Papers of Accepted or Published
1. Journal Papers
[1] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Family of Data-Flow Testing Methodologies," Int'l Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 1-5, 1991. [EI][INSPEC]
[2] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Family of Testing Path Selection Criteria," Int'l Journal of Information and Management, Vol.2, no.1, pp.81-93, 1991. [EI][Current Contents]
[3] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "Selecting a Testing Criterion Based on Quantitative Analysis," Int'l Journal of Information Sciences, Vol.79, No.1&2, pp.109-121,1994. [EI][SCI][INSPEC][ABI/Inform][Current Contents]
[4] Wen C. Pai and Chun-Chia Wang, "Toward Automatic Testing for Object-Oriented Class Hierarchies Using Z," International Journal of Applied Software Technology, Vol.3, No.4, pp.223-251, 1997 [INSPEC]
[5] Wen C. Pai and Chun-Chia Wang, "A Formal Approach to Object-Oriented Software Testing and Complexity Measurement with Z," International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol.20, No.3, pp.147-158, 1998 [EI][INSPEC]
[6] T.K. Shih, Y.C. Lin, Wen C. Pai and C.C. Wang, "An Object-Oriented Design Complexity Metric based on Inheritance Relationships," International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.8, No.4, pp.541-566, 1998 [EI] [SCI] [SSCI] [CMCI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[7] Wen C. Pai, Chun-Chia Wang and D.J. Jiang, “Selecting Software Testing Criterion based on Complexity Measurement,” TamKang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp.23-28, 1999 [EI]
[8] C.C. Wang, Wen C. Pai, L.P. Hung and D.J. Chiang, “A Technique for Behavior Testing of SET Payment based on Petri Nets,” TamKang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.117-121, 2000 [EI]
[9] Wen C. Pai, “A Quality-Enhancing Software Function Deployment Model,” Information Systems Management, Vol.19, No.3, pp.20-24, 2002 [SCI][INSPEC][Current Contents]
[10] Wen C. Pai, Chin-Ang Wu, “A Program Recognition and Auto-Testing Approach,” Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2002 [ISTP/ISI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[11] Wen C. Pai, “A Design Validation Strategy based on Process Flow Analysis,” Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2003 [ISTP/ISI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[12] Wen C. Pai, “Hierarchical Analysis for Discovering Knowledge in Large Databases,” Information Systems Management, pp.81-88, winter, 2004
[SCI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[13] Wen C. Pai, Chi-Ming Chung, Ching-Tang Hsieh, C.C. Wang and Y. H. Wang, ”Software Testing Methodology with the Control Flow Analysis,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.21, No.6, pp.1213-1226, 2005 [SCI][EI]
[14] Wen-Chang Pai and Shiau-Wen Hung, “A study on Living Environment Selection for Aging Society with Data Analysis Technologies”, Journal of Management Information Computing, Vol.5, No.4, pp.112-120, 2016.8
2. Conference Papers
[1] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "Testing Methodologies Development and Selection," Accepted by Int'l Conference On Information and System, AMSE, Hangzhou, China, Oct 9-11, 1991.
[2] Chi-Ming Chung, Wen C. pai and Ying-Hong Wang, "A Quantitative Measurement of Testing Methodologies," Proceeding of South East Asia Regional Computer Conference, pp. 43.01-43.14, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 11-14, 1992.
[3] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Quantitative Analysis for different testing Methodologies," Proceeding of 7th Int'l Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp.673-676, Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 2-4, 1992.
[4] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Quantitative Measurement for Different Testing Methodologies," Proceeding of Int'l Conference on Computers, Communications and Automation, IEEE Region 10, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 9-13, 1992.
[5] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Quantitative Analysis Between All-P-Uses/Some-C-Uses and All-P-Uses criterion," Accepted by Int'l Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control, Hefei, China, Oct. 5-7, 1992.
[6] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, " An Investigation for Different Testing Criteria," Accepted by int'l Multiconference on Signals, Data, systems, Calcutta, India, Dec. 7-9, 1992.
[7] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "Investigating and Evaluating Testing Path Selection Criteria," Accepted by 11th Int'l Conference of the Int'l Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Annecy, France, May 19-21, 1993.
[8] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "A Quantitative Measurement Between All-Uses and All-c-usesa/some-p-uses Criterion," Accepted by Int'l Conference of Information and Systems Methods Applied to Engineering Problems, Malta Island (Mediterranea), Dec.28-30, 1993.
[9] Chi-Ming Chung and Wen C. Pai, "Testing Criteria Selecting Strategy," Proceeding of IEEE Region 10's Ninth Annual International Conference, pp.785-789, Singapore, Aug. 22-26, 1994. [EI]
[10]白文章, "以計量比較為基礎選擇軟體測試方法," 第十屆全國技職教育研討會, pp.491-500, 1995年3月.
