Members:Present: Erick Yanzon(VP for Academic Affairs, Chair); Greg Smith (Vice Provost for Information Technology/CIO); MeganBroadie (Student at-large); Penelope Kipps (Student at-large) Jane Tarabochia (Student at-large)John Friesen(Faculty, Decision Sciences Faculty Representative from the Academic Technology Committee);


Secretary: Leanna Sauerlender (AS Board Assistant for Academic Shared Governance)

Diana Bateman (non-voting) (Administrative Assistant to the Vice Provost Office for Information Technology/CIO and Secretary for the STF Committee)


Erick Yanzon, As VP for Academic Affairscalled the meeting to order at9:06 a.m.

  1. Information Item
  1. Review of Tech Initiative Abstracts

The committee began discussing the scitech electron microscopy lab upgrade. They next talked about the scientific diving portable gas. They thought it seemed like a small reasonable amount of money to give. Next they focused on a planetarium. They all thought that the committee should suggest more marketing and outreach as an encouragement along with the funding. They agreed to fund the proposal. One of the members mentioned that it was one of the few student abstracts. Finally, the committee consulted the preparing teachers abstract. It was mentioned that Woodring proposes something like this every year.

  1. Decisions about abstracts (yes/no) regarding requests for full proposals

The committee then moved on to deciding whether or not they wanted to say yes or no regarding request for full proposals. Yanzon said that there was a possibility that the surplus could be better utilized next year. One of the members suggested that they come to next week meetings with a checklist because he is worried that they won’t be able to remember some of the earlier abstracts. The committee decided that it would be better to come prepared next week in order to give the proposal process justice. Yanzon suggested that the minutes be sent to the committee in order to serve as a refresher. Bateman suggested that if there is a no vote on an abstract there is a justifiable consensus that the committee comes to.

  1. STF surplus funds: How to spend?

Then the committee moved on to discussing how to spend the surplus fund. They are moving forward to ITP through Comcast in all of the resident’s halls. The students will then be able to stream entertainment anywhere on campus. He suggested that they pump up WIFI distribution throughout campus and gave further detail on what the update would include. There was contention on the committee on whether or not to allocate all of the surplus funds to Wi-Fi on campus. Some members thought that it should get all of the money, while some thought that it should only receive a portion of it.

  1. Adjourn

Erick Yanzonadjourned the Meeting at 9:49