Lions Club of Metung, Business Meeting Agenda

Wednesday 24 September2014, from6.00 pm – 7pm at Metung Yacht Club

CHAIR:President Lion Desma Payne

RECORDER: Secretary Lion Peter Payne

1. / APOLOGIES: Hugh Hunter, Shannon Bennett,
2. / MINUTES OF LAST BUSINESS MEETING Accepted circulated as read & accurate, any discussion?
Business Meeting 23 July 2014 – Chair asks for mover & seconder who was present at mtg
Moved: ………………………………. Seconded: ………………………. Carried
Business Meeting 27 August 2014 – Chair asks for mover & seconder who was present at mtg
Moved: ………………………………. Seconded: ………………………. Carried
2014 – 15 Policy Minutes – Chair asks for mover & seconder
Moved: ………………………………. Seconded: ………………………. Carried
3. / BUSINESS ARISINGfor previous 2 Business Meeting Minutes
-23 July 2014 - defer to Business Arising
-27 August 2014- defer to Business Arising
4. / CORRESPONDENCE IN / OUT As per list
6.1 / President’s Report – President Desma
6.2 / 2014 Christmas Carols Report – Lion Desma
6.3 / Membership Report – Membership Health Check - Lion Desma
6.4 / 30th Anniversary Report – Lion Desma
6.5 / Community Bus Report – Lion Peter
Launch Friday 10 October 2014 @ 2.30pm at the Metung Primary School
MOU update
6.6 / Training & Leadership Development – Lion Peter
Basic Food Hygiene Skills Course – 1/10/14
Bunnings Procedures & Conditions
6.7 / Metung Farmers Market Report – Lion Peter
Farmers market –Saturday, 11 October 2014 (Rostering required)
Bunnings BBQ – Saturday, 18 October 2014 (Rostering required)
6.8 / 2014 Fun Run Sponsorship Report – Lion Tom
6.9 / Diabetes Australia Life Course (attached) – Lion Desma
6.10 / 2014-15 Forward Planner (attached) – Lion Desma
7.1 / 2014 201 V3 Convention Delegates – Lion Peter
7.2 / 2014 Auditing of MLC financial accounts – Lion Peter
7.3 / Replacement Trailer for mobile fridge – Lion Peter
7.4 / Spring Working Bee Date to be arranged – Lion Peter
7.3 / MLC – Blue tops for club members & partners – Lion Desma
7.4 / 2014 Christmas Cake Order– Lion Desma
7.5 / AGM – 26 November 2014 – Lion Desma
7.6 / Father Christmas Project – Metung Primary School – Lion Desma

AIM TO COMPLETE BUSINESS MEETINGS by 7pm and matters not covered to be carried to the next Business Meeting. CLOSE MEETING:


As there has been much discussion over recent weeks regarding Quorums I have extracted from the Lions Australia ADMINISTRATION MANUAL regarding

  • Quorums
  • Proxy Voting
  • Club Board – duties & responsibilities
  • Club Officers – duties

Our Metung Club chooses to include all members in the Business Meetings each month. It is my understanding of the Clubs Administration Manual wording that the Quorum of Board Members is required at any business meeting is required for the meeting to proceed. With this in mind as long as there are 7 Board Members present at a Business Meeting the club is able to proceed with “business as usual” providing information from the meeting is given to all the club members, and this is done initially through the Minutes of that meeting which is circulated to our membership following each meeting (Business and Dinner).

There is a copy of the CLUBS ADMINISTRATION MANUAL on our club’s website.

Desma Payne


Lions Club of Metung Inc

19 September 2014


It is important, however, that the constitution of the board as elected be recorded in the minutes of the Club, bearing in mind that Article IX Section D specifies the quorum for a board meeting as a simple majority of board members actually present at the meeting and voting.

Section D also states that the act of a majority of board members present at a meeting shall be the act and decision of the entire board. The wisdom of formally recording the number of members actually appointed to the board can be appreciated.


In this connection, it should also be noted that the policy of the International Board is that proxy voting is not permitted within the International Association of Lions Clubs; and for this reason the terminology ‘present and voting’ is often used.


It shall constitute the executive board of this Club and be responsible for the execution, through the Club officers, of the policies approved by the Club.

All new business and policy of this Club shall be considered and shaped, first, by the Board of Directors for presentation to and approval by the Club members at a regular or special Club meeting.

It shall authorise all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the current income of this Club, nor authorise disbursement of Club funds for purposes inconsistent with the business and policy authorised by the Club membership.

It shall have power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of this Club.

It shall have the books, accounts and operations of this Club audited annually or, in its discretion, more frequently and may require an accounting or have an audit made of the handling of any Club funds by any officer, committee or member of this Club. Any member of this Club in good standing may inspect any such audit or accounting upon request at a reasonable time and place.

It shall appoint, on recommendation of the finance committee, a bank or banks for the deposit of the funds of this Club.

It shall appoint the surety for the bonding of any officer of this Club.

It shall not authorise, nor permit, the expenditure, for any administrative purpose, of the net income of projects or activities of this Club by which funds are raised from the public.