[11]白文章, "一種循序軟體測試技術," 第十一屆全國技職教育研討會, pp.91-99, 1996年3月.
[12] Timothy K. Shih, C.M. Chung, C. C. Wang and Wen C. Pai, “Decomposition of Inheritance Hierachy DAGs for Object-Oriented Software Metrics,”Proceeding of 1997 IEEE Conf. and Workshop on Eng. of Computer-based Systems, pp.238-245, 1997. [EI]
[13] Wen C. Pai, “Conducting a Test Adequacy Criterion with Sequential Approach,” Proceeding of Software Quality Engineering, pp.247-256, 1997. [EI]
[14] C.C. Wang, T.K. Shih, Y.C. Lin and W.C. Pai, “Automatic Approach To Object-Oriented Software Testing and Metrics for C++ Inheritance Hierarchies,” Proceeding of Int’l conference on Information, Communications and Singal Proceeing, Vol.2, pp.934-938, 1997 [EI]
[15] Wen C. Pai, Chun-Chia Wang and Hsienyi Lin, "A Study of Software Testing Based on Program Complexity," Proceeding of the Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, pp.44-47, 1997. [ISTP/ISI]
[16] C.C. Wang, W.C. Pai and T.K. Shih, “Automatic Object-Oriented Testing for C++ Inheritance Hierarchy,” Proceeding of IEEE Int’l Automated Software Engineering Conference, pp.315-316, 1997 [EI]
[17] T.K. Shih, C.M. Chung, C.H. Kuo, H.C. Keh, Y.H. Wang, A.Y. Chang and W.C. Pai,”Multimedia Presentation Designs using Spatial/Temporal Relations,” Proceeding of IEEE Int’l conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.1, pp.123-128, 1997 [EI]
[18] T.K. Shih, C.H. Kuo, C.M. Chung, H.C. Keh, Y.H. Wang, D.R. Jiang and W.C. Pai, “Stepwise Refinement Approach to Multimedia Presentation Designs,” Proceeding of IEEE Int’l conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.1, pp.117-122, 1997 [EI]
[19] T.K. Shih, L.R. Chao, C.M. Chung, Y.H. Wang, W.C. Lin and W.C. Pai, “Knowledge Abstraction Approach for Multimedia Presentation, “ Proceeding of the annual Southeastern symposium on System Theory, pp. 528-532, 1997 [EI]
[20] T.K. Shin, D.R. Jiang, J.C. hung, Wen C. Pai and C.C. Wang, “Asychronous Multimedia Processing Using Timed Petri Nets,” Proceeding of the ISCA 13th International Conference, pp.314-317, 1998
[21] Wang CC, Pai WC, Chen SW, “Using Z approach to object-oriented software testing and metrics for C++ inheritance hierarchies,” Proceeding of 13th International Conference on Computers and their Applications, pp. 42-45, 1998 [ISTP/ISI]
[22] Wen C. Pai, Chun-Chia Wang and D.J. Chiang, "A Petri Net Model for Objected-Oriented Class Testing," Proceeding of International Computer Symposium, pp.224-228, 1998.
[23] T.K. Shih, Y.H. Wang, C.H. Kuo, D.R. Jiang, J.C. Hung, W.C. Pai and C.C. Wang, “Software Engineering Approach to Multimedia Presentation Designs,” Proceeding of the Hawaii Int’l conference on system sciences, pp.37-46, 1998 [EI]
[24] T.K. Shih, Y.H. Wang, C.H. Kuo, L.Y. Deng, D.R. Jiang, W.C. Pai and C.C. Wang, “Spatial/Temporal Relation Computing Technology for Multimedia Presentation Designs,” Proceeding of the Hawaii Int’l conference on system sciences, pp.27-36, 1998 [EI]
[25] T. K. Shih, Hwei-jen Lin, Jason C. Hong, Ding-rong Jiang, Chun-chia Wang, Wen C. Pai, "A CASE approach to visual presentation designs," Proceedings of the 12th international conference on information networking(ICOIN-12), pp.714-717, 1998
[26] Chun-Chia Wang, Wen C. Pai , D.J. Jiang and M.C. Lee, “Using Software Metrics-Based Approach to Reduce Software Complexity of Inheritance Relationships,” Proceeding of Advance in Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, Vol.1, pp.16-20, 1999
[27] Chun-Chia Wang, Wen C. Pai and D.J. Jiang, “Class Testing of Object-Oriented Programs based on Petri Net,” Proceeding of Advance in Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, Vol.1, pp.26-30, 1999
[28] D.J. Chiang, Wen C. Pai and C.C. Wang, “Multimedia Objects Processing Based on Timed Petri Net Model,” Proceeding of Advance in Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, Vol.1, pp.121-125, 1999
[29] D.J. Chiang, C.C. Wang and Wen C. Pai, “Structural Multimedia presentation Machine based on Software Testing,” Proceeding of Advance in Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications, Vol.1, pp.126-130, 1999
[30] C.C. Wang, Wen C. Pai and D.J. Jiang, ”Using a Petri Net Model approach to Object-Oriented Class Testing,” Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Systens, Man and Cybernetics, pp.824-828, 1999 [EI]
