Gold Rush Show
April 9th10th2016
Butte County Fairgrounds
199 East Hazel Street, Gridley, CA
Judges:Saturday, April 9: Linda Colville
Herd name: Desert Suns
Sunday, April 10: Jill Conklin
Herd name: Dream Catcher & Sun Catcher
Chairperson: Lynn & Courtnie Braziel
11097 Grenache Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 214-1253
Showmanship:There will be NO EntryFee.
ProspectWethers:$2.50 per goat, per class, per dayentered
Pre-EntryFee:$6.00 per goat, per class, per day entered (Entries postmarked 3/30/2016andbefore)
LateEntryFee:$8.00 per goat, per class, per day entered (Entries postmarkedafter 3/30/2016)($4.50 per prospect wether, per class, per dayentered)
Pens:$7 per pen for the entire weekend (includes straw). Pen size is Large 6' x 7’, chainlinkfencing. Pens are limited. NO tack pens please! The aisles are very wide. There is plenty of room for tack, stanchions, etc. Pen assignments will be made on a perrequested basis ONLY!! (minimum10 goats entered). The fairgrounds will be doing the pen cleaning for us!Yippee!!.
Checks payableto:SPPGA - SPPGAhas a no refund policy onentryfees. ArrivalTime:Friday, April 8th after 1:00 p.m,PLEASE.
Check-InTimes:Show starts at 9:00 am both days NOCHECK IN AFTER SHOWSTARTS
Friday, April8thfrom 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, April9th from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Sunday, April10thfrom 7:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Judging Order:Saturday, 9:00 am Showmanship, Wethers, Does, 1st Buckshow, then the 2nd BuckshowSunday, 9:00 am Showmanship, Wethers,Does
NPGARules:Goats having the herd name of the judge’s herd may not be shown under thatjudge.
NPGA requires that all animals 6 months of age or older must have a legible tattoo and/or microchip prior to being shown.
ExhibitorsshallnotshowanydoeorbuckinanNPGAsanctionedshowwiththeherdnameofthejudgewhoisjudgingthe show. This rule does not apply towethers.
Although the show chair, secretary, or designee will check the registration papers prior to the goat being shown to ensure thateachgoathasbeenenteredinthecorrectageclassanddivision,itistheultimateresponsibilityoftheexhibitorthatthe exhibitor’s goat(s) is/are entered and shown in the correct class anddivision.
Registration Papers:Only animals with original registration papers or transfer of ownership (less than 90 daysold)and
registration papers will be allowed to show (with the exception ofwethers.)
Bring Only Healthy Animals:
Onlyhealthyanimalsallowedonthefairgrounds.Animalshavingrunnynoseoreyes,coughsorotherobvioussignsof illness will be requested to leave the grounds unless accompanied by a signed veterinarian statement that the animal is healthy. The decision of the show committee is final and entry fees will not be refunded.
Master Champion: SPPGA shows will be having the Master Champion competition offered at the beginning of each full show. There must be three PGCH does / bucks for each competition. Please enter your PGCH’s in the entry, and in the
columnfor class please put MC. Entry fee is $6.00 per goat, per class, per day entered. If you enter your animal and then are unabletobringit,pleasecontacttheshowChairimmediatelysotheycancontactotherownersintheeventtheshowwillnot meet the required number.
Prospect WetherClass: The purpose of the class isfor exhibitors to have the chance to show bucklingsthat are obviously goingtobewethers,buthavechosennottocastratethemataveryearlyage.Theclasswillbethefirstwetherclassjudged, howevertheseanimalswillnotcompetefortheBestWetherandReserveBestWether.Animalsenteredinthisclassmaybe registered as a wetheralready. This class is limited to animals between the ages of 0 to 5 months that have not yet been castrated. Please note that the cost to enter this class has been reduced to $2.50 ($4.50 for lateentries).
Awards: Class strip ribbons will be offered for first through fifth places in each class. During wethers, does and bucks tickets for first through fifth places will be given in each class for a drawing to be held at the end of the show and cash prizes will be given.NPGARosetteribbonswillbeawardedtotheChampionandReserveChampionineachdivisionandalsototheGrand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion in the Registered Doe and Buck Divisions. Certificates will be awarded to Premier Breeder and Exhibitor eachday.
Supplies: Alfalfa will be available for sale at the show. Please let the show chair know if needed.
Raffle: There will be a raffle after the show on Saturday, with all proceeds going to S.P.P.G.A. Tickets will be on sale all day Saturday. Any raffle donations will be greatly appreciated. Please tape your name or business card to your donations so we know who to thank!
Fairgrounds Camping: Cost: RV’s - $25/night with water and electrical hook up. Tent Camping - $10/night. Bathrooms and showers are available. Please pay with entry if staying at the fairgrounds.
Dogs: Dogs are allowed on the fairgrounds only if they are on a leash at all times and provided the owner cleans up after them. Please keep dogs away from show ring.
Lodging: There is only one motel in Gridley
1490 Hwy 99
Gridley, CA 95948
PACIFIC MOTEL - (530) 797-9298
1308 State Highway 99
Gridley, CA 95945
MOTELS IN YUBA CITY (approx. 30 mins away)
DAYS INN -(530)674-1711ECONO LODGE - (530)674-1592
700 N.PaloraAve.730 N PaloraAve
Yuba City,CA95991YubaCity,CA95991 BothYubaCitymotelsarerightoffofHwy99attheBridgeStreetlight(onleft).
Directions to Fairgrounds: From the North via I5: From the North via Hwy 99: From the South viaI5:
From the South via Hwy 99:
At Willows, take CA-162 East to Hwy 99 South. Stay on Hwy 99 until you get to Gridley. Turn left on Hazel Street and follow the road into the fairgrounds.
Stay on Hwy 99 until you get to Gridley. Turn left on Hazel Street and follow the road into the fairgrounds.
After you have gone through Sacramento and past I80 take the Hwy 99 exit. Stay on Hwy 99 until you get to Gridley. Turn right on Hazel Street and follow the road into the fairgrounds.
Stay on Hwy 99 until you get to Gridley. Turn right on Hazel Street and follow the road into the fairgrounds.
Once you are on Hazel Street follow it into the Fairgrounds. You will see a pool on your left and the fairgrounds on your right. Follow the curve in the road and look for a sign on your right (above the gate entrance) that says ARENA ENTRANCE - GATE 5. Turn in and follow it to the right. You will see signs posted for the show. You AreThere!