It shall submit all matters of new business and policy to the respective standing or special Club committee for study and recommendation to the board.

It shall name and appoint, subject to approval of the Club membership, the delegates and alternates of this Club to district (single or sub- multiple) and international conventions.

It shall maintain at least two separate funds governed by generally accepted accounting practices. The first fund is to record administrative monies such as dues, tail twisting fines and other internally raised Club funds.

A second fund shall be established to record activity or public welfare monies raised by asking support from the public. Disbursement from such funds shall be in strict compliance with Section above.CLUB OFFICERS

The Officers of a Lions Club are the President, immediate past President, the Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister (optional), Membership Director and all elected directors.

No person shall be eligible to hold Club office unless he/she is an active member in good standing.

No officer shall receive any compensation for any service rendered to the Club in his/her official capacity with the exception of the Secretary, whose compensation, if any shall be fixed by the board of directors within MD201.



Is Chief Executive Officer of the Club; presides at all meetings of the Board OF Directors and the Club; issues the call for regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and the Club.

Appoints the standing and special committees of the Club and cooperates with chairmen thereof to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees. He/she shall see that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held.

He/she shall cooperate with, and be an active member of, the District Governor's advisory committee of the zone in which the Club is located.


He/she and the other past Presidents shall officially greet members and their guests at Club meetings and shall represent this Club in welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by the Club.


If the President is unable to perform the duties of his/her office for any reason, the vice-President next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform his/her duties with the same authority as the President.

Each Vice President shall, under the direction of the President, oversee the functioning of such Club committees as the President shall designate.


He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and the Board of Directors and shall act as the liaison officer between the Club and the district in which the Club is located and Multiple District 201, and the association. In fulfilment of this, he/she shall:

  • Submit regular monthly and other reports via the Cabinet (District) Secretary to the International Office of the association containing such information as may be required.
  • Submit to the District Governor's cabinet such reports as it may require including copies of regular
  • membership and activities reports;
  • Cooperate with and be an active member of the District Governor's zone advisory committee.
  • Have custody and keep and maintain general Club records, including records of minutes of Club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections; addresses and telephone numbers of members; and members Club accounts;
  • Issue quarterly or semi-annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to the Club, collect and turn the same over to the Club Treasurer and obtain receipts;
  • Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors. Note that, in MD201, Club Officers have Insurance bonding cover.


He/she shall:

• Receive all monies, from the Secretary and otherwise, and deposit the same in a bank or banks recommended by the finance committee and approved by the Board of Directors;

  • Pay out monies in payment of Club obligations only on authority given by the Board of Directors. All cheques and vouchers shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by at least one other officer, determined by the Board of Directors;
  • Have custody and keep and maintain general records of Club receipts and disbursements;
  • Prepare and submit monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the international office of the association and the Board of Directors of the Club;
  • Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors. Note that, in MD201, Club officers have insurance bonding cover.


The Lion Tamer shall have charge of and be responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the Club, including flags, banners, gong, and gavel. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the same to the proper storage area after each meeting;

  • He/she shall act as sergeant-at-arms at meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, and literature as required at Club and board meetings; • He/she shall give special attention to ensure that each new member sits with a different group at each meeting so that he/she can become better acquainted.


  • He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious imposition of fines on Club members;
  • There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the Board of Directors of this Club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting;
  • The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present;
  • All monies collected by the Tail Twister shall be immediately turned over to the Treasurer and a receipt be obtained.


The Membership Director shall be the Chairman of the Membership Committee. The responsibilities for this position shall be:

  • Development of a growth program specifically for the Club and presented to the Board of Directors for approval;
  • Provide regular encouragement at Club meetings for recruitment of quality members.
  • Ensuring proper recruitment procedures;
  • Preparation and implementation of orientation sessions;
  • Reporting to the Board of Directors on ways to reduce the loss of members;
  • Coordination with other Club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities;
  • Serving as a member of the zone level Membership Committee.

Lions Club of Metung Inc

2014 – 15 Meeting Planner:

Although we have a busy three months running up to Christmas this year it is exciting to see from the colour coding that we as a club have a well-balanced program. Each month we have our two club meetings then for each month there are community activities each month.

SEPTEMBER Inaugural SUPER Sunday @ the Kings Cove Club

OCTOBER LAUNCH of the new Metung Community Bus (celebrating our joint partnership with the School)


DECEMBER Lions Club of Metung’s 30th Anniversary

JANUARYInaugural BARE FOOT BOWLS @ Metung Bowls Club (yet to be confirmed)

To assist everyone I’ve colour coded our meetings and activities below:


Life course – Diabetes Australia

Location: Metung Vic 3904 (venue TBC)

FRIDAY, 24 OCTOBER, 2014 (1pm to 2.30pm)- Session One

FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER, 2014 (1pm to 2.30pm) - Session Two

FRIDAY, 21 NOVEMBER, 2014(1pm to 2.30pm)- Session Three

FRIDAY, 28 NOVEMBER, 2014(1pm to 2.30pm)- Session Four

February, 2015 - Session Five (date to be arranged)


