U.S. History Syllabus

Amanda Ingram

Room 114

Course Title: United States History

Course Description: This course is a survey course thatwill begin with the national period and the administration of George Washington, and continue through current times. The focus of this course “provides students with a framework for studying political, social, economic, and cultural issues, and for analyzing the impact these issues have had on American society” (NC DPI website). This course goes beyond memorization of isolated facts to the development of higher level thinking skills, encouraging students to make historical assessments and evaluations.

Class Expectations:

1)The classroom fosters an environment for learning that is safe, productive and academic. Rude or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, for it interrupts the learning process. Phone calls to parents for both good and poor behavior should be expected.

2)You will be asked to do your very best each day---- that is all I can ask. If you are giving your very best effort, you are bound to succeed. If you need extra assistance with the material, please feel free to come see me either before school or after school. We can work together to get through this course!

3)You are also expected to have an opinion, but please make it an informed one. You have the right to voice your opinion with the understanding that respect for others’ opinions and backgrounds is a must. Disrespect will not be tolerated.

4)There are certain words that have no place in a classroom. Any terminology that is derogatory in nature falls under this category. A good rule to follow is that if you would not wish for me or anyone else in the class to direct the term towards you, do not direct it at anyone else. Use of these terms will result in repercussions.

5)On a regular basis, you will be working on your writing and map skills, while improving your critical thinking skills. This class is about more than just the facts of U.S. History; rather, it is a class focused on furthering students’ skillsets through the topic of U.S. History.

6)This class will be challenging, in some manner or another, for everyone. What one student finds challenging may not be challenging for all. However, simply showing up will not be enough to earn you a passing grade. Effort must be made, and you must take advantage of opportunities. My efforts and instruction will only be half of the equation—your efforts and achievement constitute the other half.

Grading Distribution:

The grade distribution for the class will be as follows:

  • Tests and Projects50%
  • Classwork and Homework30%
  • Portfolio20%

*It should be noted that attendance and participation in class each day are vital and imperative if the student wishes to be successful in the class.


The Public Schools of Robeson County requires that students cannot miss over 5 days without attempting to make up the days missed and work. Students will be able to take advantage of their weekly PAWS period to make up any work/tests. Students have 5 days to make up work after returning to school after an absence with no penalty. I am more than willing to work with the student depending on their circumstance, but please, come speak to me well before the 5 day deadline. Work that has not been made up after 10 days will receive a zero. Work can also be made up during Learning Center, offered on most Tuesdays, or after school by appointment only.

*It is the responsibility of the student to manage his or her make-up work. (S)he must get the assignments, take the make-up tests, etc. Do not expect your teacher to automatically inform you and schedule your make-up work. Copies of handouts will be available upon the student’s return. Students who are present are expected to have the handouts from that day; there will be very few extra copies.

Classroom Procedures:

1)Be on time. Check the board for the daily starter and any agenda for the day. The tardy policy is strictly enforced.

2)Be prepared. You are expected to have all materials with you each day. Any homework that is to be turned in should be turned in at the beginning of class. If a student is on a school field trip or gone because of a school activity, (s)he should take the initiative to turn in all work before leaving school that day.

3)Electronics are not allowed in the classroom unless given permission by the teacher for a specific activity. Once an activity is completed, students are responsible for putting electronics away. If a student is discovered using these devices, the teacher will provide a warning. After that, any electronics seen in the classroom will be taken until the end of the day. At the end of the day, the student may come to the room and sign out their electronic device. If this happens more than twice, a parent or guardian will need to come and sign it out. In the event of an emergency, parents/guardians may contact the school by calling the office at 910-865-4177.

4)Cheating in any form will be met with a zero for the individual cheating and anyone else who allows cheating to occur from their work. Cheating helps NO ONE, so please do not be tempted to participate.

5)The classroom policy on food and drink will follow the one printed in the St. Pauls High School Handbook.

6)Classroom time is valuable and being out of the classroom should be limited to only necessary instances. You have five minutes in between classes; use that time wisely to make any bathroom/water stops. Students will NOT be let out of the classroom the first and last ten minutes of each class. In between these time frames, if students need to use the bathroom, they must ask permission from the teacher and use one of their ‘passes’ for the quarter. Once a student has used all of their passes, they may not leave the classroom for any reason other than being called by the Front Office.

7)Come to class each day willing to learn. Everyone has the capacity to broaden their knowledge on the subject of U.S. History, including myself. I am here to help you succeed, but it is your responsibility to help me facilitate your learning. Please do not hesitate to ask questions-- they are highly encouraged! 

PAWS Reward:

PAWS Reward time will happen after 3rd period. In order to participate in PAWS Reward time, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Students have an 85% average or better.
  • Students have no more than 3 tardies.
  • Students have no more than 3 absences.

Exceptions and allowances may be made by me at any time I see fit. Do not attempt to ‘haggle’ with me to go to PAWS Reward.


  • 3-ring binder (at least 1 ½ in)
  • Notebook paper
  • Pens and pencils (at least one of each)
  • Index cards (~250)
  • 2-pocket folder (with fasteners) for portfolio


This year, we will be using the following textbook to guide our journey through U.S. History:

Werner, Emma J..Prentice Hall United States History. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

Students will be issued a textbook which they may keep at home, and there will be a classroom set for use during the school day. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with the textbook throughout the year and return it at the end in the condition it left the classroom in.

Contact Information:


During planning period: 2nd period (9:45 am to 10:45 am)

**This syllabus is a tentative outline of this course and may be changed as deemed necessary by the instructor**

(Sign and detach the portion below)


Signing below indicates that both student and parent/guardian have read and understand the local and state guidelines for US History and the classroom expectations and procedures as outlined above. It is expected that all policies will be adhered to, and signing below denotes agreement by student and parent/guardian.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______