FS-ISAC Annual Summit 2013

April 28 - May 2, 2013


Presentation proposals from FS-ISAC members and sponsors are now being accepted for the FS-ISAC Annual Summit, scheduled for April 28 through May 2, 2013 at the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra, Florida.

Financial Services - Information Sharing and Analysis Center

FS-ISAC sponsors the only industry forum for collaboration on critical security threats facing the financial services sector.

Tips for Selection:

  • The Scope of Your Personal Expertise and that of any Co-Speakers, Moderators or Panelists - You should be very well versed in the topic to be addressed and equally skilled at presenting. The Committee will be looking for evidence that the Speaker is an expert in the topic proposed. Are you considered an expert on this topic by your professional peers?
  • Selection & Timeliness of the Topic - Is this a topic of current importance to Summit attendees? Is it one our member firms are struggling to get their arms around? If it’s a topic that was of major importance at past Conferences, you may need a fresh approach to drive interest for this year. The Committee assesses both the technical merits of your proposal, as well as the potential interest of your presentation to attract attendees.
  • Educational Value of the Topic - The number one reason that sessions aren’t selected is that the Committee believes that the topic is a thinly disguised sales pitch. Be extremely objective in considering whether a member attendee might believe that your session is about marketing or selling your company’s products or services. Additionally, members respond very positively to detailed case studies and real implementation stories - both domestically and internationally. Members like to leave the conference equipped with “lessons learned”, something they can bring back to the office to improve their own job function.
  • Develop a Unique Approach to the Topic - Recognize that your professional peers may be submitting their proposals on a similar topic. Evaluate how to make your proposed topic stand-out from the crowd.
  • Consider Including a Member Firm - Feedback from prior Conferences indicates that case studies including members have been exceptionally well-received, so please take this into consideration.

Some Suggested Presentation Topics – In Order of Importance to Membership

  • Threats and Attacks
  • DDOS (insights, incident response, defenses)
  • Advanced cybercrime
  • New wave destructive malware (ex; Shamoon)
  • New techniques for detection and mitigation
  • 2012 trends and 2013 predictions
  • Case studies and lessons learned
  • Analytics and intelligence
  • Role of government and sector during incident response
  • Improvements in intelligence sharing
  • Automation of intelligence
  • Success stories in the use of analytics
  • Governance
  • Social media
  • Mobile and BYOD
  • Cloud computing
  • Data protection
  • Awareness and training
  • Risk management
  • Compliance
  • Application security
  • Convergence of physical and cyber security

Three Presentation Choices Are Available

FS-ISAC Summits feature presentations at general sessions, in “track” sessions, and as part of a moderated panel. If you wish to be part of a panel, FS-ISAC will determine the alignment of speaker expertise with the topics above.

Vendors Must Sponsor in Order to Present

Vendors and solution providers must sponsor at the appropriate level in order to obtain a speaking slot. Sponsors should review the Sponsor Prospectus for pricing information on availableoptions.

To Submit a Presentation Proposal, Please Use the Form Below.

Direct all presentation questionsto Rick Lacafta at .

Please submit this presentation proposal, including a short summary describing yourpresentation, its focus, and its educational objectives. Sessions should be one hour in length. A short speakerbiography MUST also be included.You will be notified of the selection results in January. Presentations not meeting the stated FS-ISAC criteria will receive a response within 2 weeks of submission.


Speaker Information: Duplicate this form to submit the information for more than one speaker.

Proposed Speaker:








Phone (Required):


E-mail (Required):


Bio and Speaking Experience: Please attach your Bio (up to 250 words) and a brief list of your

speaking experience along with this form.

Session Information (All Information MUST Be Provided):

  1. Proposed Presentation Type: Conventional Presentation, Moderated Panel, Other, Please Describe______
  1. Proposed Presentation Title:______


  1. Presentation Description: Up to 250 words plus 3-5 bullet points describing the Objectives/Focus of the presentation. You may also attach more descriptive information ifdesired.
  1. Audience Skill Addressed: Basic – Medium – Advanced– All
  1. Has this presentation been given before? Yes– No

If Yes, please indicate when and the type of event/audience. ______

  1. Vendors ONLY - Please confirm your Sponsorship level of:

Platinum (keynote stand alone in the General Session)______

Gold (track session stand alone slot)______

Silver (panelist session in a track session______

Please e-mail this form along with any additional requested information Rick Lacafta at
