BCO5) andbiogenic elements,groundwater andunderwater(depending onregion) – totaliron,fluorine,ammonia nitrogenand nitrates, total hardness of water[2, 3]. The dynamics ofgroundwater contaminationby nitrateionsis an extremelyhot topic, as the tilledlandratiois 0,75 in Poltava region, andfarmersoftenuseexcessfertilizers in the pursuit of profit. The presenceof nitrateions inpotablewaterissufficientnegative factor, since the presence of these ions inpotablewatercausesdisturbancesinthe gastrointestinaltract, heart and nervous systemandis particularly dangerousforchildren tillage of oneyear, whichcausemethemoglobinemia.Thisproblem has been researchedby several authors[4, 5, 7].

The purpose ofthis research is examining theinfluence ofdrinkingwaterquality on the population health level in Poltava region.

The task was tocalculate thecorrelation coefficientsandconstruct agraph of the influence ofdrinkingwaterquality on the population health level in Poltava region.

Materials and methods.The materialsfor this researchwere collectedin the regionaldepartment of statisticsin the region andregional sanitary-epidemiological station [1, 2]. To solve this problem,systematic, analytical and statisticalmethods have been used.

The results ofresearch.The population health problem is extremely important,sincethe number of peoplein the areaduring the research period(from 2001 to 2012) is decreased by152,9thousand andhasa downward tendency.But atthe same time the total number ofdiseases decreases.The dynamicsis shown in Picture1.

Picture1. Dynamics of thepopulation level of the regionandprimary morbidity(according to the regional managementof the static) from 2001to 2012

As we can see, the population level in the regionis gradually reducedandhas a highlight tendency to furtherreductions. However,the total number ofdiseases is decreasing, and thatis a positive factor.Therefore,for a more accuratecalculation, therelative valuewere used, it is the the number of accidentsper 100thousandof inhabitants.

Materials of researchwere datatakenin the Poltavaregional sanitary epidemic station [2] andin the statistics department[1].On the basis ofthese data,the analysis ofthe influence ofthe state ofdrinking wateron the health ofthe region's population, corresponding graphswere constructedandPearson correlation coefficientswere calculatedby the known formula:

, / (1)

orbuilt-in Microsoft Office Excel = PEARSON (array 1; array 2). To simplify theevaluation of water quality,integral index are used, whichis the arithmetic average between thediscrepancy of samplesunder current law, selectedin the centralized water supply(according to sanitary-chemical andbacteriological parameters) and decentralizedwater supply(according to sanitary-chemical andbacteriological parameters) for12 years[2]. The results are shownbelow.

Picture 2shows the dynamics ofthediscrepancy of water qualityunder current law (statesanitary rules and norms),average forthe region.

Picture 2. Dynamics ofwater qualityin the region

As you can seethere is a tendencytoward improving water qualityof decentralized water supplyand a certainslight deteriorationcentralizedwater supply(the latterdeals with wear of water supply systems).

The following graphshows thecomparison ofthe integral indicator ofwater qualityin the region andprimary morbidity.

Picture3. Comparison ofthe integral indicator ofdrinkingwater quality of andprimary morbidity

As we can seeon the graph,curvesare very different, the dependenceis not observed; it alsoconfirms thelow valueof the correlation coefficient(r = 0,29).It is easily explained: respiratory diseases numbers 44%from the total numberof diseases (4808,5 thousand from 10952,7thousand accidents or the whole research period),which are notrelated to the qualityof drinking water.Thereforeaccidents were excludedas interferingones;at the same timeand another groupwas excluded–injury, poisoning andsome other consequences ofexternal causes. After thatthe correlation coefficienthas been recalculated and the graph was plotted andpresentedin Picture 4.

Picture4. Comparison ofthe integral indicator ofdrinkingwater quality andthe primarymorbidity(withoutrespiratory diseasesandinjuries, poisoningand other consequences
ofexternal causes)

As we can seeonthis graphwhenrespiratory diseasesand injurieswere not considered, the curves have become quitesimilar; moreoverthat fact isconfirmed by the highvalueof the correlation coefficient(r = 0,86),which indicatesa high correlation. This indicatesthat the quality ofdrinkingwatersignificantly affects on thehealth level in the region.The tendencyof water quality improvementtogether with the reductionof the number of diseases is the positivefact.

The correlation coefficients forindividual groups ofdiseases are alsocalculated.The following diseases for whichthese ratiosobtained sufficiently highvalues:blood circulation diseases,diseasesof the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue– r=0,76andr=0,66, respectively are itemized. Particular attentionshould be paid tothe diseaseof blood circulatory system, as itisthe second-largest group of diseases–8% (990,7 thousand from 10952,7thousandaccident during the research period). Another group ofdiseases, alsoranks high, third place– 482,3 thousandaccidents. Resulting graphsare shownbelow.

Picture5. Comparison ofintegral indicator of drinkingwater quality andsome groups ofdiseases.

As we can see, the curves are very similar, that confirms the rather highvalueof the correlation coefficient.


1.The population level inPoltava region is gradually decreasingandhasa downward tendency.

2.Population primarymorbidityis reducedin both absolutelyand relatively(per 100 thousand inhabitants).

3.The quality of drinkingwater in the regionis alsogradually improving, especially for decentralized water supply.

4.There isa significant correlationbetween drinkingwaterquality and primarymorbidity as it is indicated bya correlation coefficient(r = 0,86).

5.The maindiseasesin the regionare respiratory diseases, followed by diseasesof blood circulatory system, and on the third place there are diseasesof the musculoskeletal systemand connective tissue.

6.There is a correlationbetweendrinking water qualityandseparate groupsof disease:they are diseasesof blood circulatory system, diseases of the musculoskeletalsystem and connective tissuer=0,76andr=0,66 respectively


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