
We are a group of local professionals with a passion for SharePoint. The group is open to anyone with an interest in working with the SharePoint technologies. Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Microsoft Building (Polaris Location).

The agenda for the meetings is as follows:

·  5:30pm – 6:00pm à dinner sponsorship presentation (sponsor oriented)

·  6:00pm – 6:20pm à community time (Power user tips/tricks)

·  6:20pm – 7:20pm à main presentation (Community related only)

If you would like to contribute, please take the timeto select any of the following options for sponsorship. In return for your kind support, we will highlight your company in our website (http://www.buckeyespug.com) and there will be a mention of your company at the beginning of every meeting. Also, we will help you promote your company name through our Tweet feeds and our Facebook page.

Sponsorship options

There are 2 options that you can help our group:

a.  Food sponsorship ($300)

b.  Swag sponsorship ($50+)

Food sponsorship:

We have estimated the cost of providing food for our attendees to be around $300. In the past this has included Main course, drinks, and vegetarian options for the attendees.

During this dinner time, you as the sponsor can do a presentation to the group. This presentation can be a vendor product or an introduction to your company, etc. This presentation needs to be limited to 30 minutes or less in length.

Link to the most current list of sponsors: Current Sponsors

Swag Sponsorship

You may donate any amount of giveaways that amounts to at least $50 in value. These giveaways will be raffled off at a meeting of our choosing. The group organizers will make a special announcement that the item was donated by your organization. You are also welcome to provide a single flyer to be placed on a table in the foyer of the meeting area. The swag prizes need to be delivered to the steering committee prior to the meeting. You can drop off your swag at the MS building. Put attention: BuckeyeSPUG steering committee.

_2015 Sponsor Request for BuckeyeSPUG_

Company Name *:
Primary Contact *:
Primary Email *:
Primary Phone *:
Requested Months: / Please select four in order of your preference:
Month / Category / 1 (highest), 4 (lowest)
Jan / Information Worker / taken
Feb / Developer / taken
Mar / IT Pro / taken
Apr / Information Worker / taken
May / Developer / taken
Jun / IT Pro
Jul / Information Worker /
Aug / Developer / taken
Sep / IT Pro / taken
Oct / Information Worker / taken
Nov / Developer
Dec / IT Pro / No meeting this month
Additional Notes

Agreement: By signing this you are agreeing to become a meal sponsors during the 2015 calendar year for the BuckeyeSPUG meetings. In return, the BuckeyeSPUG will be providing the following:

·  2015 Sponsor banner on the web site

·  2015 sponsor information in our Facebook page

·  Mentions of your company name at the beginning of every meeting.

·  Link on the home page to the company URL during the primary sponsorship month

·  Up to 30 minutes during the dinner sponsorship month to present topic of your choice (including product demos)

Signature: ______Date: ______