[31] Wen C. Pai, Chun-Chia Wang and D.J. Chiang, “A Software Development Model based on Quality Measurement,” Proceeding of the ISCA 13th Int’l Conference, Hawaii, U.S.A., pp.40-43, 2000 [ISTP/ISI]
[32] Wang CC, Pai WC, Hung LP, “A software metrics-based approach to reducing software complexity of object-oriented designs,” Proceeding of 5th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Vol.1&2, pp.303-306, 2000 [ISTP/ISI]
[33] C.C. Wang, Wen C. Pai and J.C. Hung, “A Petri Nets Approach to behavior Testing of SET Payment,” Proceeding of 2000 Int’l Conference on Information Society in the 21st Century , Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, pp.46-51, 2000
[34] Wen C. Pai and Chin-An Wu, “A Program Recognition and Auto-Testing Approach,” Proceeding of The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 1, pp.377-382, 2002 [ISTP/ISI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[35] Wen C. Pai and C. C. Wang, “A Design Validating Methodology with Control Flow Analysis,” Proceeding of The 8th ISSAT Int’l. conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Anaheim, California, USA, pp.311-315, 2002
[36] Wen C. Pai, “A Design Validation Strategy based on Process Flow Analysis,” Proceeding of 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol.6, pp.73-78, 2003 [ISTP/ISI] [INSPEC] [Current Contents]
[37] Wen C. Pai, “Program Recognition and Testing based on Control-Flow Analysis,” Proceeding of The 9th ISSAT Int’l. conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp.70-74, 2003
[38] Wen C. Pai, “A Mining Methodology for Composed and Dependent Database,” Proceeding of The 11th ISSAT Int’l. conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pp.285-289, 2005
[39] Wen C. Pai and Y. C. Su, “A study of Applying Gray Relation Neural Network and Fuzzy Inference System to Taiwan Index Futures Forecasting,“財務工程與精算科學研討會, 東吳大學, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.79-99, 2009
[40] Wen C. Pai and C. C. Hsieh, “ A study of Applying Gray Relation Analysis to Neural Network Stock Trend Forecasting,” 財經學術研討會, 真理大學, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.41-54(B1), 2009
[41] Wen C. Pai and Chien-Hua Lin, “Forecasting Life Insurance Industry Operation Policy with Important Economic Indicator and Insurance data,” 海峽兩岸與東亞地區財經與商學研討會, 東吳大學, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
[42] C. C. Wang, Wen C. Pai and N. Y. Yen, “A Sharable e-Learning Platform Based on Cloud Computing,” Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, Shanghai, China, 2011
[43] Wen C. Pai and Zhi-Hong Wang, “A Study of Renewal Factors of Auto Damage Insurance with Data Mining Technologies,” 2011年海峽兩岸金融與資本市場發展創新研討會, 蘇州大學, Suzhou, China, 2011
[44] Wen C. Pai, Chien-Hua Lin and Windy Tan, “Analyzing the Factors Affect First Year Premium of Life Insurance Products,” 2012海峽兩岸保險與風險管理學術研討會, 西南財經大學, Chengdu, China, 2012
[45] Wen C. Pai and C. L. Jan, “An Analysis of Factors Affecting Housing Prices in Taiwan with Data Mining Technologies,” 2013年海峽兩岸經濟轉型與管理創新研討會, 蘇州大學, Suzhou, China, 2013
[46] Wen C. Pai and Zhi-Hong Wang, “A Study of Insurers Insolvencies with Data Mining Technologies,” 2013海峽兩岸保險與危險管理學術研討會,淡江大學, Taiwan, 2013
[47] Wen C. Pai and Yunn-Chu Chen, “Applying multimedia for combining harp music and photography design - As Thomas: Autumn for example,” International Conference on Digital Technology and Creative Design, Xiamen, China, 2014
[48] Yung-Ming Hsieh and Wen C. Pai, “The Analysis of the Effect of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement on the Operation Performance of Taiwan Banks,” 2015 Symposium of Management Accounting and Corporate governance, Beijing Institute of Technology, ZHUHAI, China, 2015
[49] Wen-Chang Pai and Shiau-Wen Hung, “A study of Living Environment of Aging Society with Data Mining Technology”, Linkin Conference, Kaohsiung , Taiwan, June, 2016
[50] Wen-Chang Pai, "A Study of Corporate Governance Financial Crisis Warning with Data Analysis Technologies," 2017 National Computer Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan, December, 2017