Sunday21 SeptemberSUPER Sunday 11 – 3 Kings Cove Club (sponsoring social community day)

Wednesday24 SeptemberBusiness Meeting 6pmMetung Yacht Club


Wednesday1 OctoberBasic Food Hygiene Skills Course – Kings Cove Club, Metung

Wednesday 8 OctoberMetung Lions Dinner @ Metung Yacht Club 7pm sit down

Friday10 OctoberLAUNCH of Metung Community Bus – Metung Primary School 2.30pm

Friday10 OctoberENGLISH PUB NIGHT – KCC, fundraiser for 2014 Fun Run sponsorship

Saturday11 OctoberMetung Farmers Market – bbq roster required 7.45am to 12.30pm

Saturday18 OctoberBunnings BBQ – roster required 8am; 10.45am & 1pm starts

Wednesday22 OctoberMetung Lions Business Meeting @ Metung Yacht Club 6pm start

Frid – Sun24-26 OctDistrict 201 V3 Convention – Mornington


Wednesday12 NovemberMetung Lions Dinner @ Metung Yacht Club 7pm sit down

Friday14 NovemberCocktail Party – 2014 Metung Fun Run

Sunday16 November2014 Metung Fun Run @ Village Green

Saturday26 NovemberMetung Farmers Market – bbq roster required 7.45am to 12.30pm

Saturday22 NovemberBunnings BBQ – roster required 8am; 10.45am & 1pm starts

Wednesday26 NovemberMetung Lions Business Meeting @ Metung Yacht Club 6pm start


Wednesday10 December30th Anniversary Metung Lions Dinner @ Metung Yacht Club 7pm sit down

Saturday13 DecemberMetung Farmers Market – bbq roster required 7.45am to 12.30pm

Sunday 14 DecemberMetung Lions Christmas Carols on the Village Green


BLACK:CLUB meetings

RED:CLUB events (fund raising)

BLUE:CLUB Community Activities

GREEN:Community Bus Launch functions

Metung Community Bus Launch

Friday 10 October 2014

from 2.30pm – 3pm

etung Primary School

Stirling Road, Metung Vic 3904

Joint partnership between the Lions Club of Metung Inc

the Metung Primary School Council

RSVP (for catering purposes) email:

By Friday, 3 October 2014

15 September, 2014





«City» «State» «ZIP_Code»

Dear «First_Name»

RE: Launch - Metung Community Bus

You will recall some months ago our club wrote to your organization regarding this Metung Community Bus joint project between the Lions Club of Metung Inc and the Metung Primary School Council requesting your support for the submission for a grant from the Australian Lions Foundation in order to purchase the bus.

We are pleased to advise that our application for a grant from the AUSTRALIAN LIONS FOUNDATION was successful, and, together with funds raised over the past two years from the Metung Fun Run, a suitable vehicle has been purchased.

This vehicle is a Toyota Automatic Diesel Hi Ace Commuter Mini Bus (11 passengers and driver). The bus is garaged at the Metung Primary School.

The official launch of the METUNG COMMUNITY BUS will take place at the METUNG PRIMARY SCHOOL on FRIDAY, 10 OCTOBER, 2014 at 2.30PM. Following the launch there will be opportunity for those in attendance to enjoy afternoon tea together.

An invitation is extended to a representative/s from your organization to join with us at the launch of our new community bus.

Yours sincerely

Desma Payne


M: 0432 188 295

Lions Club of Metung Inc. ABN 81 395 987 119

P O Box 67 Metung Vic 3904 email


As you know the training subsidies for all TAFE courses have been abolished and all short courses are now costed at commercial rates including the BASIC FOOD HYGIENE SKILLS COURSE which is now $800 for organisations/businesses at their own designated location.

I understand many volunteer community/service groups are deciding to train their volunteers in this course even though it is thought that volunteers with community/service groups are exempt.


LOCATION: Kings Cove Club, METUNG Vic 3904

DATE:Wednesday, 1 October 2014

START: 5.45pm to 8.45pm

Course Overview

The Basic Food Hygiene Skills course gives participants the skills and knowledge required to follow the key hygiene procedures that apply in many sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. It is particularly relevant to kitchen, housekeeping, food and beverage, and some tour operators.

If your business prepares and sells food, this course can enhance your existing food handling procedures to ensure you maintain the highest standard of hygienic preparation for your customers.

Course structure

In this course participants will learn about:

-Food regulations

-Food poisoning micro-organisms

-Personal and environmental hygiene

-Cleaning and maintenance practices

-Food storage preparation and display

-Pests and pest control.

Is this course right for me?

This course is designed for people working in, or wishing to enter employment in the hospitality industry where food handling takes place. It is also suitable for community or fundraising group members who require this unit to support their operations.

We can run a course specifically for your group at the Bairnsdale Campus on the 1stof October between 5pm – 8pm for a flat rate of $800 (this is for a maximum of 25 participants)

If you have any further queries, please let me know.


Mark Shelton