Track Parents,February 20, 2014
Welcome to the 2014 season. We currently have close to 100 athletes cleared for participation and we anticipate more. This letter is intended to answer some questions that may arise during the season, and ask for your help in some other areas.
The Panther website contains a lot of helpful information. Both the varsity and junior varsity schedules are listed as well as “departure from group” form and “permission to drive” form. The track and field link contains the Track Handbook, lettering standards and coaches contacts.
In the past, we have required all athletes to purchase the team t-shirt. This will not be a requirement this season, however, we have several of the black t-shirts available at $10 payable to WHS ASB for those interested. In addition, we have a Spirit Pack (online order through Kimmel) with required shorts and optional sweatshirts, sweats, etc. (order deadline is March 9)
At the beginning of the season, and often well into the season, it is cold. We constantly stress to the athletes to dress warmly. They need to have sweats (pants and top) with them at practice and meets. This is an injury prevention issue.
The kids need to eat lunch. Lunch is extremely important. The cannot practice effectively without it. When we travel, they need to bring food and water, along with money for dinner after we compete. Warm clothing, extra clothing and in some cases rain gear makes all track meets more pleasant and productive. They also need to remember their uniform.
We need your help. We have 3 home varsity meets. We can’t run them without volunteers. You don’t have to be a track expert to help. We attempt to put you where your son or daughter is competing so you can watch them while volunteering. Please contact the athletic office 509-663-3384 or email if you can help. Varsity meets are March 22, April 23 and April 30.
When we travel to away meets, we prefer that all athletes travel to and from meets with the team and stay with the team until the meet is over. Wanting to get home early is not an acceptable reason to leave the meet with a parent.
It should be a great season. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me.
GO Panthers !!!
Bob Bullis
509-663-8253 home, 509-679-6743 cell