Use of Live Lecture Capture in Higher Education (Support Staff)

Intro: The main purpose of this short survey is to understand the current use of live lecture capture technology in higher education.The ultimate goal is to develop pedagogically soundpractices using lecture capture and explore effective and efficient ways of supporting them. The survey is designed for support staff.Feel free to forward it to your colleagues. The survey is available till Dec 20, 2015. All questions are optional, however we would appreciate if you could answer them all. The results of the survey will be shared with you.

Q1 Lecture capture is used primarily for which of the purposes listed below? (Select all that apply)

q  Record a guest speaker (1)

q  Reuse content the following semester for the same or another course (2)

q  For online students enrolled in a course that has a concurrent face-to-face section (3)

q  After class lecture review (4)

q  To catch up with course content due to student absences, incomplete courses, prospective students, etc. (5)

q  Accommodations for students (captioning, review/re-watch/playback) (6)

q  Overcome language barriers for second-language learners by allowing more time for review the materials (7)

q  Other (Please elaborate) (8) ______

Q2 Which courses use lecture capture? (Select all that apply)

q  Undergraduate (1)

q  Graduate (2)

q  Lecture capture is never used (3)

q  Other (Please describe) (4) ______

Q3 Which units (academic programs, departments, colleges, outreach and training centers) use live lecture capture at your institution?

Q4 Approximately how many lecture capture courses does your unit support each semester/quarter?

Q5 What technology does your college/university use for lecture capture? (Select all that apply)

q  Adobe Connect (1)

q  Cisco Capture, Transform, Share (2)

q  Echo 360 (3)

q  Mediasite (4)

q  Panopto (5)

q  TechSmith Relay (6)

q  Tegrity (7)

q  Proprietary (8)

q  Other (Please specify) (9) ______

Q6 What is captured during recording? (Select all that apply)

q  Instructor camera (1)

q  Document camera (ELMO, Wolfvision, etc.) (2)

q  Graphics Pen Tablet (3)

q  Screen sharing on laptop or PC (4)

q  Whiteboard (5)

q  Other (Please specify) (6) ______

Q7 How is lecture capture supported at your institution? (Select all that apply)

q  Rooms are equipped for self-service recordings (1)

q  IT staff (or similar) support and record classes (2)

q  Instructors must purchase or locate technology to record lectures (3)

q  Other (Please describe) (4) ______

Q8 1. What is the typical lecture length posted?

q  Full class recording (1 hour or more) (1)

q  Short segment (20 minutes or less) (2)

q  Mini segments (5 minutes or less) (3)

q  Other (Please explain) (4) ______

Q9 What other tools are available for students to learn the material/work with instructors? (Select all that apply)

q  Lecture capture is the primary means of course delivery (1)

q  Additional course materials are delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) (2)

q  Content is delivered using online textbooks/publisher sites (3)

q  Web conferencing is used to deliver lectures and hold office hours and/or support ongoing communication (4)

q  Other (Please describe) (5) ______

Q10 How satisfied are you with the lecture capture setup that you work with? Please elaborate.

Q11 How satisfied are the students with the live lecture capture setup? Please elaborate.

Q12 What are the top three issues you face concerning faculty support in live lecture capture courses?

Q13 Please describe your efforts to address these challenges.

Q14 For which university/college/organization do you work? Please specify if your employer is a 4 or 2 year educational institution or a research/outreach/training center.

Q15 What is your role/position?

Q16 How many people work in your unit? Please specify if they are staff, student workers, or contractors/consultants.

Q18 Would you mind if I contact you with follow up questions, if needed?

m  You can contact me. My email is: (1) ______

Q19 Comments or questions? Feel free to add.